Blacks bare the mark of Cain

>Blacks bare the mark of Cain
>No gays allowed
>Priesthood is for men only
>all of which are white
>"Latter Day Saints" (Doomers)
>Strong conservative values
>zero alter boy touching
>numerous intricate temples that outshine muslim masques
>clean, holy, pure

Why aren't you mormon Jow Forums ?

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In the end, it's larp.

Bore the mark of Cain, and not doctrine
Gays are allowed, gay marriage isnt
You've never met a black Melchizedek priesthood holder? You must not be mormon
Ok, sure
Not true, not true at all.

>religion is for morons.

Because LDS doesn’t allow beards and I don’t want to be some clean shaven cucklet

Because they're heretics?

All true LDS are daughter fuckers. I don't know about the main corrupted church but with the fundamentalists its ingrained in the culture. My wife was raised FLDS, she said all little LDS girls get fucked by their dads and all the other LDS women I've met agree.
Note, I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Just getting the fact out there.

Caines lineage was wiped out during the great flood. Also the orginal founders of the LDS were Free Masons and studied witch craft. Also I didn't know that mormanism was a work based religion and you have to make it to the mormon temple where they study lucifiarianism and witch craft.

you neckbeard

Enjoy your razor burn and not looking nearly as manly as someone with a beard. Women are more likely to associate being clean shaven with being a weaker male and weak genes because of generations upon generations of men having beards, even if it’s subconscious.

Also Leviticus 19:27

There's never been a black prophet or a black apostle, and there never will be

Mormonism was created by a charlatan to molest young girls without being lynched.
Mormons know the story of Joseph Smith, yet they still follow the church.
They know their religion is a lie. But they follow it for the financial benefits the community gives to members.
They are two-faced liars who will stab you in the back if they can profit from it.
They're like Jews blended with gypsys.

yes they do. BYU (the university) doesn't allow beards.

>Note, I'm not saying it's a bad thing.

XD hahaha kek

agree. not bad

Mormonism is Islam for white people

because the LDS was started by witches and freemasons. I dislike anything started by jews.

Every [hanging] judge he was tried before disagrees with your summary of events, no matter how much they wanted it to be true.

spotted the necklet/chincel

>projecting this hard
Yeah nobody is buying your brand of shit chinlet.
Sorry for your loss.

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Because the most important thing about a religion is that it be true.

>wanting a basedbeard

>*wanting a s.o.y.beard

Real men have beards. Real men don't cut their hair.

>acts like a tough guy, like a "real man"
>gets in a fight
>the other guy immediately pulls hard on his beard
>he screeches like a little bitch

Because the Bible says anybody who adds to or takes away from it is cursed. Mormonism added an entire new Bible to the Bible. That's as Satanic as it gets