Yaaasss slay queen

Yaaasss slay queen

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>fighting the symptoms
>not the cause
Put all boomers into the gas chambers.

probably a bunch of boomer scum who liked that

>pic related

Anyone who uses fiction to dictate their political ideology deserves what's coming for them.

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But studies say Gen Z is actually more conservative!

>the future is female
>we all look like Dachau residents
sounds right to me

why are they always using this fucking harry potter analogy ?

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I've never met a man over 5 foot 3 who liked shitty hairy pothead.


>dystopian nightmare of violence and persecution
For white males, yeah.

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>puts angry political text over an image of Diane Feinstein
This is a thread for bad lefty may maya

All according to The Protocols.

Umbridge literally did nothing wrong. Hogwarts was fucking chaos before she got there.

Hmm.......I'm pretty sure all philosophy derived from anologys. Made up stories. Fiction

don't bring mad max into this shit

Well because of that evil president drumpf I got a new job this year making an extra 36,000. A new job created due to tax cuts and a roaring economy. And I do love point that out too these people. They shut up really quickly.

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Looks like life is tough for a democrat.

Everything seems calm in my end. People leaving to go to work in the morning, birds chirping, kids playing, hot girls jogging....Where is this dystopian nightmare of violence and persecution this stupid motherfucker is talking about?

Replace trump with a picture of a jew and accurate

I've seen most of these movies, but I didn't really pay attention, it was just kind of on in the background. I don't get harry potter references. I can imply that slytherin is a house, or clan.. or is it a person? Either way, this is a 10/10 cringe meme.

Hogwarts had literal slaves but it's okay because they liked being slaves

I'm probably from the same generation as this faggot and I think he's wrong and stupid.

These cunts make the same mistake over and over, they assume they are the majority, "the right side of history."

Even her avatar is fat.

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>raise kids to be simpletons
>have the ability to manipulate their retarded malnourished minds with fables

what r u doing ?
i need real job

These are retarded. Trump would be the good guys. No way Hillary would be anything other than the evil faggots. Did they miss the part of their gay movies where evil is always seductive and presents itself as good because, you know, nobody wants to think of themselves as evil?

Giant fucking pussy assed faggot. Do it kids cuz I'm too much of a faggot and can't be bothered to break a nail

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Fuck that is so cringey.

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>Literally admitting media brainwashes children
...and that's a good thing!

This is going to be hilarious when young women try and fist fight men without the aid of stunt wires and willing choreography partners. Wonder how long they will fight after it become apparent they won't actually meet the "shy pretty boy with a dark secret who admires her for her inner strength" and its actually a dirty bloody affair, filled with shit, vomit and death instead of a romance novel. Bonus points for every bit of forearm fillet they produce trying to use a bow during their "uprising"

the smartphones were a mistake

some people just shouldnt be on the internet.

Millenial here. I had to reread this to realize they weren't talking about the DNC and Hillary. Yeah, pretty much sums up my feelings about the whole thing, but I would see the entire corrupt political establishment hanged before I blamed Trump for an 8th of the things other people do.

>The future is female
>Women have to act like men because all the men are gone now
>100 years later
>Sure wish we had some men to do this shit instead of us

The difference between those stories and real life is that magic isn't real and no amount of autistic screeching will change that and give you what you want.
Fuck me I actually used to like Harry Potter and a lot of these other things. I'm not even allowed to enjoy my old interests anymore because now I see the kikes and their propaganda behind it

wasn't doloris umbridge directly an argument against the individual need to defend oneself? That one could trust the government and their spooks to deal with all the baddies so we should all lie back and think of england

i mean really did they think their own tortured metaphor?

>Oh wow lets fight voldemort by giving fudge all the power he wants

Im glad Im not a pathetic retard like these people. Literal rats in a maze

No no Umbridge is Betsy Devos
Go to the office of corrections, this wrong think will not be tolerated

Holy fuck. Leftist Millennials really think they’re living in a teen novel fantasy world, don’t they? Guys, I don’t know if I can stand living in this world anymore. My only choices are to purge all leftists or to kill myself. I really don’t want to kill myself, but igniting a right wing revolution is becoming more and more unlikely. Fuck this world.

>their hope, jobs, futures stripped away
is he talking about white men?


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Yes, we're all aware that progressives have been brought-up on a diet of ridiculous fantasies
Consequently they think they're the lead-actor in their own quest against evil
And if they don't think that, they think all that matters is "being happy" and #YOLO
Gee, I wonder why they're reaching their 30s without any skills or competence...

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Twitter makes me actually angry at how fucking stupid people are. I need to delete my account.

Some dumb fucking bitch was like
"Well one witness is enough to convict someone of murder, why not rape?"
Then all the fucking NPCs were like "GOOD POINT!"

FUUUUCK. I want to smash these people into paste. They don't deserve to live.

One of my all time favourites.

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>How do you do, fellow young'uns?
Someone's having a bit of a crisis.

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>grew up on a bunch of unrealistic magical fiction
>a bunch of rednecks who actually practice at the gun-range

>Consequently they think they're the lead-actor in their own quest against evil
What until they realize they're not.

