Why are all phones getting rid of headphone jacks?

Why are all phones getting rid of headphone jacks?

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.de/aceyoon-Kopfhörer-Cancelling-Mikrofon-Lautstärkeregler-Typ-C/dp/B07FD3Q3NR/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1538203092&sr=8-15&keywords=usb-c earphones

Probably to remove every analog for surveillance purposes.

Thinner form factor and also jews

Apparently to keep your phones more (((Waterproof)))

Pro-or aren’t buying Bluetooth headphones enough and are used to the included headphone jacks

Remove the port and yiu created yourself a new market and don’t have to include headphones anymore

To sell dongles to increase profit.

So that in addition to buying the iPhone you have to buy iPhone accessories.

To sell you propitiatory items

I bought a new phone some weeks ago. It has headphone jack and removable battery.

>because in the future minimal tasks like typing and plugging in a headphone are too difficult for people

but everyone is doing it from apple to google to xiaomi.

If it was just about making money someone would have a flagship phone with a marque feature "headphone jack"

ding ding ding

true and correct

fuycking electronic jude

If you want to sell dongs to Canadians just make them dog shaped.


Because people are switching to bluetooth(costs more than average headphones), a small and portable device that happens to be frequently lost(so you have to pay for another one).

If you look at most of the shit today it's meant to break or have some form of problems after a certain period of time. In the late 1900's shit would last forever and was indestructible, which was very bad for long term business so (((someone))) had to do something about that.

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>Apple does something
>Jews do it because Apple does it
>Chinks do it because Jews do it
>Steve Jobs laughs from hell


to nuke your brain + mind control.

beware...a friend's daughter now has a knot on her head where she holds her cellphone. it does not look good.
think about how your connectedness is disconnecting you & causing irreparable harm to your health.
choice is yours.

Satanism most likely, that seems to be the reason for everything these days, let me digress
>wireless earbuds give you radiation
>causes mutation of your genes
>your genes are designed by god
>mutation is a mockery of god
wow pretty easy, the devils tricks are fucking childs play

Because they want subhuman niggers and the like to be playing Spotify at full volume on the fucking bus through the tin can ship speakers.

jesus this could be right

To save internal space.
The jack connector is larger than the camera module, or vibration module, there could be a good chunk of battery in it's place or some haptic thingie.

You're absolutely right. I've had things fail a few weeks after the 1 year warranty expired.

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So they can charge you a hundred dollars for compatible headphones

why try to be competitive when you can just all agree to screw over the consumer together?


They fell for the digital jew

>using headphones
>not having your volume up to max and annoying others like a chad in public
Get on my level

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Apple did it first to sell bluetooth headphones. The rest are doing it because Apple did it, just as they have since the 90s.

Makes it impossible to be electrocuted from the inside out. Like what happened to girl using her $1 shop headphones while charging on the mains.

>late 90s
1924 was when lightbulb manufacturers agreed to target a 1k hour lifespan

the anti leaded solder meme practically ensured no electronics are going to last that long

You know who doesn't have planned obsolescence? Communism :^)

It's (((central planning))).

Because you don't need an amp for the usb type headphones and can push out 32bit 192khz sound easily too.
Not having an extra amp saves space and battery life too.

Because they take up way too much fucking space that can be used for a million other useful things. Also they included the dongle during the transition period (2 years). See pic related.

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only reason I own a phone is so I can listen to my music through my HEADPHONE JACK

no headphonee jack? no buy.

Something to do with the Jews. Not sure exactly what they're up to. But they're up to something.

They should have called them headphone jills.


If I want to listen to sounds of a high enough quality to justify my Sennheisers, I'm not doing it on a phone. If I'm on the move, I don't want cables getting tangled up in bullshit and the ambient noise will cause me to put less importance on quality than comfort.

Its true. You neither have phones or data plans because, who the fuck is gonna determine how many calls/data you need to make/use. But hey! At least starvation doesnt give you ethical issues!!!

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This guy has a nice idea why, and all the other manufacturers that fell in apples trap.


That taptic engine is a pile of crap too, they can get rid of it as well.

There's no planned obsolesce for communism because it's born dead already.
Just commie.

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This is why I own a blackberry classic.

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>i love being raped by big capitalist dick
t. you

You get cable headphones with the iPhone included with their proprietary connector.
Also there are type C connector headphones already.
amazon.de/aceyoon-Kopfhörer-Cancelling-Mikrofon-Lautstärkeregler-Typ-C/dp/B07FD3Q3NR/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1538203092&sr=8-15&keywords=usb-c earphones

If I have to choose between that and communism™, I choose the dick

I don't like this push for bluetooth.
It's so fucking unreliable when you try to sync that shit up to your car. Every now and then it just doesn't fucking work, and then you have to spend 10-15 fucking minutes troubleshooting either your cars bluetooth controls or your phones bluetooth controls. It's fucking horseshit technology.

