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((((((((((Sarah Silverman))))))))))

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I'm tired lads, it's just all so tiresome.

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Imagine if these people ever had to be made to face the pure fact that the reason MIGHT be he's the only one qualified for the job.


Yeah, white men are constantly overrepresented in the positions in our society that require the hardest work and dedication, the most intelligence, and the most time spent in school. Why is that?

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Sarah Silverbergstain needs to check her privilege.

I used to not think much besides being disgusted about jews but now jews just make me fucking furious like holy fuck I hate jews with a burning passion.

Wish the holocaust actually happened so there were less jews in the world.

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white males are the majority


they are representing me and my ideals

also, possibly the most qualified person for the position.

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I hate this kike cunt so much. Can’t wait to see her hang.

Yeah, good point. Why are there so many FUCKING JEWS in our government?

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If you have an account the answer is simple:

Because they're the most qualified to do the job, in terms of intellect and ability, and their ancestors founded this country- so if you don't like it you can GTFO

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She's so hot tho.

Protestant white men are literally the one group that is least represented on the supreme court despite being the largest group in America

>kav is a pedo, believe us!!!!


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Read this book and replace hen with white man and you'll have your answer sarah

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gas the kikes

>erik brady
The sniffer on that fucker I bet he is a fucking jew.

>Wise was born in Nashville, Tennessee, to Michael Julius Wise and LuCinda Anne (née McLean) Wise. His paternal grandfather was Jewish (of Russian origin)
Fucking kike

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Harvard is between 10-15% Jewish.

what level of jewish over-representation on the supreme court is this stinking kike looking for?



30% of supreme court is jewish, 1.7% of the population is jewish. Maybe we should make sure jewish people are only represented in proportion to the % of the population they are?

Also, Jews are actually 48% of billionaires.

I'm starting to understand why Jews were expelled from over 100 different places in history, now.

If you get kicked out of 100 different bars, you don't blame the bouncer. At some point your own behavior is to blame.

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Slithering fucking kikes want to have complete control over how our Constitution is viewed. We got a rat infestation in our government.

(((they)))'re back at it again

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We can't just nominate a refrigerator-centaur like you, bitch.

Some day people need to learn from history and instead of kicking the kikes out to be another persons problem you clean house.

How many jews on that court, Sarah?

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Gas this twat already

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It doesn't matter because America was never intended to be and never has been egalitarian (especiallly not this absurd outcomes-based approach), a concept that isn't even actually coherent or logically consistent

It's because they're smarter and accumulate disproportionate resources. It's dangerous to be a talented minority.

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Goddammit I hate that kike kunt with the fire of 6 gorillion Tzar Bombas.

Justice for zionist treason

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Please tell me someone made a comment about jews being overrepresented everywhere

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Someone tried that once. What was his name again? Adolph something?

Why is anyone who is not white and male a citizen? I'm being generous.

110/never again you filthy stinking rat
the goyim are waking up like never before

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>speaking about overrepresentation
Yeah okay.

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Please add archive URLs within your screenshots.

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Shit like this should be grounds for exile from the country.

The little red white man?

there should be a hollywood or media bar there

>If this hostility, this repugnance had been shown towards the Jews at one time or in one country only, it would be easy to account for the local causes of this sentiment. But this race has been the object of hatred with all the nations amidst whom it ever settled. Inasmuch as the enemies of the Jews belonged to divers races, as they dwelled far apart from one another, were ruled by different laws and governed by opposite principles; as they had not the same customs and differed in spirit from one another, so that they could not possibly judge alike of any subject, it must needs be that the general causes of antisemitism have always resided in Israel itself, and not in those who antagonized it.
> Bernard Lazare

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Source? Out of all the Jow Forums memes this seems like one that would actually get noticed by normies if it was true

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Tim Wise is an interesting case because he's only a quarter Jewish. In my opinion he demonstrates that the Jewish spirit must be purged, regardless of ancestry.

I fucking hate this jew so fucking much

remind her about jews. like such comments.

because america is not a country of cunts

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they'll one day hang for their transgressions against the white race

>>Wise was born in Nashville, Tennessee, to Michael Julius Wise and LuCinda Anne (née McLean) Wise. His paternal grandfather was Jewish (of Russian origin)
>Fucking kike
Came here to post this lmao

He never did holocaust the jews, he was placing them in camps and eventually moving them to another country just like past nations and empires.

Because they're the only ones qualified.

Yeah the nominee should be another Jew. You know, to reflect the citizens.

And also a bar for % of population in a given IQ range. Jews outnumber everyone else combined in the 160+ IQ range.

>once the military is with us
I will never ever get tired of that line
Also, checked

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>literally proud to be a piece of shit, wallows in the hatred of others and acts even shittier, begging for more hate

Does she really want to draw attention to the kikes?

Yeah let's get some more Jews on the Supreme Court. They're less than 2% of the American population, but 3 out of 9 Justices isn't enough.

Sarah Silverman calls for treason, violence, is racist, bigotted, tries to rallye people around seditious causes, and will never get banned. JUDEN STAR

Maybe its time for Americans to start asking the same sorts of questions about Jews.

Should have been another jew.

The president has successfully seated a total of 329 federal judges during his two terms – all of them, lifetime appointments.

When Obama took office, only three appellate courts had more Democrat-appointed judges than Republican-appointed judges.

Now, nine of the 13 circuits do.

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>"Hey guys, remember, judging someone by their race or social status is NOT okay...unless they're white or richer than I am."
Didn't they try this exact same strategy against Trump only for it to fail miserably?



Obama appointed 2 kike SCOTUS, and had a 3rd he tried to push.

you're on to something.

She’s overconfident in her ability to hide as a (((white)))

>choosing our leaders based on demographic representation instead of competence
This is why no one takes leftists seriously

>Her American father is Jewish; her German-born mother, who came to the United States in 1958
Fucking kike

I'm so sick of this shit. These rats need to be exterminated.

Holy fuck Aryan Brotherhood please green light this kike nigger

Isn't the supreme court a third jewish

why do you retards still get worked up over this twitter shit? it's like when normal fags get all bent that people here say nigger.

it is akin to letting a kid mow your lawn, fucking up your John Deere, then never letting him touch it again, and forever mowing your lawn yourself.

ya changing your names and jerking each off behind closed doors. real crafty as long as the goyim don't know

because last time they found out they made grandma bubbie ride the holocoaster


the little white man that rode the red wave

Guys is this white hate stuff really that prevalent outside of the internet? I am a white male and have never been confronted with someone accusing me of white privilege.

I guess if I ever was confronted with it I would point out that my father was a meth addict who eventually left us and then my stepdad was an abusive shithead. Also my mom not that great because she marries those types of people obviously.

I don't feel like I got any privilege because of my race. I just tried to make the best of a shitty situation.

Are there really people out there who will tell me that the reason I got out of that litany of shit is because of my race when I had to do so with no financial support from anyone but myself? What do these same people say about minorities who manage to make it out of a shitty situation?

I can at least understand if you don't like Kavanaugh because you actually bought that he is a predatory sex offender but why does it matter if he is white? Doesn't this race baiting just further sow racial divide? Why would anyone want that?

Am I just naive?

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