Down The Rabit Hole We Go

Am I the only one who sees where this is going to fucking go? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

Forget the fucking sexual assault. Forget a hypothetical Democrat conspiracy. The sexual assault will be impossible to corroborate outside of the fucking gang rapes at 10 parties which are ridiculous and no one is going to connect the Dems to the leaks and lawyers these people have.

They are going to get him on the drinking. There is no fucking way Kavanaugh didn't drink himself into oblivion at least one night in high school, let alone college.

All they have to do is find a few witnesses, some of which have already come forward (his roommate in college, friends in college) and they can sink him with perjury in his testimony.

Democrats will scream that one lie means everything is a lie and it's going to be hard to diminish that effect.

I voted for Trump and want Kavanaugh to be appointed, but this is fucking wasting republicans precious time when they need to get a candidate confirmed before January.

Attached: Kavafucked.png (560x435, 236K)

It's gonna be something more stupid
It's gonna turn out Kavanaugh actually hated beer and was more of a mixed drinks type guy and that will be what he lied about

I just don't see how they don't find something related to his drinking habits.

They're doing it to waste time and to set a precedent where they'll be able to fuck up any government nominee they don't like. It's absolutely ridiculous that anyone is buying into their bullshit.

Plenty of people have never gotten blackout drunk once in their life.

If Kavanaugh says he never got blackout drunk then nobody can prove otherwise. Even if someone lies and claims he did get blackout drunk, its only their word against his.

Now they will say that he's no longer credible because there's an FBI investigation on him

Dems know Trump has at least 2 more nominees if he wins 2020. That would fuck them over for 30 years. This is a set up for then.

Would be funny if during these victim intervuews they catch one of these skanks in a lie and decide to prosecute. Flynn’s revenge.

They don't care about any of this, all they care about is delaying so they can rally their base during the midterms that a new supreme court pick is on the line that will 'make faggotry illegal.. make abortion illegal.. make X illegal'.

It's all about the midterms and gaining power in the senate again, and the GOP is so cucked still they're basically allowing this to happen because it's filled with RINOs and boomers who have no idea what's going on.

If he gets in, Trump gets 2 (sotomayor + RBG), meaning the court will be 6:3 in favor of republicans. They're gonna go all out to stop this.