Renaissance Flake

Art being created before our very eyes

Attached: 1538192275201.jpg (644x750, 239K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1508681995319.jpg (2405x1603, 3.66M)


Attached: 1538192006445.jpg (1200x1192, 915K)

Attached: JUST_Flake.png (591x520, 279K)

Needs more Biden.

reposting my oc (1/6)

Attached: painting.jpg (1200x1192, 748K)

Attached: 1516924330962.jpg (1022x1024, 523K)


Attached: its over.jpg (1200x1192, 368K)

Someone needs to shoop in the money bag with the 30 pieces of silver.

Attached: oyvey.jpg (1152x1152, 579K)


Attached: painting1.jpg (1200x1192, 756K)


Attached: unhappy man.jpg (1200x1192, 190K)


Attached: 1528614698993.jpg (900x447, 99K)


Attached: rgddddddddddd.png (1200x1192, 1.07M)


Attached: fucccc.gif (1200x1192, 193K)

Brilliant. Scattered across the table at that.

Attached: 1538193772043 Joe needs his hug too!.jpg (822x423, 102K)

Attached: 94c589c1330d474622fb5a5ec755ac957d2285c050e261cfa931b872216fa7f6.png (507x530, 563K)

postin' mine

Attached: 1538185025399-1.png (1200x1192, 1.99M)

Gave it a go. Edited with no base idea, just went with what I thought looked best. Went for more blue tones to give somber feeling, and went with shitty canvas filter to give aged cracks in paint. Added some tint/shade brushups on some parts.

Attached: test_1.png (1200x1192, 2.89M)

Attached: 1538185025399.png (1200x1192, 1.91M)

What program did u used? Normal Photoshop?

Attached: Judas-Flake.jpg (1200x1192, 207K)

>I don't want your blood money!
>I don't need your blood money!
You might as well take it, we think that you should

Attached: big_1473481448_image.jpg (1280x568, 115K)

Confess to Your Sins against the DemocRATS Kavanah!

Do You believe in the right of women to kill babies???

Attached: The Inquisition of Kavanah.jpg (1920x918, 277K)

Attached: 1537765870868.jpg (640x360, 265K)

Attached: 1531371974516.jpg (1189x1188, 663K)

Slap a filter on that and you're the next DiVinci.

i died

You mean a retarded shit show.

Attached: bb-5badef0fbb3e0.jpg (550x698, 78K)

Which of the filters people have posted so far fit this the best? I picked one of the less edited ones

Attached: Flake freezeframe.jpg (1190x1186, 322K)

Why does she look like Garth from Wayne's World?

or this?

Attached: flake flames freezeframe.jpg (1200x1192, 470K)

lol how did you add the flame in the background. thats sick.

Was waiting for this one

I'm honored to see my comment in a meme.

Attached: suck_it_flake.png (1200x1192, 1.38M)

Not mine, I stole from here It inspired me user, thanks!

Attached: 1536772077190.jpg (720x699, 44K)

Attached: an eternity of rape.png (1200x1201, 1.8M)

I can't take it anymore

>symbolism of the plastic water bottle in modern culture
>representing a moments reprieve but it is only such a short moment among the turmoil surrounding you

If someone could do that greek tale where the person has to push the boulder uphill for eternity, that would fit too.

that doesnt look anything like renaissance painting

Attached: no more happenings.jpg (719x428, 68K)

Who is the blondey?

Attached: DoNEQIJXsAA-Ux1.jpg (1024x1018, 208K)

Attached: 15553.jpg (797x1399, 374K)

Attached: ty.jpg (885x772, 119K)

The Classic

Attached: Flaked.jpg (1200x1192, 807K)

Attached: if only you knew Flake.jpg (797x1399, 166K)

from out of nowhere comes an epic/10 thread

Attached: 1528865007571.jpg (450x600, 66K)

whats kat timpf doing there?

Nice, can someone either find me a good Ron Paul to be whispering in his ear or work on it themselves?

Attached: 1523666124251.gif (670x473, 188K)

godawful thread. none of this is art. stop posting forever

Attached: 523523235235.png (245x328, 95K)

silence, muse

>I stando wiza mizuta torampu
*crosses arms*

Attached: 1538185025399.jpg (1200x1192, 1.38M)

>Jewish Women suck man dry in elevator

was too big

Attached: 1538185025399.jpg (750x745, 712K)

>my OC plz dountsteel

Attached: onlooking.jpg (1122x1082, 152K)

Someone add a Golden Ratio to it

Attached: candid.png (566x564, 500K)


Ahhh, that’s better.

Attached: 821E4A50-6E8F-4144-8F42-B066D2168C4F.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

I apologize.

Attached: blackmail.jpg (1200x1192, 259K)


Attached: 1522441173055.jpg (1196x1184, 1.44M)

whoever made this, thank you

Attached: 1538195066962.jpg (810x1014, 369K)

Why did we all stop using

We loved it during the election and requires no skill just artistic eye.

Attached: VolcanicTrump.png (1000x660, 1.16M)

Attached: 1538194439631.jpg (644x750, 214K)

I would hang this one, and the picture too.

Attached: fff.png (489x634, 655K)

Attached: jeff sip.jpg (797x1399, 561K)

Good work user

Oh no!
An evil stand user
is unleashing his stand, which looks like john mccain,
[fortunate son].

Attached: i am monky.png (1200x1192, 1.23M)

here's one of Grassley timing Booker

Attached: grassley.jpg (1280x847, 134K)

Attached: 15654439631.jpg (644x750, 209K)

Attached: constitution_scares_flake.png (1200x1192, 1.44M)

Attached: nigger.jpg (822x423, 146K)

that looks like a really old iphone

nice, deep

Attached: FLAKE RON.jpg (1189x1188, 255K)

Al Gore truly was a/the “Fortunate Son,” a “Senator’s Son!”

not to Grassley. He's way older than that phone.

>t. uncultured swine

Attached: 17.jpg (1149x1149, 594K)

why did you splatter diarrhea over it?

I feel like this has meme potential

Attached: 1538188958534.jpg (2047x3000, 863K)

Attached: 1535318953805.jpg (255x255, 38K)

Really nice, strong 70's vibe. The guy with glasses in the back especially. If the focus of the camera was different and the woman's hair was little different would look indistiguishable from something of that time.

Attached: mccainmane.png (2106x1535, 830K)

the adjusted color in these push it closer to 70's, wouldn't you say?

Attached: 1538187085846.png (694x500, 754K)

These shall be added to the roof of the Sistine Chapel. Kavanaugh is divine hand of The Lord.

Attached: AE134EA7-4409-4367-8CB5-8AA89FD3AC73.jpg (640x547, 96K)

People started making all kinds of shit at a certain point

Attached: 15381850253992.jpg (1200x1192, 220K)

That's her dad.


Get off Jow Forums, Pope Francis.

Attached: flakethekike.png (1054x772, 1005K)

not sure if people can even read this

Attached: whatcha reading grass.jpg (3334x2206, 575K)

template for the more motivated

Attached: 1538198371122233.png (1280x847, 1.39M)

thanks fren

Attached: 1538181328372.jpg (2400x2708, 1.1M)

Attached: 1538190800947.jpg (1200x1192, 527K)

Who is the hottie behind him?