What comes after implications of pedophilia?

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cannibalism. the liberals are this degenerate. SCREEN CAP THIS

Any man that is around children is considered a pedophile thanks to roasties.

They’re going to go whole hog and either accuse him of molesting a child or actually have some antifa fuckwit go and physically attack Kavanaugh. Or both.
Leftists are evil, and no know boundaries.

"that me may no longer"

bet a BROWNIE wrote that haha whos with me..

Yeah I’m sure he hasn’t become a rabid misogynist because of this, like he wants to be within 100 yards of a thot

>fake accusations of sexual assault
>fake accusations of organizing and participating in gang rapes
>fake accusations of drugging girls
>now subtly implying that Kavanaugh is a pedophile
These kikes just don't know when to stop, do they?

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me may no longer


Civil war.

These motherfuckers want a war. It’s getting harder and harder to not give them one.

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Kavananugh is the reincarnation of Genghis Khan

I'm sure they'd find some MKUltra'd children that would swear they've been raped by Kav.

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These mother fuckers. I am INSENSED. Is this what people felt when Clarence Thomas was confirmed?

Communists are depressed, broke, sad individuals. They smell like shit too. Kavanaugh has accomplished more in his lifetime and inspired more people than they ever will. They project their self hatred on successful people.

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If he gets accused of child molesting, wouldn’t justice dictate a prominent liberal die?


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The Jew accuses you of pedophilia

while trying to legalize pedophilia

I guess we'll find out. At least one more week of the farce

yes agent, tell us all about the prominent liberals you are planning to murder.


My God these people are vile. I used to disagree with them, then I fervently opposed them, now I hate them with a burning rage. May they all rot in hell.

It's going to have to be big to blow up the vote. They know the FBI thing isn't going to change shit, so they have 1 week to work on plan B.

these fucking liberals are truly demonic

Why would they stop?

>What comes after implications
Direct accusations, of course.

>Phony rape accusations fail
>Step it up
Of course.

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He fucked himself by being a beta orbiter his whole life. Dems literally rape women and women still support them.

I'm not saying he deserves this, but he made it happen.

They are winning. Nobody has the balls to put the foot down.

Duping delight.

Maybe after this is whole shitshow is done he should finally rape that cunt once and for all.

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>guys who go to church and study hard and dont have casual sex are asking to be targets of allegations that they drug and rape women


Right wing squads. I hope. Done with the bullshit. They want an evil fascist, they got em now. I'll keep living my life but the moment the call is made I will be there. We are in wartime law, that is a fact. I will 100% look the other way if American elements in govt outright storm these pieces of complete shit. In my opinion democracy is doomed and we must simply be the first to establish dominance in the inevitable new system. If theyre gonna destroy everything America is then what do I care if my guys step over some laws to obliterate them.

I wasnt this way a few months ago. They crossed a line for me.

Honestly the fbi guy did a far better job than kav did

This sentiment is gaining a lot of popularity lately...I don't think it will simply blow over this time.

Especially considering the communist operatives currently on US soil.

Pizzagate is real you fuckin sellouts

Vote still scheduled for Saturday? Or Tuesday or whatever?

I actually had a teacher at my school who was a little off but not a pedo, and he got persecuted for no reason. I walked into the locker room and (yes am girl) the girls were talking about how they were making up allegations against him. I went to the headmaster with my information but was told it was too late. They had to fire him due to the optics.

Alleged implicating accusations of things he reportedly did.

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the moment the call is made by the lawful president to defend the country against illegal subversive elements***

100% within my rights, so fuck off spooks. The moment I made this comment I became unable to post and had to jump thru hoops to post this

Pro-Pedo Hollywood movies so Americunts can emulate the pedo behavior they are pretending to condemn today. After a few shitty movies where the main (probably nigger) character is a pedo, then it will become in style and hip and anyone who is not a pedo will be thought of as lame and anti-semetic, etc.

>what do I care if my guys step over some laws to obliterate them
>step over some laws

Do we even have any of these anymore? I realize that there are some written statements of dos and don's that are arbitrarily enforced and honored, but to call it a system of "laws" is a misnomer at this point.

