They are winning

This is exactly what they want.
Ripping the country in two.
Don't you notice how it is algorithmic in how it gets worse?
But after some time it ignites and sta starts to take off.
We are more polarized than ever as a nation.
And they keep pushing it forward.
To what end are we coming to?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Innawoods, leaving this bullshit behind.

>every other continent on Earth is broken up into dozens of ethnostates
>The United States of America HAS to remain a multi-ethnic continent-spanning empire because "muh map-painting" autism

what kind of idiot would put crops in front of their house?

My ID is 5WKmGDUe

The dems are planning a false flag attack during the investigations. They are desperate, please help.

Either get tribal or get rekt.
Your choice

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How much of this is apparent in real life and how much is just online? People will never encounter the Nazi/commie stereotype in real life. Antifa has failed because the right wing won’t be tricked into rallies


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Sweet story son!

>This is exactly what they want.
Only insofar as it neutralizes the opposition to their long-term plans, which is the elimination of identity.
A homogeneous country with a solid identity is far harder to subvert and destroy than one that is fractured and distracted.

I kind of agree with this


Hey man I guess what you should do is like compromise with the other side and you know agree to cooperate with them lol that way you're united and stuff

>Ripping the country in two.
>Thinking it's two halves
>Not 80/20
Most people just don't care


>Soros makes his money destabilizing nations
>Soros funds BLM, Antifa, Shareblue, Media Matters, Democrats

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It was actually designed to be a bunch of small semi independent countries. Federalism ( central authority) vs Confederacy ( authority distributed to individual states ) was the major conflict in the 1860s- 1880s and in the end Federalism won and the rally point centered around slavery, though it was a social issue not a question of how the country should be governed.

Interestingly, drug laws and immigration which are also social issues are being used to drive a return to the Confederacy model, with Latinos being the new niggers. Also interesting is that the Democrats were the pro slavery group in both cases.

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Yes. They want us to kill each other so they dont have to do it

That's not one acre. That's more like 6-8 acres minimum. I grew up on one acre.
One acre is not nearly that big.

>We are more polarized than ever as a nation.
It's almost like it was a bad idea to have more than one tribe in your country. Maybe you should just have kept it white.

ultimately civil war, and in the modern era, an American civil war would be more spectacular, in a very, very bad way.

Cucks and feminists both want to be dominated by strong black men

Thank you Kanye, very cool!

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It's not normal in rural and suburban communities. We aren't encouraging each other to act like shit heads. It's like the Bill Hicks joke about CNN showing you the world falling apart, but when you go outside you see a peaceful town with no issues.

>hurr this is what they want whitey, don't you dare start banding together even though they've been doing it for decades! that would be RACIST!

Fucking kill yourself.

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This fucking syntax

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It scares lefties that we are anonymous. Every effort is being made to turn us into a concentrated and visible group that can be attacked. Only dummies out themselves when it doesn't provide any tangible benefit. I look like a hipster boomer guy and my tastes appear perfectly normal, but I'll slip into my house and emerge in full body armor, locked & loaded if some foolishness occurs

>To what end are we coming to?
Whatever happens, I doubt it'll be good.

Put Aristotle in modern day society. He wouldn't be the same person. His ideas are dated. You want to use the ideologies of the men of limestone when we can see 3 billion miles into the void with a fancy telescope. Transversly we can see down to the tiniest particles in existence.
Aristotle walked everywhere.
We use some form of transportation. Movies, all entertainment, technology, etc....
It's a different world now and all aspects and philosophies of control are different.
A person can be destroyed by an allegation.
People murder and get away with it because of the color of their skin and religious beliefs.
All old philosophy is fucked.
It's not relevant

I remember back when the trayvon martin thing happened. I was waiting for the president to say something like, "We must uphold the word of the law and not allow race to cloud our judgement. We are fundamentally the same." Instead he said, "Travyon Martin could've been my son." That was the big tipping point when I started to notice that tribalism and racial division were deliberately being sown at the highest levels.


more division init

unity, even international, is required


That was the beginning of identity politics right there, and we’re seeing the culmination of it right now

>To what end are we coming to?
No end at all, its just a reset user, relax... or don't since we're fucked now. To be more specific they know the Left is toast, so now the Left's only job is to galvanize the Right as best they can so the good goys march to whatever beat is played for them because they feel they are under seige by the Left. You see this playing out right now with all the Rightwing Radio talk demanding people "hold the line" and vote straight ticket Republican, no matter how horrible those Republicans are.... or else the Left will send us all to the camps.

