Trudeau chuckles smirks and has a laugh

A 13 year old girl is murdered in a park in Burnaby BC in broad daylight by a syrian refugee who was fast tracked due to Trudeaus policys, When asked about it he has a little chuckle.

Her name was Marrisa Shen

Attached: marrisa-shen.jpg (804x453, 108K)

Other urls found in this thread: Killer Statistics 23NOV2015.pdf

Foreigners killing foreigners. He was right to laugh.


shes wearing globalist jew shill nike apparel , she deserved to die

I feel bad for you Canadian Chinese.
Escape to the West to find out the price of wealth and freedom is the occassional murder of your young women so that Elites can feel good about themselves.
Welcome to North America.

Attached: 742ee15dadb8fbfc974145188216654d0d153d36e6b6ac43648df4a1413f344a.jpg (1024x682, 22K)

Those fucking gooks are way more dangerous than the fucking terrorist you idiot

It's not the laugh that bothers me, I can put that down to nerves at being hit with an awkward question that the idiot probably didn't prepare for, it's the limp-wristed way he brushes the question off and the pout at the end. No attempt to defend his position or policies, just a sad little "...well, I'm not one of the people who says that" and an face like a child told they can't have any ice-cream. Absolutely pathetic.

Haha is that what "based" means haha I see niggers use that word all the time after that one niggercame up with the term

t. Xingping Cheng

Your compatriots have it more than good here you stupid chink, bringing their wealth from Chinkland and buying real estate property here, pricing out the less affluent native born citizens because of our traitorous government. Don't worry, the moment we elect a real government, they'll all be shipped back by boat to the glorious Motherland they came from.

White serial killers have done this everyday for eons and it has never become a generality against whites. Fucking Bundy himself was responsible for 30+ murders of white women

the only people protesting mass migration and illegal immigration in Canada are the Chinese. Canada is gone and the whites welcome it. its really tragic to be aware of it and have to live in it.


his mkulta buttfucking trauma surfaced at that moment

You're a faggot, faggot.

Attached: 1505698379690.png (668x621, 79K)

he did it once as his first reaction, and then he does it again as he says the word "when someone is murdered"
the thought of murdering people makes him laugh

Attached: refugees-are-gods.jpg (733x667, 38K)

>so that Elites can feel good about themselves.
As if they've ever had any sort of altruistic intentions. The Jews simply want to destroy white people. Their culture, their countries, their people.

>Muh fake inforgraph

Is Chang waking up?

The Leaf.
Such a honroable peeople.

>thinking whattaboutisms matter

Attached: typical canadians.jpg (460x296, 29K)

> Killer Statistics 23NOV2015.pdf
>fake infograph
Go kill yourself nigger. There's a fucking SOURCE on that image.

Attached: 1536829622671.jpg (409x270, 37K)

The chinese are worse than Mudshits. Where a mudshit is a savage animal brought here by do-good fools, the chinaman comes with money and education to breed generations of cultural subversives who don't need a "post-meritocracy" to destroy from within.

RIP Chinese loli

Who cares? It was s chink

>suddenly we care about chinks

Lol Trudeau has gained my respect for laughing

Attached: 1535091413354.gif (452x523, 4K)

Ur a kike

Confirmed kike. The chinks spread like locusts so they can infiltrate and subvert the educational and political systems of every non-chink country they inhabit, with the intention of pushing the motherland's agenda. They force out local populations by buying up commercial and residential property en masse, then they only hire, rent and sell to other chinks until the area becomes majority chink. Then they move on to the surrounding areas. They're fucking soulless insectoids. Anyone who doesn't speak out against this is suspect.

Attached: chinking_intensifies.jpg (236x214, 15K)

>her name was white name chink name
every fucking time. I'm beyond caring.

Attached: 1534147971140.png (826x802, 650K)

"I'm not one of those people that says that"
Beautiful..I mean really, it really is beautiful to watch.

I care more about Ebba Äkerlund, tbqh. Everyone seems to have forgotten the 11 year old WHITE girl murdered by a shitskin in HER own country. I couldn't give a fuck about non-whites killing non-whites in WHITE countries.

based and redpilled?