Indelible in the hippocampus

Indelible in the hippocampus

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Stop raping me.

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epinephrine and norepinephrine

>muh hippcampus is raping me right now!

Why would Bret fuck that aids infested bitch?

Bad grandpa vibes
humans dont look like that

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Shhhh don't talk to me yet silly boys. I need my caffeine.

My brain is still so tired though! :3

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You see there is norepinoehphrine and adrenochrome and if you ping pong between them your hippocampus won't be able to remember basic information.


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Someone should've asked what her eye sight was like 36 years ago

Let's just face facts: she came off as severely mentally ill and her mannerisms and behavior was sketchy at best. She has convinced herself in her mentally ill and hysterical mind that this is all real. Just listen to her retarded, ditsy charade and realize what a joke this is.

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The Skull of Guldan didn't agree with her.

Insane in the membrane, insane in the

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Why did she have that one strand of hair always falling over covering her face.

It made it seem like they chose the ONE hairstyle that makes her look suspicious and like she's trying to hide something. Which honestly the more I look at her face the more it has that "off" quality of looking at someone in a mask.

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is this s4s?

I'm raping you with my eyes.

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you'd be surprise....

>I was an admitted alcoholic from the 11th grade through college
>I admitted to having sex with at least 64 people in that time
>but Kavanaugh raped me
>37 years ago
>I can't prove it
>I can't remember when it happened
>I can't remember where it happened
>I don't remember how I got there
>I don't remember how I got home
>I never told my parents about it
>I never told my friends about it
>I never told police about it
>I have no witnesses
>And not a single person has confirmed my accusations
>And the four people I named all said they weren't there
>And they said Kavanaugh would never do such a thing
>And I wanted all of this to remain confidential
>But the Democrat establishment leaked the info to the NY Times
>So that the Democrat establishment could use me to destroy a good and innocent man
>Because they think this will make people vote for Democrats

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posting that picture is a violation of the NAP

That’s where laughter is stored

Most painfully rehearsed line of all time, Christ almighty

>user-san, you aren't so STUPID that you like me, are you?
>I-I'm so tsundere, I'm sorry, um... Am I being helpful enough?

>Be Doctor, with 2 Masters and a background in psychology
>Use fancy psychologist knowledge to explain rape fantasy to Congress
>Can't recall best methods for recovering memories from trauma victims.

memories aren't even stored in the hippocampus, and epinephrine and norepinephrine primarily work via the amygdala to assign emotional salience to memories.

this psychology """professor""" had no idea what she was talking about and just wanted to drop entry-level neuroscience jargon to give her credibility with normies.

Her face could hold a 5 day rain.

She's just jelly she didn't get to play pinball with Chadkav.

It's as if she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.

When did she admit to sleeping with 64 people

jesus fucking christ....... there are actually multiple articles that say 'indelible in the hippocampus' and are talking about 'the science behind ford's testimony'


what the fuck kind of world are we living in where these are acceptable news articles by 'journalists' ? why do boomers buy and read this shit ?

I agree, She literally had the mentality of a 10 year old, Couldn't understand basic questions, "muh caffeine!"

stop calling it rape

(((educated))) women fucking loves laying it on thick with jargon. I had a good gut laugh when she said this, all credibility out the window. Put the cunt in a loony bin already.

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>indelible in the hippocampus
>doesn't know that exculpatory means

This. Underrated


People who are entertained by Jerry Springer

I showed you my hippocampus, answer me

Everyone knows it's a facade, but if Kavanaugh is appointed its curtains for liberalism for the next 30+ years. The stakes are high and liberals dont give a shit if it's all bs

Yep. She wanted to show everyone how smart she is, and she did.

but jerry springer is actually mildly entertaining and even believable. this is neither

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Looks like that pig Amy Schumer


im good now i got some coffee teehee


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Dnt be ridiculous

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Can someone give me the official narrative please?

As far as I know:
>go to party with no music
>can't remember being there
>other people can't remember being there
>get rape-train'd
>be so traumatised that you need two front doors to do some benny hill getaway when the rapists come
>despite this, forget about the whole ordeal until the guy you want to be your perpetrator is nominated for an important position
>Twitter lesbians and effete males start a #whyididntreport hashtag to cover for you


I mean one look at her and you can tell she's mentally disabled. She's in too deep, I think.

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