Romania born diaspora raised and lived in Spain all my life

Romania born diaspora raised and lived in Spain all my life.
I'm currently a member of a right wing conservative political movement.

Ask me anything politically related.

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If you live in Barcelona do me a solid and drink bleach

why don't you kys?

Gypsy? Leave spain, your people have done enough damage there.

because he knows at least hes not a russian

How do we save Romania?

Kill yourself rumeno di merda

no, I dislike catalonians in general
they are greedy and think they are superior to the rest of us

I'm not a selfloathing guilt ridden cuck like most other people my age

If I didn't feel at home or think of myself just another spaniard I would leave but this is where I grew up and I love this country

romanians and russians have similar facial characteristics, I have baltic characteristics which helps me avoid other romanians

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I don't care
You don't belong in Spain
Leave now

Are you going to make him leave over the internet? Cuck leaf

>rumeno di merda
why don't you fuck back to italy famalam?

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go back to china, leaf

more bandwidth

You don't belong in Canada ANGLO.

What kind of movement? Is it somthing like HSM?

What are your thoughts on VOX?

why do Romanians like Mike "Gypsys are in Jeopardy" Stoklasa?

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When are you going back?

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exterminate the gypsies and give death penalties to corrupt politicians
if I've learned one thing about the rest of romanians living here severe bodily harm of death is their only deterrent from not acting like savages and thiefs

I don't want to say which but it's not VOX
my thoughts on them? I 100% agree with their manifest but I obviously can't join because of my nationality so that sucks

literally who?

I have no cultural ties to Romania and I don't feel like one of them
why don't you go back to whatever country your ancestors came from?

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He's also known as Mike "Bane of the Blackies" Stoklasa, you may have heard of him

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Go back to your country beaner

I don't want to migrate to an unfamiliar country and abandon what I consider to be my home

rings 0 bells, did a search and he's a wannabe actor and theatre/movie critique and he's a suspect white supremacist?
no idea why romanians like this guy, he seems like just another npc

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Yo onions español pero hace décadas dejé ese barco que se hunde demográficamente. Preguntas:

Vas a votar por VOX?
Si no es VOX, cuál es la alternativa?
Cuáles son las ciudades más islamizadas hoy en día?
Qué medios valen la pena? Cuando me fui, Intereconomía estaba haciendo cosas interesantes. Hay algo más hoy en día?

no te culpo por irte, los españoles de mi edad (20-30) pasan de tener hijos o tienen 1 como mucho mientras que los panchitos y los moros tienen mínimo 3 y por Madrid no es nada raro ver familias con hasta 8
Barcelona es más de lo mismo pero con más variedad de indeseables

yo en las últimas municipales he estado votando CC (no puedo votar a nivel estatal hasta que no me saque la nacionalidad - cosa que podría haber conseguido hace ya 10 años cuando cumplí 18 pero tengo motivos personales por no hacerlo)

no hay una buena alternativa a VOX y en las próximas estoy dudando si seguir votando CC porque seamos sinceros los únicos que han demostrado querer pactar con ellos es PP y eso sí que no

las más islamizadas son las ciudades costeras del mediterráneo, absolutamente todas, sobretodo almeria

ahora mismo ningún medio es sincero, intereconomia hace tiempo que dejaron de ser honestos

>western civilization

Just say white civilization we know that's what you fucking mean

the terms are interchangeable aren't they?

Marqués de la Ensenada.
Your time will come filthy subhuman.

Pues te deseo suerte. Ahora que he visto lo acelerado que ha sido el asalto a Europa en general, te recomiendo que ahora que seas ciudadano promuevas no solamente lo políticamente válido para España pero también lo que subyace en lo cultural y civilizaciónal: que los jóvenes nativos tengan hijos y muchos.

Viva España!

Asks a white country in the far east

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If a good right wing conservative party ever gets in government and fixes this country I wouldn't fault them if they decide to deport me because I understand and support countries looking after their own first and foremost
I would be saddened and I'd probably go to the country most culturally similar to Spain

viva España hermano, ya veremos si conseguimos despertar la juventud y conseguir salvar el país

white is a blanket term popularised by burgers, most europeans differentiate between the various caucasian ethnicities