Anyone taking this shit? If so how do you do it without getting addicted to the drug jew?
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the comedown isnt worth it
This. It isn't worth it taking anything daily or anything like it, maybe on rare occasion. But do it daily and it will drain your will to live over time and may well damage you permanently.
I need it. Too bad every time I see a "psychiatrist" they prescribe me SSRI's. I know what I need. Adderall to focus during the day and benzodiazapines to sleep at night. So instead of actually having proper medication, I drink myself to death every night and I'm not functional during the daytime.
What does aderall to you? Like let's say I pop one of those right now, what happens?
Something is wrong in your life, you should try to fix that instead of drinking which will only make everything worse. People love the idea of a pill fixing their issues, but unfortunately there is no such pill, only hard work and playing the hand you were dealt as best you can.
You will eventually get fucked up by it, seirously, be careful.
youre taking too much then
i take 10-15mg every week day and im fine when i dont take it on the weekends
You feel very motivated and energized. Not a physical energy but your mind starts going and you just want to do something like learn a new language or read an entire book. You lose your entire appetite, I’ve gone entire days without eating when I take 2 adderalls. You feel good but it’s not a strong euphoria. Then when you come down you feel like shit. There’s nothing you want to do. Sometimes I just lay in bed and I don’t want to be there but I don’t want to get up and be anywhere else. It’s just a feeling of shit