Yeah. This is much more vicious, but it's a lot like the Clarence Thomas smear. I remember the Thomas hearings, back in those days you only had the big three networks and newspapers like the New York Times. Thomas was treated really badly and unfairly in the media, but this is so much worse

No, only after FBI investigation, at least one more week.

I've heard stories like this second hand. I have a feeling incidents like this are going to become more prevalent In the years to come. Wasn't it a bunch of young girls that kicked off the Salem Witch trials?

Do ya think Thomas would've had an easier time today, because of balkanized media and "Muh Black Man"

Idk but it really disturbed me. As much as it sounded like people didn't like him, it also didn't sound like he was a sexual abuser either.

agreed. Democracy can already be considered to be a failure. The only thing we really need are our inalienable rights, which have been alienated. I wonder where we went wrong. Giving women the vote?

it's not even funny, our thing is getting people put in jail using their own ruleset against them just for fun. thats what a genius does, because he can see the whole picture as well as how pitiful his opponents viewpoint really is, so he descends into his opponents world and beats him at his own game because he can afford to. killing people is what psychopaths do when they can't cope with their failure ... even if we were psychopaths we arent failing ... even if we were failing we arent psychopaths. you have to be clinically retarded, or illiterate, in addition to psychopathic to write what that shill wrote. he thought it would work too. kek. i cant imagine being that stupid, im sure you cant either.

Same, had a creepy Math teacher that looked like a rat and had a weird voice. Cuz of that we'd make pedo jokes. Never realized how dangerous that was.

fruedian slip?

lol true

>Especially considering the communist operatives currently on US soil.
You mean literally running a parallel government who's power is derived from elite connections and not from the votes of individuals

They were testing the waters with Drake


>not knowing Kavanaugh raped and killed a 12 year old girl in the 90s

Again, fuckwads; TRACKING PIXELS.
Proxies do not work against 3 letter agencies.

Probably not, they treat black Republicans like Uncle Toms and its even worse today than it was back then. Thomas' line about him being the victim of a high tech lynching made him sympathetic back then because there was still moderate democrats that had a conscience. This current bunch of Dems are fucking evil.

Legalisation of it.

...oh wait...

Could be. I knew things were bad, but I really hoped things would improve after the election. I did not want to be an accelerationist, and am still not in intent, but I see no way to avoid what's coming.

I don’t get it. They’re implying a decent man with a daughter is a pedo because of some lying bitch claiming her high school fling was him and pretending it wasn’t consensual when her fling touched her tiny high school boobs because she got paid a couple hundred thousand dollars to. But this logic is stupid even if the allegation were true. Some drunken high school kid touched a drunken high school girl’s boobs 40 years ago. So therefore he’s a pedophile?

We need to gas these fuckers

nothing, the left is normalizing pedophilia. now the left will have to choose between supporting women or pedophiles. what a time to be alive

That maybe so but I meant literal communist combatants training United States citizens to be communist fighters. They are here in large numbers and busy bees, every fucking day.

They'll have their "therapist" have a session with each child pro-bono and try to implant false memories.

They're tossing everything into the water they possibly can at this point to try & guarantee he won't be voted in.

Reminder that the Kavanaugh bullshit is also a deflection of attention from the Mediterranean situation.

Which situation?

They don’t. Even when we start tossing them into real ovens (incinerators would be more efficient) they won’t know when to stop. Even at the very end they won’t figure it out. And I mean the end of a noose

I love that image. I am not religious and I despise liberals. When I criticize homosexualism as a degeneracy, want to make abortion illegal, or laugh at jewish creation myths like Big Bang and other science fiction bullahir pretended to be settled science, they assume it’s all for religious reasons and call me a republican.

I am 6 million % unironic NSDAP national socialist and fascist nationalist who is on the side of good against a totally evil opposition

Don't buy into the idea that the people on the Left that are behind this smear really believe he's a rapist or a pedo, it's all about achieving their goal of stopping Trump from changing the balance of the Supreme Court.
The Left really believes the ends justify the means, so it's okay to destroy a man and his family if it means protecting Left wing ideology and policy. Labeling him a pedo even though it isn't true doesn't bother them a bit.

