Tomas Wictor was suspended from twitter allegedly for his Alyssa Milano thread. Is this the thought police
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Don't always like his views but at least he is entertaining and call out the lefty nonsense
Good fuck that puke.
he shared some of his collection of rare ww2 photogs so at least he contributed
Very nice. He always brings up interesting historical shit, but his threads are WAY too self-indulgent
He is a weird storyteller that makes up a lot of fantastical political theories, but you should know that he also posted something today about finally noticing that all of the people attacking him and attacking trump were from a certain tribe. Though he blamed it on their tribe having a predilection toward leftism instead of them being lying self interested saboteurs.
It's not like it wasn't
He paints a vivid picture. Sad!
I don't like Jew lover Thomas Wictor but goddamn
I've seen some of Wictor's stuff, I bet he is having a 8.0 on the wictor scale right now.
Imagine the smell
>8.0 on the wictor scale
digits confirm
He isn't wrong.
I used to follow him when I was on Twitter. He was, odd, but interesting. He had some pretty intriguing theories about organization at the Berkely riots during the election.
Huh, probably just another kook, nothing to see here
I dont believe anything about the super arab commandos
I have something that Alyssa has seen that some investigators in the FBI may not be privy to.
> pic related
I thought you went to sleep already...
The most powerful military force in the history of the universe with supersonic drones and magic bullets. What's not to believe?
The dude is clearly insane and thinks his opinions are fact.
Yet Twitter won’t do shit when empowered feminists dox guys in the name of Christine Ford.
Flawless Wictory!!!
violated (their) rules with a very vague threat of violence, they dont enforce them equally so you dont know what crosses the imaginary line
Why is Milano even at these hearings?
She was Dianne Feinsteins guest. Also she has a show she is trying to push on netflix, so it's like free exposure or something.
I wonder if she might have been Ford's acting coach. Would that make sense?
>Tomas Wictor was suspended from twitter allegedly for his Alyssa Milano thread. Is this the thought police
Jesus fuck. I was in that thread, and posted quite a bit. I am not outting myself. People need to be careful. Funky shit is going on in the background.
I got banned from here for 24 hours for rule #3, which is the first time in 8 years they ever applied that one to me. I spend one day in the twitterverse and someone I spoke to gets shoa'd.
Shit aint right anons. He may be a dumb boomer, but holy fuck. Something aint right.
Like the FBI give any fucks about some loser making up fan fiction stories about some whore
Wikkid wictor
Where can we get the whole thread?anyone save it? I like old Wictor.
fucking based. unironically
>a B-list Pedowood actress
>an assassin
There were "gas chambers" designed to eradicate such sheer autism...
He was a kooky old crank who had a cult following. It sucks that they censored him. Personally I thought his takes were too odd and neocon to take seriously.
Literally who?
>Alyssa Milano
Probably a “club” member
Hot chick on 90s show who’s the boss
Y'all know Q predicted this right? I ain't even joking. I'll post proof.
post the whole thread
Tomas Wictor is a weird name for a girl.
I don't have it.
I have also seen footage of Alyssa Milano masturbating on David Letterman and pissing on the floor. Its epic.
Here it is from a while back but he highlighted it yesterday. We are being censored so Truth doesn't spread. Don't be discouraged, keep spreading it. They may shut down the whole twitter over what's coming out soon.
Source or your a lying faggot
I'm searching give me a minute.
He may have hated us for hating jews, but he will become one of us before this is over...guaranteed.
Think of all the horrible shit she had to do to get her jobs. The dicks she had to suck.
>The dicks she had to suck.
Think about the literal miles of cock she has had...6"-8" a thrust. I wish my car tires had that kind of mileage rating.
It's real. They just say spoof so the revenge porn bots don't find it.
I wish she sucked my dick, she's bat shit but pretty hot
Fuck off with your Q bullshit
Keep it to fucking cripplechan or whereever the fuck you gather
Wictor is a harmless crank while Twitter is 90% harmful cranks, he was obviously banned for being a MAGA tweeter.
Dude is boomer as fuck but has some cool conspiracy theories and respects us.
Liberals think the FBI is america's HR department.
Q predicted you would say that. I predicted you enjoy penis. Turns out nobody was wrong
It's their way of running to "Daddy"
You have to think the Bureau has been watching Wictor for a long time. At least keeping tabs on his posts.
Pithy and true. I certainly can't blame them for assuming that, given its behavior since the election
meanwhile, he LOVES israel and he LOVES saudi arabia and he LOVES denouncing people as "jew haters"
While I despise Wictor his ramblings are the result of a mental illness that he takes medication to treat. His fans are much more toxic because they are gullible enough to fall for his shit.
some of these goyims STILL think they have "freedom of speech" HAHAHAHAHAHA
He went all out on Jewish (except for Roseanne) Backstabbing yesterday (except for Roseanne.
Here's an archive
(except for Roseanne)
Try this archive
Here is his rant:
Good. You ALL need to let go of hate and accept Christ's love before it's too late. Some of you will be getting an opportunity to stop and reflect on your many, many sins very soon - pic related.
is that real, he named them
Here's an archive direct from twitter
He was ok, but always shilling for war with Iran who literally never attacked anyone. I thought TheWarEconomy was better, but he quit. Anyway Twitter is crap. Delete your account.
How is that jew-hating?
He's called out you anime posting pud-pullers
Wictor is really sensitive. I said something factual about the ownership of the media and he blocked me! (about 6 months ago)
pretty hilarious. I honestly don't get the guy or where he stands. Zionist? Is he a Jew? He absolutely hates and refuses to recognize the nepotism and control that the Jews indulge in.
he wasn't the only one. stay alert
fucking AUS
his pattern recognition got pretty good at the end
did anyone cap the Milano/Distraction rundown before Wictor got shoa'd?
I stopped following him ages ago when I realised he was just nuts.
false flag, some user figured out Amy "Khazar" Schumer was playing Ford and this is the khazar kike response!
Aside from the ramblings about Milano being some kind of assassin, does this photo strike anyone else as bizarre and inappropriate? I mean these people are at a hearing, presumably about a horrific attack that caused decades long trauma, a hearing to decide the fate of the Supreme Court of the US no less, and they're taking candid shots? I mean, "and here we are at the Kavanaugh hearing, ugh my hair, teehee".
Ok tell me how the fuck allysa milano(a porn star?)is connected to this Kavannaugh hearing? WTF
Forgot image.
I read that as him saying that Milano was working with a potential assassin or something not that was the assassin herself.
she's a roastie looking for attention and the Dems think she has pull.
He noticed the (((pattern)))
But, why?