Bobs and vagene

Why are Indian men so thirsty?

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933 females for every 1000 males. That's at least 67 fuckers in every 1000 who can't land a chick. That's about 67 million fuckers in India alone who can't land chicks.

He might be a bit Shetty, but he is no Poo

>He might be a bit Shetty, but he is no Poo
>He might be a bit Shetty

That's a hilariously generous theoretical ideal

They view westerner women as sluts thanks to their indecent behaviour and dress.

add the 80/20 rule as well

>add the 80/20 rule as well
Wtf is the 80/20 rule here? 80% of the women are fucked by 20% of the men?

>t. bottom 80%


It's also this.

I haven't come across a single Indian man who doesn't treat white women like complete worthless shit.

it is much, much worse in western nations.

>I haven't come across a single Indian man who doesn't treat white women like complete worthless shit.
Umm, that's just because you're roastie sweetie.

It's India user. Women don't sleep around and live to tell the tale in a lot of parts.

>I haven't come across a single Indian man who doesn't treat white women like complete worthless shit.
t. Roastie
Unlike white cucks, Indians and Arab men know how to treat whores.


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Foreign women are the forbidden fruits in all honesty. I’ve seen Indian mothers constantly tell their sons to seek Indian (and not foreign) women. My ex was from North Eastern India (East Asian looking Indians) and my mum made a big deal about it.

Eventually I stopped talking to my mother. Indian women are very jealous creatures in general.

They're subhumans.

Makes sense

Just like a subcontinent refers to a region within a continent, subhuman refers to a class of humans within Homo Sapiens.

Likewise, there exist Europid Subhumans, Indid Subhumans, Mongloid Subhumans etc.

Jow Forums BTFOed

Is this a time to start a poo thread literal kike?




Indian men treat white women they way they deserve to be treated. Got it.

send tentacles pls

motherfucker lasagna?

Your mother is based. Race mixing is not a great idea.
But your life your choice bruh.


You ever seen an Indian woman before? If that's all you had to choose from, you'd be thirsty as fuck too.

motherfucker sausage

Because the water quality there is shit

that number has got to be different since poos often arrange marriages.

fuck off kike


I would stick my poo in that loo.

I think a lot of the more rural, impoverished areas are below that. I could be wrong, but I can't imagine a poor disheveled Indian family being able to arrange a marriage. Lots of women don't poo during the day out of fear of being raped so they apparently go out in groups at night to poo in the women's only fields. Just doesn't sound like the kind of place where they arrange marriages.

This is what happens when you read kike propaganda about India written in Western newspapers. Not denying it doesn't happen but it's not as common as your retarded newspapers make it out to be.

Here's a reality check:

>being able to
sure in the noble class I imagine money flows for that sort of thing yet for the poor niggas all it takes is two families agreeing. Can't speak to the frequency of such a thing or if it exists at all for I have not and never will visit poo land to find out. Maybe one of the resident poos can fill us in.

that was so fast it happened before I posted.

Ghat sounds like exactly the kind of place that would arrange a marriage...

>I will give you this goat in exchange for your daughter marrying my son
>throw in that red chicken overthere and you got yourself a deal
Boom instant arranged marriage

It's more like "I'll give you this plot of land and 5,00,000 rupees marry my daughter".

The thing is, arranged marriages are a symbol of middle class and the upper class.

Lower class Indians just.. fuck. Sex is ironically much more taboo in the upper class Indians than the lower classes. The lower classes just see it as a need to be fulfilled and they don't be prudes about it. Cheating is rampant and accepted.

The guy goes home with the goat and is like "Man I ripped that sucka off real good, I goat for my ugly daughter and free grandkids, what a maroon"

Jews sent them playboys and sex dolls and now they want a white woman. Its like the red light district. Jews got your women advertising themselves in windows for foreigners.

Sorry Rajan, but I do not read rags. As I said, that was purely conjecture. I don't know how you poos live, I just don't imagine anyone would really want to go through the trouble of arranging a marriage for two peasants. If you're on about the raping, I never really said it was an epidemic. Just that lots of women do band together to go out and shit at night. Sounds perfectly believable to me, considering how you dirty pishwaris dominate the shitting fields during the day. Isn't it considered rude for a woman to poo in public too?

I mean just think about it, affording an arranged marriage isn't easy. Everybody expects you to throw a lavish party, conduct Hindu rituals and rites (usually involves inviting a priest who will charge you for services), as well as pay for a place where the ceremony will be held.

A low income person can't afford that. Tons of movies are based around this trope where the Dad wants his daughter to get married but doesn't have money to do so.

You've no idea what the fuck you're talking about, Jesus Christ it's almost impossible to have a civil discussion.

I like India but the thirstiness of Indian men is so bad its become a literal national security risk. How long will it be before Pakistan catfishes India out of their nuclear launch codes?

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lol what did I say to be so uncivil? I actually thought we were having a nice discourse. I like poos...

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They have no history of performing independent courtship, due to arranged marriages. They are literally retarded children pretending to be men when it comes to attracting women.

God its disgusting to imagine poor Indians fucking in a trash filled alley.

The smell of unwashed Indian ass wafting up must make their eyes water.

You guys are unironically subhumans.

Like an orangutan or something

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Thanks Billy, now go fuck back to your little shed in Alabama where your wife (cousin) fucks a nigger.

kek did you reply to the wrong person? I forgive you Sanjay I've done that myself before.

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>Why are Indian men so thirsty?
My guess is because their water is filled with shit. It’s swarming with bacteria that don’t even exist in the western world. Would you drink anything in India? I think not.


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If she bleached her skin or wore tons of pale makeup, put blue contacts in, and died her hair dark brown I think I’d tap that.