Why do people still move to LA/Los Angeles?

Why people come:

It's different- More or less anything goes, no one is in anyone else's business. Self importance is the norm here. No more having to deal with your neighbors.

Why people wouldn't want to come:

Smog-air quality is horrible from all the...

Traffic-Public Transportation is also horrible

Jobs- Hard to get have deal with a lot of different types of people

Rent-Jobs don't pay enough

Weed- Other states have weed

Acting- Hollywood is not what it used to be

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For School. t. UCLA Alumn.

They believe they have a shot in Hollywood.

>no one is in anyone elses business
Is that why i cant eat chick fil a? Is that why taxes are so high?
>self importance is the norm here
Could have fooled me

i went to L.A for a few days last year, (stopped while driving between vegas and seattle).
went also in 2008 and 2010.

it is much worse now compared to 2008, half of mexico lives in L.A now.
every road is a traffic jam 24 hours a day (even the nice twisty roads in the canyons are blocked up with traffic now).

literally china tier population.

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You forgot to mention that there are more Mexicans than Americans in Los Angeles.

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A lot of people confuse movies and tv shows with reality.

I feel no pity for them when they get crushed by city life and end up broke and alone among millions of 3rd world strangers.

The Mexicans are by far the worst part.

Los Angeles is the worst big city I've ever been to. And I've been to Chicago.

OP here

This is now a nevada thread!

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I swear L.A is like a playground for 20 something year olds to run around and promote themselves.

That would've made some awesome wallpaper if it were bigger

Pic related

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You can't take two steps in Hollywood without some nigger trying to sell you it's mixtape. No lie.

"You like good music? Here let me sign that for you."

>niggers offer mixtape
>say 'no thank you sir'

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Have they never heard of SoundCloud?

I had one ask me if I was from around there to which I replied no. He then said he was from Compton and asked if I'd heard of that city before because it's a bad place and he's from the streets.

It's a big degenerate concrete jungle as far as the can see full of highly irritable nutjobs squashed together like sardines. And that's the impression I got from visiting it 15 years ago.

>be me
>be near the chinese theater
>nigger offers mixtape and asks my name
>say 'no thanks' and continue walking
>points at me

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>Is that why i cant eat chick fil a?
Only reason anyone can't eat at the Sunset/Highland location in Hollywood is because there's no place to park

Nevada is where all the former black californians are going

The most self-important, ignorant people on the planet + a shit load of taco and basketball Americans

No thanks senpai