>In the late 1900's shit would last forever and was indestructible
Ok bullshit, cars would break down all the fucking time. Hell it used to be that cars sometimes just wouldn't start in the morning because of human error in their construction.

Wtf are you talking about nigga, the taptic engine is BASED. Swapping a standard motor for a linear actuator was genius. It doesn't sound like you have a fucking dildo going off in your pocket everytime you get a text message during school or work, and it genuinely makes it feel like things you press on the screen are buttons.

Why do they keep making electronics thinner? I want something with some heft to it. If I'm walking through a parking lot alone I want something I can use as a bludgeoning tool.

why the fuck would I want anything a*ple?

I was offered a free a*ple phone and reject it for my G3

fuck off I want nothing a*ple

>I love having absolutely no idea of how basic economics actually work

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Even the cheapest shitboxes for the past 5 years have been sold with a USB port and iPod compatibility, that extended to iPhones. Go buy a new $40 head unit, they all have iPod/iPhone compat.

I know you are lying because zoomers dont talk on the phone they text.

Same reason you can't remove most batteries.

>Bluetooth you idiots

We need a smartphone body acceptance movement.

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I think Jow Forums is the only place where I've seen people discuss the insidious Jewish conspiracy of waterproofing.

>To sell dongles to increase profit.

dong ding, we got a winner. Why waste 0.05 cents on a plug that allows your users to use their own headphones instead of your $200 Bluetooth buttplugs?

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>Why do they keep making electronics thinner?
because morons keep buying them
remember several years ago when the push was to make the phones smaller? they made them so small you needed a toothpick to dial
it's a fad, it will die eventually

And make money at the same time...iphone six..last gen with headphone jack...you can charge and listen at the same time

Right, because the jews don't want your phone to break when it gets wet, right?

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Always tape over your camera lenses frens...front and back

Because we all want to have to remember to charge our headphones?

Bluegums like the blueteeth

>noah fought water
>moses manipulated water
>jesus transmutated water
>modern jews ???? water

the galaxy s9?

>to make them waterproof

But the analog thing is interesting

I use an (((android))).
The wireless shit is convenient, but it's so easily 'confused'. If someone else plays music my phone won't connect after they are gone.

But...if they want your phone to break when they get wet...why are they waterproofing the phones

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The analog jack works, do it must be ridiculed and removed, also mass surveillance

Why are people going to Bluetooth? Its SO goddamn hackable, wtf?

the truth is out there

Buy 1+6 - should last you for a while, maybe enough to survive until they bring the jack back.
> Inb4 no microsd slot reeeee

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Because they won't really be waterproof, silly goy. Plus now you need to buy more fragile accessories.

Well shit user, I hope you've ungoogled it, look into lineage OS, I use it on mine.

Also they have USB Type-C -> 3.5mm auxillary convertors.

I love the pairing codes:
>is it 0000?
>is it 1234?
At a minimum all devices should have programmable pairing codes.

I'll check that out, I fucking hate google.

I thought it was a feature

But it isn't, they're only adding computing power almost none of which is meant for the benefit of the end user. They're just filling it with more ways to track you.

>le basic economics meme

another reason why I cling onto my G3 is I can remove the battery.

already had the battery die on me, I can only imagine the ass pain I'd have to go through trying to replace and internal battery fone.

No removable battery? no buy. my golden rule

Idiot tech firms

clearly, the damage can be measured.

fucking this

i work in tech and my company gives macbook pros to every programmer for work, I was unfortunate to start working when the newest macbook pro was the one with no ports except a few usb-Cs, so I literally have to carry dongles everywhere

I asked if I could have an older computer and they wouldn't let me :(

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check'd, fpbp

Also, digital is pleb-tier, analog is patrician. For video, audio, radio, etc., always go analog. Video is for surveillance and control, analog is freedom.

you can literally just carry around a 90's cellphone for that sole purpose

Why do faggots buy apple? i have owned Palm, Samsung, and Blackberry, but never felt the need for Apple. What does Apples have that people need so badly? What awesome things in life am I missing out on but not have an Apple?

>checked and kekked
apple knows what they're doing and they know the hipsters and normies would buy a potato from them if they told them to

imagine if we could somehow get apple to be /our guys/

>live long enough to see 3.5 audio jack become legacy

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To save $3 not including a DAC, amp, and port.

All modern electronics are one big spy network now.

I still use a 2011 iMac for music production. I will NEVER "upgrade".

Fpbp, soon they won't even have power buttons. On all the time.

no that's nonsense. all cellphones are already pumping out constant high-grade surveillance.

getting rid of headphone jack was purely apple being (((apple))) and then idiot follower corps being idiot followers.

it is probably the right thing to do, in a very vague detached view. everything really should be USB, and we are slowly moving there (eg. some new mobos dropping PCI for USB). but then of course you'd need to have multiple microusb ports, not just one. apple kept the single because (((apple))). gotta sell those dongles and airpods.

to force dumb cattle consumers to purchase expensive wireless alternatives

Because the headphone jack lobby just doesn't have the power it used to have, sad.