Holy shit. How openly corrupt can the Democrats be?

Holy shit. How openly corrupt can the Democrats be?

Justice will be served for Judge Kavanaugh. Red wave coming soon. Bigger than ever.

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You sowed the wind for decades to come. I fear that the whole country will reap the whirlwind.

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lets go out there and lick some boots republifriends

blacked.com from pornhub is filled with actaul "gang rapists"

not one of there porno scenes ever feel consensual.

>all rapey vibe
>mainstream porn
>liberals will never put "blacked" in the #metoo

its funny how republicans think the wave is gonna be red when there the party who gave us dipshits like donald trump and brett kavanaugh

better enjoy your guns while they last.because the wave is gonna be blue,and its gonna be "bigger than ever" in the words of your illiterate president "bigly"

Red wave? Lol thats a great joke

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>actually being this retarded

>something mostly irrelevant to people's lives will create a red wave 6 weeks from now.
this meme needs to die.

The fact you have those pictures just shows how triggered you are, great job faggot lol

What is corrupt is that they won't eat their own. Let's investigate bill and joe while we're at it. Kavanaugh is most probably guilty. That's where I'd put my shekels

>Red wave coming soon

And what is that gonna change for the average person, exactly? Your country is still fucked. Jobs here pay shit if and when they are available. Our cities are still shit stains. Really, I want to know how life has improved for anybody since Trump got in, other than muh portfolio.

How far right do you think Kav has been pushed by people like you? Enjoy his confirmation.

It won't matter. The Dems will still control the government. They don't pay any attention to gay shit like laws, they will just do whatever they want because no one stops them.

I love how you faggots said he was getting confirmed today, and now we get it postponed another fucking weak, your fucking tears are delicious

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This is why you should never have a simple majority decide a major federal position like the SC.

And yours will be even sweeter when you lose AGAIN. Why do you come and say annoying nonsense on a board where you are not welcome? What do you think you are accomplishing?

as long as he is confirmed before the midterm no harm was done in fact he will rape roe v wade as his first action for revenge.

I come here to laugh at you obviously, you faggots are just so fucking dumb, not to mention constantly whining day after day. As far kavanaugh getting appointed, that's a good joke.

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Touche but it's still on course to happen. If you can't bamboozle the turtle in time we win.

Its “big league” you fucking retard.

You are fucking retarded, he can't just up and reverse roe v wade, he has to wait for a case regarding abortions to reach the supreme court to reverse it.

Has anybody bothered to lookup this lady’s house on google to see if she’s got two front doors

The shills are in force today.

This, sadly. No real change can come from fucking votes

More tax in return. Self destruction of the social justice culture. Liberal tears. Stock market all time high. Less unemployment. More jobs coming back to America. China getting fucked by tariffs 3 times more for each equivalent tariff. Meeting with North Korea. More sanctions on Russia. Can't even post here cause too many.

Get fucked.


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They had paid soros-funded shills lambaste Flake, tricked him to flip, they're so corrupt there's no ends to it

Dude, the rating and water cooler talk are off the charts, everyone is politic now.

6 decades of subversive elements undermining the US.

Hurrrr why hasn’t trump fixed everything in 2 years.

There’s no difference between Trump and Obama? Are you retarded?

Nah, Dems will win. Then we get enslaved by corporations in a hellscape.

We live in the Era of Evil now WITEBOI!

>all economics related

Yes, please stop posting images on this imageboard.

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>Then we get enslaved by corporations
Who could you vote for that wouldn't result in this though?

Is there?

>How openly corrupt can the Democrats be?

Remember this guy? The left isn't forgetting any time soon.

3 Million more people voted for Clinton. Trump only won three states by barely 0.5% after historic foreign influence. McConnell knew and sabotaged Obama's effort to combat it in a bipartisan way.

Democrats won congress popular vote too. GOP only got more seats through gerrymandering.

Its the GOP that plays dirty, if they didn't neither Gorsuch or Kavanaugh would be nominated.

Republicans should be worried, because a majority of the nation doesn't see all three branches of government as legitimate. You half way joke about "civil war" but in a few years if this continues it won't be so funny any more when your government is entirely corrupt and all accountability to the people has been slowly eroded piece by piece.

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