Do you think the internet has made the world better or worse?

Do you think the internet has made the world better or worse?

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I think the Jews have made the world worse.

Like many things. All would be good if nonwhites didnt exist.

now we all know them and how they rule the world
and they met a place they can't control
they are afraid of this

We have access to virtually all the information in existence with this machine, yet we just look at porn and find isolated mental ill people who share the same mental illnesses to support the mental illness and cut of their dicks.

So no.

Worse, undoubtedly.
It had potential to be good but everything went wrong.


>t. kike defender

but i was agreeing with you

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it's not all bad, i started growing weed and it's legal here.

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It's both better and worse. Better because I know about (((them))). Worse, because I can see now how many cucks still don't.

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The problem is that (((they))) can also use the internet, therefore, their ways of spreading lies is easier than it has ever been in history.

Made the world more aware, and things were worse already, is just exploding at this point

Worse. In particular:
-social media
-readily available pornography.

Its destroying every generation since the millennials.


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uncle Teddy says worse and I think he's right

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Worse, its bassicaly the tower of Babel. Now we all wait until god comes and destroys it.


I'm talking to you aren't I? Before that I would need to use an expensive phone plan or mail you. It would take weeks to get to you here I can just send you my message now,

Here is my message to you foreign man:
You are a faggot.

Delivery, for you faggot.

Hello Peru man. Do you live in the city?

Neither. It has only showed us a glimpse of humanity's worst.

It was making it better and then social media and smart phones came about.

Worse. It has made porn available to everyone.

>slide thread
fucking autistic retards will fall for anything. I'll bet on the Jews
