Am I going insane?

So, in the past week, the big story was "UN laughts as Trump". I watched the video, expecting to see the UN laugh at Trump for a silly remark. Instead, I see Trump making some light statements at himself at the crowd laughing WITH him at these statements. Its like my perception of what happened is totally different from what the media reports. Am I crazy, or is the media just totally giving us bullshit? I literally did not see the UN conference in the same way. I never would have said "UN laughs at Trump". Thats not what I saw

Im honestly considering just stopping with watching the news at all. I feel fucking crazy. Its like we have totally different perceptions of realitry

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Nah you're good, they just want you to perceive events in the way that benefits their narrative. You're not going crazy, and it'd probably be good advice to everyone to just not watch the news. We're in the internet age, find your information online, it's not hard to get the real story as long as you find a reliable source, or are able to determine what bias an article is pushing, and cross reference the facts to an article biased toward the other side

of course the media lies. On our media they say Kavanaugh accusations are true.
Mainstream media is a joke.
I havent watched it for over a decade now.

The media lies.

Trump is actually a very stable genius with great elocution and a very big big brain.

you weren't supposed to actually watch it...
next time just listen to what the news says about it.

just watch cspan

welcome to 2016.

the rest of us have been living with this feeling since then

Trump was reading the teleprompter and accidentally complimented the speach writer with "so true", Trump realized what he did, the UN was laughing, it was all pretty light hearted.

The media operates on the assumption that most people will read the headlines and not take the time of day to look any further. No matter the issue, whether it's the Kavanaugh hearing, the UN address, a presidential rally, whatever, could be anything. Go to the SOURCE. It's the same sht as a "one post by this ID" OP on Jow Forums. The media are shitposters. Plain and simple.

Also Trumps a charismatic guy. People want to meet him, he makes people laugh.

the leftist media is just in full bullshit mode 24/7

You can tell it’s fake news when on our chans five of the same topics are simultaneously posted to defame something.

true , after washing kavagnaugh hearing and ford hearing, honnestly i can not how you can believe that rape happen, and that democrat can behave correctly.

if not much longer


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>Trump makes his statement about "better than almost any administration in history".
>A heckler in crowd (barely inaudible) yells "That's not true!!!"
>Trump looks at him, and goes off script, chuckles and says "So true."
>cuts the tension by going off script again "That's not the reaction I expected, but ok."

>laughter and applause

watch it again. turn the volume up.

they laughed hard at him, pointed and called him an idiot/moron in their various languages, they continued laughing for a full 10 minutes while trump filled his depends with feces and sobbed

t. CNN

Psyops. Just start laughing at them.

The media is our greatest enemy. I'm not natsoc, but when it comes to the war on the media natsoc and I are on the same page. I don't know what the truth is, but I know lies when I see them.

In the efforts _for_ different political developments we are compartmentalized and scattered, but in the war _against_ MSM, all are united. Literally every single person who has ever had an independant thought feels nothing but hatred towards them, and rightly so. They are supposed to investigate the establishment but they do the exact opposite all across the west. Here in Sweden they even ambushed people in their own homes over comments they had made online. There is no low they wont stoop to. If you think they are at their worst just blink and by the time you've opened your eyes again they will have done something worse. I feel nothing but hatred towards them.


Babby's first redpill

This happened to me. Im Australian for fucks sake.

>Hey user haha did you see Trump make a pool of himself at the UN! They were all laughing at him!! Haha

>Actually yeah I watched it. It didn't happen like that at all. Did you watch it?

>Umm naa I just saw a headline.