
Anyone taking this shit? If so how do you do it without getting addicted to the drug jew?

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the comedown isnt worth it

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This. It isn't worth it taking anything daily or anything like it, maybe on rare occasion. But do it daily and it will drain your will to live over time and may well damage you permanently.

I need it. Too bad every time I see a "psychiatrist" they prescribe me SSRI's. I know what I need. Adderall to focus during the day and benzodiazapines to sleep at night. So instead of actually having proper medication, I drink myself to death every night and I'm not functional during the daytime.

What does aderall to you? Like let's say I pop one of those right now, what happens?

Something is wrong in your life, you should try to fix that instead of drinking which will only make everything worse. People love the idea of a pill fixing their issues, but unfortunately there is no such pill, only hard work and playing the hand you were dealt as best you can.

You will eventually get fucked up by it, seirously, be careful.

youre taking too much then

i take 10-15mg every week day and im fine when i dont take it on the weekends


You feel very motivated and energized. Not a physical energy but your mind starts going and you just want to do something like learn a new language or read an entire book. You lose your entire appetite, I’ve gone entire days without eating when I take 2 adderalls. You feel good but it’s not a strong euphoria. Then when you come down you feel like shit. There’s nothing you want to do. Sometimes I just lay in bed and I don’t want to be there but I don’t want to get up and be anywhere else. It’s just a feeling of shit

reminder that ALL election night "meltdown" and "he wont win" compilations were ERASED from youtube.

To clarify, it makes me able to think in ways I usually can't. I don't get focused I just suddenly am able to think of things in a more abstract way, anyone have experience using it off/on through the week?

What is it when you’re able to do that naturally (go 24 hours straight, no appetite) with things you find interesting?

Have you tried amfetamines or coke?

I tried every dose. It works different for different people obviously. But I doubt it's worth it for anyone taking that shit daily. You want to take it because it feels good in the beginning, but over time most of the effect is placebo and you will turn into a robot. Your natural dopamine production system will get damaged over time when you flood it artificially daily.


You don’t need to be high as fuck all day and night that’s why they don’t prescribe it to you. You prob need SSRIs because you are the type of dipshit who thinks the correct medicine consists of ampetamine in the daytime and tranquilizers at night

Kekd but he's right

And the pills would stop this or just give me normal sleeping habits?

1mg Ativan at night
25 mg adderall in the morning.
Everything is zen

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If you are able to go 24 hours straight with things that interest you I don’t think you have ADD, so probably adderal or other uppers aren’t going to be beneficial. My advice would be to try and get into a field of work or occupation in which you get to work on things that can keep you going 24 hours. You will probably be highly successful and your eccentric mind and lifestyle will become a benefit to you.

Glad this is still up.


GHB might help you sleep normally too. Unfortunately it’s fairly difficult to get prescribed for. They usually prescribe it for narcoleptics along with an amphetamine to battle the excessive daytime sleepiness. The GHB helps regulate sleep and make sleep more restful.

Whatever you do, don't look at porn

Adderal is bigpharma meth. That being said, crush it up and snort it to better clean your room.

I like it every once in a while when I am overwhelmed with schoolwork and need to just double down and knock shit out in one go no breaks. otherwise it sits in a ziplock in my sextoy bag. also sometimes, rarely, pop some and drink all the booze. because i'm a disgusting degenerate.

True. Although there is such a thing as pharmaceutical meth (desoxyn).

Listen to this user, this is good advice.

>Adderal is bigpharma meth.
This. I'm really weirded out and disappointed that the human mind doesn't naturally default to an adderall-like state. I assume it's so we don't expend more energy than we need, but god damn, imagine how useful everyone would be if they were infinitely motivated. I'd take gene therapy in a heartbeat to gain something like that.

It makes you feel great doing boring and repetitive tasks. That's all really. It's a way of turning rebels into accountants, which is pretty great for the stability of society, which in turn is why they give them to children.

Look up the hedonistic imperative. Similar.

