Was it worth it electing a retard president just to "trigger the libs"?

Was it worth it electing a retard president just to "trigger the libs"?

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I've made about 10k this year from investments. It's only gonna get better.

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Every fucking minute of it, shitstain.

Really? I made 300k. Suck it peasant.

Yes. 100%

who elected a retard president?
but yes, it would be worth it, if it happened.
also, fuck you with your loaded questions.


also I own my own business and it has never been better

Fuck yes

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my nigger, I made 50k last year and im on track to make about 45 this year

I hope you have your stop losses in place.

tranny deaths way up

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It gives me joy knowing you looked like this on election night and two years later, you're still seething with this man living rent free in your mind.

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lol you guys are on the same team

I made 300 million suck it faggot


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stop losses are for leverage jews


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I own my own business and its never been worse. Chinese are raising prices on us and I am afraid of new import taxes. American buyers wont pay higher prices and the type of goods I distribute are not manufactured here.

yes because faggots are going insane because drumph

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there's nothing loaded about this question, Mr Saltypants. Trump is objectively retarded, even Republicans have admitted it, so there's nothing to worry. desu, murifags had the difficult choice of going got a giant retard or a shit sandwich, they were fucked either way.

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He's doing a damn good job apparently. I mean, you are here shitting up the board after all.

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Ha ha. YES! It was totally worth it!

I totally sympathize, and I’m not particularly happy with Trump either (even though I voted for him), but have you seen the opposition?

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ITT: "I base my political views on what liberals don't like."
You're all Obamatards 2.0
Feel free to kill yourselves and do the world a favor.

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>trigger the libs
That was the cherry on top.
The reason we did so was to keep them from having any power in the government any more.
For the most obvious reasons in the world.

Really? I made 10k in debt

I ain't even a Murifag, sweetie. But enjoy Trump! I wish we had a clown that big in our country, but too bad we can't afford that because we'd be in actual trouble, but you glorious basterds in the land of the fee, home of the bribe can afford such a personage and I sincerely hope you enjoy the show just as we do from the distance.

All I care about is what I see in my bank account. The opposition is for open free trade. The type of toxic electronic shit that Americans consume can be made with near slave labor. It makes our life better.

> I wish we had a clown that big in our country
What country might that be Jew rat?


>retard president
>evil genius professional dog whistling literally hitler
pick one nigger

It was worth it for this alone

yes, just like Brexit was worth it
>tfw dual citizen
>tfw got to vote for both


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Without question.

I'm picking a), you might want to re-read the question again, you naughty aussie pussy.

Imagine being so insecure you lie about your income on an anonymous messageboard

fuck you and the world you dumb faggot

>I ain't even a Murifag, sweetie

Why are you on an American computer network?

definitely amigo

the best has yet to come

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>even Republicans have admitted it
bro everything the major parties say is capitalist propaganda, unless i already agree with it
*smokes bong*

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>one-line writing prompt

I made 300 billion sick it neckbeard

Yes, and we have 6 more years to go.


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drumpf retard

stupid drumpf retard

cringe retard

tryhard retard

rich retard

stupid retard

anime retard

nazi retard


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wow if Trumo is a retard the left are pathetic. Who's salty?

Projection is all you have. And your memes are still shit.

Those streams were always so comfy

list retard

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was it worth electing a retard as president just because he was black?

Personally I think Sanders would have made a better president overall. Truly for the people, instead of being a corporate puppet like Trump. Too bad his party fooked him right in his arse for such a corporate slut like Hitlery Clit-on.

It wasn’t just because he was black. He was also a socialist. And a Muslim. Possibly with a transsexual wife. So don’t make it all about race, okay?

Lol that's my point. If you are rich you aren't using Jow Forums. This place is for incels reeeeeeeeeeeee


well, your little faggotfuck bitchass niggerkike ass made this thread out of your salt, which is proof of your assblastedness, which is good enough for me, so yeah
get triggered more you piece of shit cocksucking wallaby


Look at my president that you call retard. Hes doing actually something about yellow chinks and de-escalate NK and doesn't start a war to sand niggers 1year on his term

what else you want

She lost, just like you.

When I feel down I watch a Trump will never win compilation. Or leftists losing it on election night. TYT going insane is a classic as well. Absolutely priceless.

Help the American people in a meaningful way. The common fella. But he won't because he's a corporate sellout.


he is provably better than obama or bush were you uneducated fuckwit. Him triggering you morons was just the cherry on top.