Just take a step back and be honest. What has Trump really done? Improved the Economy, sure... but that money still winds up in the same hands as before at the end of the day. The plebs are being placated with a little bit of prosperity is all. Trump put the brakes on more MidEast wars, sure, but the funding for ISIS is still on going, and his positions simply bought him credibility with the people most needed to be persuaded that the Next Big War is a righteous one that must be fought. Got rid of the individual mandate, yeah... but Obamacare was always designed to collapse under its own weight anyway, now it'll just make a smaller mess, a soft reset. Some tariffs, some deportations, meh its not anything lasting, just more soft resets, just more releasing of pressure from the necks of the public before they start to snap.

What has really changed at the federal level? Nothing much, the machinery is all firmly in place. The spy grid is running smoothly, the fascist social media corporations are putting things into overdrive. The bricks are still being laid for this countries demise. The Kavanaugh appointment, and Gorsuch too (both are Bush Neocons who Clerked for Justice Kennedy among other things) are proof of this. The long term arc hasn't changed one bit. Sorry if that Pill is too hard to swallow after two years of observation.

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portland niggas

Most ignorant post I've ever read. Humans are humans and are driven by the same things they were 2000 years ago.

Shills all over this one


You got all busted up with silent weapons and mind warfare yo! Get real used to the woods. You're gonna need that shit like robin hood soon.

Don't try to interact or redpill the masses cuz they have atlantean mind control ( cell phones and cell phone towers ) all up on this ass and can't even talk anymore. Zombies is a protocol.

Get ready for the woods.

You see the Left (jews obvi) uses the frame of white supremacy to cast white people as the oppressors and non whites as the collective victims in order to have the largest voting bloc possible.

They have coined the word "people of color" to create a collective victim group that connects all "non white" people together within this "white supremacist, white oppression mindset/frame."

We should actively work on removing the group label "people of color" to aid in dismantling this inter-sectional, non white unity, simply by framing it for what it actually in fact is--a racist label.

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Is extinction preferable to adaptation?

How do we help?

You can bring a gun to the woods

It has better range for hunting

Include me in the screenshot

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There's also a reason a rifle stance is similar to a punching stance: left hand lead, right hand fire

>make post
>delete post and make new post
>"wow guys look i can guess my ID"


Smart enuff to read

Dum enuff to eply

How’s pol now

clean yr rm

You are literally the best goy ever, a deracinated slave...their ideal creation. You openly scorn the past and call the greatest minds of humanity irrelevant "because it's the current year!".

Kill. Yourself.

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>incoherent gibberish
>"they," "we"
>no context, nothing specific
OP is a bot.

My God, this level of insight! Is the mathematics of the Greeks also irrelevant and dated since we don’t walk everywhere, you intellectual giant?

Tribalism is the dominant survival strategy. Every time tensions flare whoever goes tribalist the furthest ends up on top.


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If "they" want my right to freedom of association respected, "they" sound like pretty cool guys.

As much as I hate my MAGA neighbors, I will stand with them against a foreign enemy.

>Jews push for racemixing and destruction of the white race consistently for decades.
>Whites realize what is going on.
T-tribalism is what they want g-guys I swear. No, they want extinct whites which means racemixing propaganda and forcing whites to destroy themselves by not defending themselves.

Watch the lot of this.
This guy gets it, Congress and the house have subjugated all power away to the executive which is why the executive is increasingly under pressure and politicians sit tight never really having to make a decision.
> The government is not in the hands of the people but the deep state

Dont forget your sks Jow Forumsomrade

Fuck you Juden Peterstein.

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>durr hurr group selection

He has pretty much destroyed this country. No one raised a gun or even a finger to try and stop him

Aristotle predicted the jews of america 2500 years in advance

fuck you dude my mom was in the hospital today

I do it all the time in Harvest Moon. It's nice having it so close so I don't have to travel far to take care of my plants

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>im going to cuck out instead of stand up to the kikery destroying my nation


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Yeah nationalism and tribalism is exactly what international Jews want
We need Communism, I mean Christianity

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Mr President is that you?

when you want to try and grow a meaningful amount need to utilize the space you have