Adderall and nicotine in any form is a godly combination. Last time I took a pill was ~2 years ago? I probably went through 15 ml of 3mg vape juice that day. I could get a scrpt but don't because I feel like I would abuse it.

take only vyvanse
it got too expensive so they put me on adderall and i now have intense anger issues and little empathy

> be me
> Recently diagnosed with narcolepsy fmvia a sleep study
> Doc wants me on a drug similar to Adderall (nuvigil, 150mg)
> Haven't started it yet

Am I in trouble anons?

Took aderall once in college when I needed to write a paper, unfortunately most of what I wrote was pretty sloppy. However, I did get a lot of sources and a clear basis for my thesis. I wrote like the wind. My brain just kind of felt like it was on fast forward.

My friend wanted me to take a break and head to the gym to workout. I wouldn't shut up. Also, the workout felt super easy. Wasn't hungry for dinner either.

Sometimes when I want to get a home project or work done I wonder where I could get some aderall to help. But I haven't taken it since.

I bet you will get banned for this post. Same basic post last week got me banned. Weird they said for off topic.

It's because the benefits are very noticeable, but the detriments are more subtle. You gain the ability to work all day doing boring shit, but you lose the ability to properly contemplate. Nature is as always more sensible than the civilization jew.

No, if you have narcolepsy really the only thing that will help is medication. Don’t abuse and take more than they prescribe. Hopefully he also gives you something to help you sleep normally at night after cranking you on uppers. Narcolepsy is severely under diagnosed.

Take modafinil instead brainlet

Yeah, fell asleep within a minute on each of the naps for the sleep study and hit deep sleep 3/5 times within minutes as well. Was kinda surprised. Was told to take new pill in the morning.

Adderall, nicotine and coffee is pure bliss. One time I got a big wound on my leg for scratching it while tweaking. Don't do this drug honestly.

oh god yes. extremely focused and productive for the sacrifice of creativity. I hate not being able to actually read a book after having taken the stim.


>If so how do you do it without getting addicted to the drug jew?

You don't. Drugs don't fix your problems, they only mask them so you can ignore them until they kill you.

Thanks. Trying to keep it natural but sometimes curious what having a normal outlook on time would be like.

How do you get issued adderall? I want to focus

but i for example already have this ups and downs. some days im hyped af others im super chilled and dont want to get out of bed.

now, heres the ultimate lifehack for me. microdose modafinil, take 50mg tops, which is a quarter of a normal dose (200mg)
you wont "feel it", but to me it works like it makes me think smoothly, awake, aware, yet im not high or hyper because of it. in my particular case, im a film director making commercials etc its absolutely fantastic when im on set. I must be aware of so mamy things, got to comunicate so much, to a lot of different people very different things and complex concepts, at the same time that i have to be aware of their mood and general status in order to know if ill get good takes or not after x hours of work, and on top of all of that, i still have to direct and a make a movie of course. Even more: normally with a client and agents breathing on your neck because they are paying +20k usd for that commercial and im responsible of it as a creative = total pressure
microdosing modafinil its an absolute godsent, im there aware of all sharp like a knife, and i just dont think about the pressure. i just focus, communicate and get shit done.

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but dont take above 100g of modafinil, at that point at least for me is when i get twitchy and my mouth starts racing my brain, which is not good.

Only once i had to shoot for 16hours in total absolute heat at 100% humidity in fucking vietnam i took 200mg, i went ready with 4spare t shirts and i was a total beast, being able to micromanage the actors and shotlist depending on how long they were in the sun. everybody was melting and getting sloppy because of the heat yet modafinil kept me sharp performing at 110% undet the heat, ofc i made sure i was drinking enough water and changing soaked t shirts every hour. but damn, i was there, like a machine at full power. but i wouldnt take 200mg unless its absolute key moments in your life.

side effects: for me only late at night after effects are gone, the day i take moda i feel as if my mind needs to rest, im just so tired physically too so what i do is simply smoke some weed and go sleep. weed really does kill all side effects of modafinil, ofc you will be high af and absolutely not functional, you can watch a movie at best, forget sth like games.

fuck adderal and amphetamines, try microdosing modafinil.

