The Rice & Beans Genocide

Could supplying free meals of rice and beans be the solution to the Mexican immigration crisis? I know free food sounds counterintuitive, but hear me out...
> Used to work for a health insurance company.
> My office wasn't with at my company, but rather at other companies who provided our insurance to their employees.
> My job was basically to bring employees into my office who weren't taking advantage of their benefits and explain how insurance could help them at no cost.
> Typically in absolute shit-tier blue collar jobs like factories and slaughterhouses, so the employees I spoke to were usually about 65-75% Hispanic.
> Every single fucking one of these Hispanic workers was diabetic and didn't give a single fuck about it.
> I'd explain the benefits we offered to help with their beetus - medications, finger prickers, you name it. All provided for free.
> After thoroughly explaining the benefits to which they were entitled, they never took advantage of any of it.
> They would get a prescription for Metformin filled once, then never get it refilled because they assumed those few dozen pills cured them entirely for some reason.
> I would try time and time again to explain that they needed to continue taking the medication for several years and check in regularly with their doctor for it to work.
> "¡Nooo noooooo, I already feeenish dee medi-seeeeen!"
> The majority of them just didn't understand the fucking concept.
> I couldn't convince them to take advantage of their health insurance no matter how hard I tried.
> I shit you not, these same people would bring in literal TUBS of rice and beans every fucking day for lunch.
> If you didn't already know, that's a terrible and dangerous diet for diabetics.
> Wasn't allowed to tell them not to eat it because muh diversity.
So my proposal is basically the extermination of the Mexican-American population using weaponized diabeetus under the guise of free gibs and embracing multicultural cuisine. What does Jow Forums think?

Attached: riceandbeans.jpg (1463x1094, 226K)

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Dude you worked for a insurance company, kill yourself. Can not wait till the fascists or communists take over and cleanse your ilk.

Califag checking in. This is EXACTLY why I give out thousands of high-sugar candy bars every year at Halloween and promote fundraisers at school that sell chocolate, cookie dough and other HFCS products. Early onset is our friend.

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I mean, a better idea would be just forcing them to have McDonald's and shit that benefits the American economy and keeps them occupied serving each other and getting diabetes

*in Mexico and heavily guarded from the cartels

Never had rice & beans, we have toast here in God's own.
It's crying out for a fried egg & maybe a bit of bacon.
A sausage, a few cheeky mushrooms maybe. Perhaps a spot of grilled tomato, for colour.
Yeah, I might try that.

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At least when the lights go out, many beaners will be taken out early by their shitty mestizo genes.

Why would a diet of rice and beans cause diabeetus?

Beans are basically pure protein + fiber. Rice is pure carbs.

Why wouldn't this be a healthy meal?

Nothing is free.

What's it like being 15 in the current year? I graduated high school before smart phones existed so I always wondered how awful it is now that every faggot is constantly connected to the internet.