Prepper General

What's your readiness status and prep acquisitions this week?

Readiness status: gtg in all areas. Waiting for governors call to assist in crackdown of left wing rioters.

This week:

- 1000 rounds high quality .223
- 500 9mm
- 13 glock mags

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all my guns were lost in a tragic boating accident
don't forget GLOWsticks nigger

Not allowed own guns until after the collapse of society.
Then I'd imagine they will be laying everywhere.

This. I sold them all legally to private owners and they are not entitled to the information by law. I don't have any guns and you will need s warrant to enter the premises.

Ian a jew we don't keep for the and of Our world, we keep for the end of Your world

Fucking phoneposters ay?
Anyway you got what iam saying

Don’t forget the comm equipment and the night vision equipment.

don't be a faggot. .308 or don't bother with a rifle at all.

-1 technical with a 40 volley bad dragon dildo launcher
-Bulk gummybears
-Year subscription to chubby sistas magazine

You too? Ah shoot. Dam boating accidents!

only 1000 rounds of .223? that shit is like a .25cents a round. you better times that by 10

>what's your location and list your weapons and ammo anons


Also just in keeping with the spirit of this thread, post the amount of weapons you have, if whether you have some hideout with a generator and fuel to produce electricity, how much fuel do you have, whether you have experience as a hunter or a doctor, and if need be, friends that can help you be supplied (and communicating equipment as in what kind) ;^)

Sup fbi

Info mining thread


just military grade helmets gas masks etc.
in europe we can't get guns so i will have to survive with swords and bats

Good. 3D printed bullets work. The nitro-sucrose gunpowder needs more thought into it. The lathe is fixed and making better gunbarrels. The body armor for the kids is curing.

>So you guys, give me information about your preparations to like do terrorism and stuff. Thanks.


Jow Forums is a board of peace. Please leave glowing one.

I have the vial of super-duper-aids. And if anyone steps on my property during the war I'm going to break it and infect the world.

>glowing this hard
you kikes never learn


I've been buying 40 smokes detectors every week for the last 7 years

55k 7.62x51
14k 9mm

20 loaded mags of both

I have a filéting-knife. Been getting quite the fish-butcherer.

Going to uni in an urban environment so when shtf I'm probably fucked, but I have a water filter and some stored canned food so I could likely ride out the first weeks and maybe try to go inland to a rural area

Need supplies in all departments. I have a mental list of food/water etc but until society collapses paying the rent comes first.

You need a good Get Out of Dodge plan (really multiple ones) using back streets or even biking and walking.

Cash, creativity and ever increasing mentally ill homeless people.