25mg XR daily (I dont take it when I dont have work/shit to do). Honestly just helps me be more productive in my day to day life

you have a genuine medical condition you should be taking medication for, not the same as recreational use. ie; taking percs to get high/help sleep is not the same as taking percs because you recently broke your arm

>im a film director making commercials
You're a junkie funneling extreme amounts of energy into something that's completely unimportant and even detrimental to humanity, all for good boy points. Stop with the drugs, take some time to recover and try to improve yourself as a real human being instead.

Just don't take a lot of it

Don't. If you rely on Adderal to do well in school or work, you WILL become dependent on it. You don't retain material as well when you study on Adderal when you go off it, which means if you use it to prep for an exam, you'll need it for the exam, if you need it for the exam, you'll need it for the final, and so on.

Straight edge faggots need to fuck off
Drugs are no different than food. An input that impacts the performance of your body. Obviously too much of a single input can have detrimental effects, but banning yourself from an input simply because you have self-control problems is a problem for you, not everyone.

Damn dude, what's crazy is how it's everyone's fault but yours :^)

I'm not against drugs. But daily drug use isn't healthy or sane, no. Drugs have their place in life, but daily dependence is not that place.

very simple: actually have attention deficit problems instead of just being lazy and don't take a shit ton of it. I take 10 mg every other day or so, and I don't sleep like shit or get strung out.

Gives you arrythmia

I took two once and couldn't sleep for 3 fucking days.

I took it through college. Not something you want to do often but if you need to focus it can do the trick. I was addicted for a while and getting off of it was hell. You feel like a knife is stabbing you in the temple and you won't have any energy for like 2 weeks. However I was able to get a lot done while I was on it.

You just keep doing it.

I've been going five years strong. No problems. JFK took it every day too- and he turned out alright (yes, it wasn't technically adderall but it was amphetamines).

Adrafinil metabolizes into Modafinil
It's legal and you can order it online legitimately.


It is too fun. Don't do it.

You are digging your own mental grave.

This. Been on this shit for 15 years and I am "successful" but have literally lost my sense of identity.

>Drugs have their place in life, but daily dependence is not that place.
I agree with you there.
The tolerance trap is a folly.
Brainlets take a drug, acquire a tolerance to it and then just take even bigger doses. That is nothing but a recipe for disaster.

First law of thermodynamics doesn't just apply on a base physical level. It applies to your energy and well-being. There will be a price to pay.

If you have sleep problems you should try taking Melatonin before bed.


Take only 3 days a week or less, other wise you get addicted. It's best to treat it as a "in case of fire break glass" option so you only use it when you really need to get shit done on zero sleep. Otherwise just abuse coffee and energy drinks instead for other stuff.

I was prescribed 30mg because of depression (it runs in my family) and I got bored at work and started stealing scrap metal from around town. Also it didnt make me feel differently about my nagging cunty wife.

Anyway, it blunts your sense of fear and consequences and is kind of shitty to get off of.

I've literally jerked off to the most disgusting porn for 8 hours straight on adderal Fucked me up for life multiple times. I'll never come like that again either.

>Something natural and necessary for the body to survive is the same as something completely unnatural and unnecessary.

Amerigoy education.

Sorry to hear that. My friend was put on that shit and he turned into a materialistic degenerate. It was very sad watching the progression of it. He has lots of money now, but that's like dust as far as I'm concerned. I managed to convince my brother to just pretend he took them when they tried putting him on them at least. He's not a rich man, but at least he's himself. It's a monstrous thing that's been done to you, but I think you can still come back from all this, good luck.

Depends on tolerance, dosage, weight and most of all whether or no you have ADHD.
It's changed my life for the better.


This user gets it!
>something that's completely unimportant and even detrimental to humanity
This user does not!
>Straight edge faggots need to fuck off
>Drugs are no different than food.
Congratulations on missing the point entirely!

Oh, my sweet summer child...

If you must, drink plenty of water and take breaks to nourish yourself

but don't. It's not worth it, user.

I was addicted to adderall for about 6 months. I think I would have died had I not stopped. 2,000 miles away from any of the few family I have, I was popping these evil bastards like candy. I went from a 195 lbs beast of an athlete to a frail 147.

