Did Disney know about 9/11 four years before the attacks?

Did Disney know about 9/11 four years before the attacks?

It's interesting. The movie came out on 08/01/1997. If you end up adding all the numbers up you get the number 35. 35 also happens to be the numbers of characters in September eleventh two thousand one. The main characters dad died in a plane crash and the attacks were carried out using planes to crash into buildings.

Now if you look more closely you will see that they also predicted the leading up to the iraq war. At one point in the movie Buddy see's the coach of the basketball team (Saddam Hussein) being aggressive to one of the players on the team trying to make him a better basketball player. (Dictatorship and the human cruelties). At which point Buddy gets the main character (US) and the principal (UN). They come over and they fire the current coach (toppling of Saddam) and replace him with one the main character (US) liked better. (installing a puppet government in Iraq).

Now I'm not totally saying Disney knew about the 9/11 attacks that's for you to decide on your own.

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>hollywood projecting what is to come
You are not crazy, the elite plans shit decades in advance.

you must have been lit as fuck when you saw this link...but I believe in you, user.

Not as convincing as the the Simpsons screenshot of Bart holding the magazine with twin towers 911.
Very spooky if you were to ask me.

I surmise you saw this shit when fucked up on edibles...you spent the entire movie sweating bullets on a quasi bad trip...shitting bricks...you friend was prob oblivious to the dots your mind connected. You needed to reach out on Jow Forums to make sure you were not shitting bricls

very discomforting in retrospect...I have to agree
most people dismiss this shit until you realize you were meant to see this shit in order to be desensitized.

>retarded numerology thread

You can prove anything you want if you add up numbers in an arbitrary way.

God has three letters. The illuminati is a triangle. Triangles have three sides. God has one o. An o resembles an eye. the Illuminati has one eye. God is illuminati conformed.

as a christ cuck you should believe in numerology
it is in the bibles....

for example...why do you need to forgive 7 x 70 times?

4+9+0 = 13


The White House was blown up by aliens in Independence Day. If the White House had been targeted by Al Qaeda on 9/11, people would be calling Independence Day a sign of a conspiracy. Instead, people just see it as a movie and nobody predicted an attack on the White House due to that movie.

If these are actual signs of impending disaster, why are they only noticed in hindsight? How come the only people at the time who sensed an upcoming terrorist attack were the people who studied Middle Eastern politics?

I find it funny how Jow Forums thinks that there were signs of 9/11 in pop culture long before it occurred … and yet Jow Forums is blind to the warnings regarding global warming which began in the 19th century.


"Desensitization" doesn't even exist. It's a pseudoscientific radical feminist term that right-wingers have adopted for their own ends. It's a form of gaslighting to tell people that their own ordinary thought processes are unnatural.

The human brain is a reasoning organ that evolved over millions of fucking years and yet political extremists like you think that any mind can be knocked over like a domino in a wind tunnel. Surely, millions of years of evolution would have created a better organ or else we never would have even learned to walk upright.

I'm an atheist. I was just demonstrating the stupidity of numerology.

Airbud is such a shit movie

your mom

Your has 4 letters.

Mom has three letters.


The illuminati has one eye.

Your mom is illuminati conformed.

Every live action kids movie about a dog is shit.

At least Air Bud is better than all the shit sequels. Look them up on YouTube. It will blow your mind how fucking stupid they are.

why do you think numbers keep appearing in sacred texts and in nature

how does an atheist explain the fibonnaci sequence in nature?


They knew about it for like 30 years.


patterns appear everywhere in nature...read about the fibonacci sequence in all living things.

>why do you need to forgive 7 x 70 times?
Because nobody can be bothered to count that high.

so you just give in?
forgive forever...turn cheeks...face and ass?

wtf i love the illuminati now

wasted get. for shame

q user predicted this

Does anyone else think niggers have magical powers?

There are people taking this seriously lol

>1 post by this ID

I knew there was no way anyone was retarded enough to believe that shit.



Attached: 1537923070823.jpg (400x600, 33K)

There is autism, and then there is just being a fucking retard. Congratulations, you taught us the difference.

I love schizo threads

2 posts now.

Having a good night?