Large fleets from Russia, NATO countries, & the US (including a carrier strike fleet) building up in the mediterranean over the past week or two.

Can the DNC and RINO sobs, and their majors backers just give up already? Salem is burning to the ground with no witches around.

my cousin had a similar situation to kavanaugh i think that's why I know how fucked this all is. My cousin was at a party and his friends sort of had sex with this 17 year old girl and she was a dirty whore and like wanted to fuck all of them. and she wanted like aggressive sex with them and was drunk. Then after police came and they thought they all raped her and her dad was a police officer too. So they arrested all of them including my cousin even though he didn't even fuck her but was just there. It kind of fucked his life up for a few years and people were calling him a pedo and shit. Just beacuse was at a party and his friends had consensual sex with a 17 year old people called him a pedo. that shit is crazy

Burn the entire fucking thing down. End democracy, invoke autocracy.


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The law. The constitution. Human decency. It's already become a voided contract. Those who wish for peace prepare for war.

He may have done something somewhere, sometime, but we don't know what. #impeach

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Checked, and yes. Females are the cause of pretty much every problem on this God forsaken planet. I wish we could go back to the days when you could legally beat them in public.

>implying the deep state gives a fuck about you or your family.

Lol enjoy getting suicide'd and then scapegoat'd

Some lefties will shout at him in a restaurant but at this point I'm half expecting one of them to physically attack his wife and/or children.

One of two things is gonna happen next week:
A) FBI will clear Kavanaugh and BTFO out of the Dems arguments against him or
B) Dems will release anonymous accusations that he assaulted young girls, Kavanaugh will pull a Budd Dwyer, sneak a gun into the hearing room, and blow his brains out on national television

Why does that ship look like a rusting piece of shit?

>It's not a lie if I think that there is truth to the idea of my story

Liberals will lie to your face if they think that their fiction might have been true of someone. They view hypothetical people as real people who they have to shield and die for. The question is not what does she have to gain? It is what is she willing to lose to be a martyr for the cause. Even when she gets call out on her BS she is also hailed by a hero. In her loss she has found exultation. It's pretty fucking twisted.

You know the Democrats have shown themselves to be so unspeakably evil in their bid to cling onto whatever vestiges of power they still have that I could actually see this. His kids start getting upset and having anxiety attacks because of it so he decides to take them to a psychologist and oh no, the psychologist just happens to have some connections to the democrats (or is just an insane lefty herself) and helps them to "remember" some "inappropriate incidents" involving their father.

Their playbook speaks for itself about to what ends they will go to in order to create their utopia.

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This “journalist” should be fucking jailed

The lawsuit for libel.

anyone else missing vine?

is that a little jewess next to him?

It's Dutch. Part of the NATO fleet. Not like they've put them to much use.

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These people really are the devil's hands.
Is this the end times, bros?

i hope so. a big part of me getting back in good graces with Christ is that Jews hate it so much

There's no "Antichrist" to point to yet.

Agreed. At this point, we have been conquered by foreign enemies. It is a fair statement considering how much outside dirty money these people are taking in. Democracy has failed, in part because of traitors who are supposed to be on our side. The Republicans have failed, we have no one left to back us. Never forget the RNC wanted Trump out in every way imaginable. They almost went through with a contested convention. They canceled a state primary and just gave it to Cruz. We have no allies in any of our institutions of government other than Trump, the military, and police forces.

Honestly though the media deserves it first. An institution of evil, our media complex have for the most part done everything it could to tear this nation apart. This includes Hollywood, the sports teams, and tech companies. Agents of disinformation, they need to be the first enemy countered for us to have any hope.

But honestly, with the massive tech and social media companies on their side, they can get away with whatever they want right now. I refuse to raise my children in a country like this.

The ride needs to end

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The truly scary thing is that the Demshits will likely try to influence one of the girls to "come forward" about Kavanaugh acting inappropriately towards her.
If that were to happen, it'd be a fucking disaster regardless of it being bullshit.

And the Republicucks just gave the Dems another week to succeed.

Pedophilia is all it will take, he's done for. They've had enough time to coach a girl to testify against him.

Something as simple as "we were alone in the locker room and he touched my knee when I was crying" would be enough for the media to paint him as an evil pedophile.