>Or leftists losing it on election night.
She was hardly a Leftist. If you put her in Cuba (or any other country where left means left and right means right), she's fundamentally right-wing. There's no true left in the US.

>Austrian defending Trump

lol nigger

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Well, we didn't elect Hillary so clearly we didn't elect the retard.

half of leftypol supports trump for accelerationist purposes
only liberals are afraid, they know pretty much everyone wants to shoot them

Seeing faggots like you come here and make threads like this? Yep, worth it.

I agree. It was a beautiful time to be alive.

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>help the American people in a meaningful way

i hope you are not thinking of welfare

is bringing back jobs stolen by chinks and reducing tax cuts so muricans have more money take home at the end of the year not enough? not talking about borders so the drug cartels doesnt stretch too much into the country

i can list much more, but probably you only ever read hitjob article for him in MSM, social media or plebbit. seriously its not like him being president in the white house would make all the problem solved. Remember that there are people in there with their own agenda. Blaming everything for Trump

yes, and id vote again

why not both

I wanted chaos
I wanted people to get mad and realize politicians are alll skum
I wanted him to burn it all to the ground

He has delivered 100% and more

Fuck the dems, fuck kavanaugh, fuck the national debt, fuck Russia, fuck our allies, fuck republicans

There is only Trump, the human nuke, the plague our country needed.

>8yrs of replicunts crying, screaming, acting like a spoiled brat child who doesnt get there way so they threaten to leave home, secede, and live with Becky across the street
>the tears that flooded the streets when obama got re-elected
>now trump pres
>all of a sudden they laugh and libs
>out of no where they whomp-whomp

fucking plz.... what ever makes you white snowflakes happy. But when he doesnt get re-elected you'll threaten to secede all over again.

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its not hard to do when you stop listening to trump and instead look at what he does.
remind me how far did obama get with norht korea or isis or china
Again trump has done nothing that even compares to setting half the middle east of fire, arming mexican drug cartels, supporting the failing arab spring, giving iran billions... Nothing trump has ever done compares to any of that stupid shit at all. Thats what i mean when i say trump is provable a better president when you look at his actions and not words which are meaningless

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No but the hive minded people cheering for her were.

Also, in the West the left is only culturally left now. It's all about identity politics and virtue signalling, no leftists gives a shit about the (white) proletariate here. In fact, the left openly hates white men. That's why Trump was elected, fundamentally.


Ah yes, the old multi billionaire tv star, president is retarded meme. Of course he is stupid and you are smart.

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With Hillary, you will have nice WW3 and hairloss and divorce

Everyday I wake up happy Donald Trump is President. The fact the libs are so mad and the fact the libs don't have that bitch Hilary in charge of them to talk about how powerful they are makes me happy. Liberals literally wake up with anxiety over a President (who let's be honest) is conducting business as usual. It's truly a great timeline we found ourselves in.

Yeah. Yeah, it was.

We're changing the name of Trump Derangement Syndrome, because that could make the mentally challenged like OP think Trump is the deranged one. If we call it Loser Derangement Syndrome, there will be no doubt who its referring to, because Trump is always winning and cannot lose.

Various chiefly American industries are moving their business elsewhere and many others are affected tariffs-wise all due and thanks to Trump's tactics. That's hardly improving anything. You all would be better with Sanders but your system was corrupted enough to not allow him to run back when it counted.

yeah and we are going to do it again
and again
and again
and again

That would actually be nice. Specially when those company moved into other parts of asia

not only in china, because fuck those communist

>Nothing trump has ever done compares to any of that stupid shit at all
We'll see about that. As you see, they want to elect him for another 4 years. Enough shit can happen.

Absolutely. Trump has been a driving force for good in the world.

I don't think it would surprise Burgers in here just how much support Trump has here in kangarooland.

can you call me a retard too i need to belong

trip of truth checked

>Also, in the West the left is only culturally left now. It's all about identity politics and virtue signalling, no leftists gives a shit about the (white) proletariate here. In fact, the left openly hates white men. That's why Trump was elected, fundamentally.
This is true, and a sad realization. The American "left" doesn't care about the common fella, and this backwards ideology is plaguing the rest of the Western countries as well.

Are you calling me stupid because I'm not a billionaire? Well, you got me there, lad. Sadly my father wasn't rich enough to kickstart me big time like Donnie's father did.