Things you can say about ISIS, but not your girlfriend

Things you can say about ISIS, but not your girlfriend

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You totally blew me up!

Loves trying new things on camera

ISIS actually exists.

isis exists


Where she's buried.

Seldom allows entry to black men

They have some ugly fucking feet

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My wife likes your name.

Nah. My grammar is better.

Nice beard, sir

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operates best at night in a mask

they have interesting stories

>has burning passion and likes to fuck me

now there's a cameltoe to be proud of

point of view is concrete and can be easily interpreted

I love seeing 'em on the receiving end of a huge missile

They really know how to work the head.

fun to hang out with

There are more than one

every time you wear that bathrobe you get sand in your vagina

ISIS is a product of my country

Gets paid by Zionists

They exist

You da bomb. Im gettin a You dammit.

when you speak it sounds like there's something stuck in your throat

I love that you're so halal senpai.

Is the bomb

Based Jew.

They like a guys that's serious about getting head

Well shit user, I didn't lurk this thread for feels.

causes people to lose their heads

you know how i gave you a rock? well i'm taking it back

They duck for cover when I shoot my load

i get over a gorillion points now right drew?

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i thought you'd be more effective under the sheets

it's not me, it's jew

go to /b/ fagot, pol is for chads

your mother can't drive

Its the Jews!

much harder to get rid of

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I would love to have an intelligent discussion with you.

it's really dry under your dress

your cousins are related


>not having an antisemitic gf

let's take a trip to the beach in cuba

You drive that Toyota really well

your brother is well hung

Don't forget your good friends the uk and usa!

I will now post the first 10 i have in my pile out of shame.

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did you take a shower this week? you smell much better

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can actually drive worth a shit


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you have to get on your knees three times a day


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They love it in the ass

Not stingy with the head.

you can only eat after dark this month

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the beard is fine but you're gonna have to shave off your mustache

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You have shit skin

Since you asked.

>does it fast and hard in the bed of a Toyota hilux

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thats not how you polish a statue

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ISIS wouldn't argue about giving me some head

don't fuck any other men. if you have a sexual emergency while i'm away, just fuck this goat

In transit or id pull out oldies I have at home.

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I would die for you, insha'allah

youre not white

>t. mutts

Seemingly worthless sacks of shit actually have a great deal of value as tinder.

My girlfriend wasn’t created by Israel

You’re not nearly as attention-craved

Banned on twitter.

you know, they'd probably let you be the mayor of london

i don't care what you say, me and my friends are laying down the pipeline in your desert

...and yes, everything produced with kike input rapidly becomes a sack of shit, no matter how much money you dump into it. Be it a female or an ethnically ratfaced supremacist wahabbiist controlled opposition.

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You aren't of jewish origin


6 gorillion to be exact user

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They’re real

about time. i almost retired

My wife sucks my fucking cock

Well both of them are Jewish plants made to undermine stability in the area.

They give awful head

you really don't understand how this game works do you?

Is american


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Actually believes somethings in this world are worth dying for.