Is the Redwave going to come?

Is the Redwave going to come?
I feel like this Kavanaugh bullshit is just pissing off a lot of men and Whites.

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No. If anything its put our our inherent white nationalism sexism into the spotlight which will ignite the biggest blue blacklash that we've ever seen. Sorry.

>men and Whites

Are there other opinions that matter really?

I want to fuck the thing on the left until it looks like the thing on the right.

Tell me more. Fapping tonight.

tattoos were enough to make her unattractive; second photo superfluous

>realizing that instathots aren't as attractive as their pictures make them out to be

stop crushing my dreams

Why do women take pictures were they make stupid faces and look disgusting on purpose? I don't get it. Do they think it's ''funny''? I'm not laughing.

I think she's trying to make a point about judging people too harshly for a couple bad pictures.

Rarely does someone encapsulate an image so profoundly. Thank you user.

I want to choke the thing on the right while it's squirting all over my dick... while I keep fucking it.

... ur a grill right?

it is pissing a lot of men off, see here is the thing, kavanaugh is a normie goodie two shoes the kind of guy we all secretly respect we may not agree with him and think he's a pussy and a virgin but he is the kind of guy that we know deserves to succeed because he is everything we aren't he is an authentic white picket fence american. now in this day of political character assassinations we have to witness that guy get smeared and dragged through the mud, see here on pol we are the sewer of the internet dregs we know this and wear that with a badge of honor and expect smears to come our way, but kavanaugh? no, he doesn't deserve this and its WRONG.

he is a good man i wish i had the willpower to be, and if even he can't survive this political climate what does fate have in store for us here on the bottom? this is fucked and everyone with a heart knows it.

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guaranteed she looks like right most of the time though

This, he comes off as a waspy goody two shoes but that is not a crime.

I'd never hang out with the guy but he seems like a straight shooter and honest to boot. My girlfriend and I are legitimately angry that his family has to deal with this shit.

Fuck Feinstein.

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As a right-leaning independent for the past five years, I'm weighing whether to vote based on the views of each individual candidate for the midterms or just straight-ticket the GOP.

The risk, of course, being the possibility of accidentally voting for a neocon.

At this point for me it is kick the neocons in the primary and straight GOP in the general.

Ribbit is the redwave!

Ribbit is the redwave!

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>he comes off as a waspy goody two shoes
lmao he's Irish Catholic
Even Gorsuch was raised Catholic, Albeit he is of English descent
WASPs don't exist anymore bud
we are simultaneously the base of the Republican party and non-existant
we are both the heart of America and a group that doesn't have a representative on the Supreme court

Personally I think the GOP will gain some seats in the Senate and lose some in the House. I personally suspect the GOP will retain the House on a much narrower margin based on 96% of incumbent Congressmen getting reelected. The House really is a toss up though.

Betting Markets for 2018 Elections

Senate 70% chance that it remains GOP.

House 70% chance that it becomes Democratic.

Sen Ted Cruz R TX 66% chance of reelection.

Sen Jon Tester D MT 69% chance of reelection.

Sen Heidi Heitkamp D ND 40% chance of reelection.

Sen Bill Nelson D FL 55% chance of reelection.

Sen Clair McCaskill D MO 54% chance of reelection.

Sen Joe Donnelly D IN 56% chance of reelection.

Sen Bob Menendez D NJ 77% chance of reelection.

the only red wave that you'll see is the blood of all leftists and kikes that will die in the race war

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well said, I was thinking along those lines myself

no shit. that's the point. no woman looks like their well lit/perfectly angled/posed instagram pictures.


Fuck off kike

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who wore it better