Daily reminder that

>Kavanaugh will not be confirmed. There is no escaping what has happened today.

>Kavanaugh will not be voted in; I could begin to explain why this "expected result" will not eventuate, but I think most people here are smart enough to work this one out.

>Kavanaugh will not be selected. The "expected result" will not eventuate for several reasons.

>Kavanaugh will not be elected; it is simply a matter of time before the hammer drops.

Some of you didn't get the message yesterday.

Attached: kavanaugh.jpg (330x412, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I thought McConnell said they would vote him in anyways in spite of the investigation

You can shitpost better aussie, this is just low tier to your standards

Shills are having a fucking aneurysm.
He will be confirmed because that is the rule of law and how our system works.

>There is no escaping what has happened today.

Attached: 1519133101571.jpg (2000x1263, 308K)

Attached: 1525503216362.jpg (607x1235, 225K)

Retarded and bluepilled

McConnell has compromised in favor of the FBI investigation; this has been made clear.

he said, while counting his chickens before they've hatched.

This quote from yesterday was made in relation to the unprecedented set of events that have taken place, leading to the revolutionary hearing itself.

Kavanaugh will be victorious, all these democrat apes are doing is turning a neutral guy into a radical or atleast someone that will gravitate towards the right now that he realized what being a leftist nigger is. He will be elected and he will occupy his legimate position and all the leftist shits will be eternally btfo.