Don’t do this drug guys if you have any semblance of an addictive personality. The comedown when I quit cold turkey was the most intense emotional thing I’ve ever experienced. I had no support and did it myself so for that I’m proud I picked myself back up. But holy shit, i cried for about a week straight, and then cried some more. I had a loaded glock next to me ready to end it all for about 3 weeks. Finally I pushed through after lots of sleep and some help from the Mary Jane. This shit is bad fucking news. It should have never been legalized. I do have adhd btw, but was obviously not using it properly. Regardless, this jewpill should have never been sold to the public.

This shit was 2 years ago and I still don’t feel the same.

Yeah I take it like 3 times a month. On days when I know I need to get work done, but just are feeling lazy. Or If I wanna smoke that day - but need to do some work.

For anyone listening out there, you shouldn't smoke weed regularly either. It will rot your brain over time. Such a dangerous drug, because you can fool yourself into believing it isn't damaging for a long time. Don't do drugs kids (for real though).

Hopefully. I no longer have any personal drives, stopped wanting things and now I just say yes to everything I identify as an opportunity to make more money or move up at work.

I live in a gigantic house with little furniture and no decorations. The worst part is I don't particularly like it or hate it. I have no idea why I do anything.

I agree bro, I didn’t mean to advocate for it in my post. It was useful when I stopped the addies though. I’m currently back on top of my game with a fiancé and drug free almost 2 years now.

This is why you don't take it regularly, you literally lose yourself. You become a different person, an empty shell. It's very sad. You only have 1 body, 1 life, 1 opportunity.

Good for you my man, I'm the same. Drugs really fucked me in the ass for a while though.

I like vyvanse best. Makes me energetic, cutting, intense, focused enough to follow a thread and "see" a big picture if im lucky. But overall BAD for creativity. BAD for sex drive. BAD for overall contentedness.

Useful to have in the chest because Rat race america, but in a better world you never need it.

Vyvanse makes me more energetic and aggressive. Adderall makes me edgy and less physical energy. So i like vyvanse. Both work trying.

It's a must try. Take 20 mg at least and you will feel a like a god. Intense euphoria, awful comedown.

ADHD-C here. Like I said I don't get super tired on even 60mg after it filters out of my system. I hardly even notice effects at smaller doses but I feel more human on it than off. Still think I should avoid daily use?

Sorry, no. I'm not fucked in the head. Try yoga, it might help ya.

Doesn't Crack and meth do the same thing.

Try working hard and exercising you faggot

Stimulants broke my dick. Haven't touched the stuff in years and still the problems remain.

Be weary of this shit.

>not one doctor reckons they've heard of stim dick

You end up jacking off for hours but the comeup is nice. I usually write screen plays when I take it for fun. Weed and booze with addys is fun when I get a few days off. Don’t like it for Work cus I deal with people and it makes me work too fast.

Just don’t user. Unless you wanna waste 10 hours.

Never tried them, likely similar in ways (actually they can prescribe straight up meth "Deoxyn"...) but definitely not the same. Recreational meth dose will be MUCH higher than prescription amount so the effect can be quite different even for the same chemical, similar to how alcohol has quite different effects at low vs. high doses

>Sometimes I just lay in bed and I don’t want to be there but I don’t want to get up and be anywhere else. It’s just a feeling of shit

Why not try some Adderall?

Thanks for sharing user.

There are many meaningful things to pursue in life, but it can be hard to see when your brain is in overdrive all the time. Create a family, make something meaningful for other people, spirituality and so on. But if you really want change in your life you have to stop taking the drugs. The most important thing is to resist the mindset that it's hard to stop, because it's not really. As a long time addict you'll have a period of discomfort that's long, but remember that it will pass. Don't be depressed about wasted time or chances, at least you're economically secure now which is worth something too.

I've been on ADD meds all my life.

Been on Adderall for 4 years, definitely more of a roller coaster ride, but I'm used to it at this point.

Adderall helps me study the CTMU, and makes me feel like a big brain nigger. I have enough saved up to last me months in case of a "happening", and I own several guns.

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