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>A new job
>created due to tax cuts and a roaring economy
Holy shit you are naieve

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oh yeah.... sometimes i forget what she looked like before she grew the bitchin stache

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>Yes, we're all aware that progressives have been brought-up on a diet of ridiculous fantasies
Everyone since antiquity was brought up on a diet of ridiculous fantasies. What is different here is that the social structures have used those fantasies to contort peoples reality into doing the wrong thing instead of the right one. This is precisely why when you read someone drawing a caparison between real world politics and Harry Potter it is not just cringy, it's downright ironic.

People here do it too, just with different franchises; LotR, warhammer, etc.

Attributing it 100% to Trump is reaching... but the economy has improved more, and faster, since his taking office. He has truly improved the outlook for SMBs.

I cut hiring to minimal levels - replacement only - from 2010-2016. Expanded and hired more this year and last.

> The last harry potter MOVIE was released 7 years ago
> Rated PG-13
> Even if you watched the last movie released at the movie at age 10, today you would be 17, almost old enough to get a job and go to the college
> Get them "children"
Fucking millennials

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That is from groundwork Obama laid, there hasn't been time for Trump to make any difference. Ending the wars has saved the USA trillions. Ignore flag I am on vacation.

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She looks like every fictional police chief in every cop show that ever existed

>Goddammit McKowsky! You can't just go around shooting drug dealers. We're officers of the law! Gimme yer badge and gun! Yer suspended!

Wasn't Harry Potter pro Trump?
It should the MoM being corrupt didn't it?

The generations that have it super easy will complain the most. My grand father started in Nazi germany. Got put into the war in 45 when he was 15. Wounded. POW for years. Came home to a broken nation under russian occupation. You know what? I don't remember him complaining even once in his life. He sent 2 Children to College. Build a House and payed for 2 other. Not a single complaint. Ever. Todays People are fucking lazy ass whiny pussies.

Fiction replaces facts.
Emotional anecdote replaces data.
Proven false theories replace historical events.
Ideological fantasy replaces thought.
Responsibility replaces evil.

>Put all boomers into the gas chambers.

Id prefer Gen X. Boomers are fucked up but Gen X took it to a whole new level.

Most gen x women dont even have kids. Its why the West has been flooded with "workers" because they wanted to travel and party, instead of settling down.

And the ones who do have kids, have turned them into SJW's

>bottom right is a girl

>Fat SJW''s think they will be able to control millions of angry brown men.

Sometimes I want them to win so they get fucked over by the new comers.

Only analogy that makes sense wuth current political climate is LoTR and Warhammer.

Do they mention this shit?

Obama literally did nothing. He rode out the business cycle and led the Fed do all the actual work. If the government did its job the economy would have been back up and roaring in 2010.


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End times are on the way.

I always admire WW2 German veterans and their stories

dios mio

It's the only book they are familiar with.

i love tehse

>purge all leftists
purge all leftists

Imagine being so retarded that you can't see Slytherin for what they REALLY are; ubermensch who seek to conquer the world around them. Some are just ruined by the power.

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Maybe. I'd point to higher taxes and regulatory burdens though that were a huge drag though. It could have been better, sooner.

Under Obama Capital gains +5%, top income +5%, ACA +3.8%, and the kooky $1T stim/jobs bills was the 'best' of both worlds -- public funding AND introducing more regulations for employers. Yipee.

Private investment tanked under Obama -- the whole time. That's damning.

Private investment has gone crazy good under Trump.

Emotion, faith, and belief in a Trump Boom may fuel some of this, as we know the stock market thrives on that. But the tax cuts (business tax, and repatriation reduction) has had actual fiscal impact too.

>tfw you realize that real life violent revolution isn’t actually analogous to a children’s movie

Leftists are retarded as fuck

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hail mustache nationalism, any huwhite man who doesn't have one is literally a onions faggot.

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This. Whether we win or lose, they lose either way. They deserve every bit of Islam. I suppose getting gang raped by Somalis is better to them than climbing the social ladder by their own merit and not being having it handed to them simply for having a pussy.

Patrick "I've made the sex with so many m'ladies" S. Tomlinson


I don't care anymore, I'm tired of the attacks on family, good christian values, and masculinity
I want you all fucking dead, I want you to suffer for what you LEFTIST parasites have cheated us out on, A stable job, Marriage and home FUCK YOU FUCK YOU

>She was kidnapped and raped by centaurs
Jesus christ, the left has no sympathy for the victims of sexual assault.


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Send in the children. What who me? Oh I'm not really much of a fighter. More of a talker.

>tfw you'll never join the foriegn legion of the US revolution army fighting along side Timmy TeaBagger

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They're seeing it through their filter, dipshit. The question, Raymond, is why do they not see themselves as the bad guys?

>a restaurant or plumbing business you painstakingly built up from nothing over years of hard work and personal sacrifice

Obama: you didn’t build that

>Obama leaves office, economy immediately approves due largely to Trump taking a machete to Obama’s dumb nigger socialism

Obama: this is all me

Kys faggot