Postponed Indefinitely

Ohhhh noooo, that sucks. How would you react to the elections being "postponed indefinitely"?

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If there was an insurrection of communist, using the warpowers act and the militia to restore the republic indefinately

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If there was absolute proof of mass voter fraud from the 2016 election, I'd be in favor of postponing the 2020 election as well until we can implement a method that would prevent such a thing.

When the music stops there won't be enough chairs for everyone...

I would support a suspension of an election only if it were requested by a State, and only during a time of serious emergency (Yellowstone eruption, huge quake destroying Cali, etc). The President has no legitimate authority over the election process, it's a State power...

He will do it to finish the job.

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why would trump postpone the 2020 election....?

The horror is that this civil war is about control over the normies, the NPCs. These zombies just do whatever the tv or any authority tells them to feel, and they are violent and energetic. The ruling class has always used the ignorant masses to hold back the middle class.
We have all been raised to trust authority, that a man in uniform would step in and save us from psychopathic control if it ever got too bad, but that was obviously bullshit. The corruption and degeneracy in this country cannot be resolved peacefully I fear, the leftists wont allow it. Our only hope is if Trump declares martial law and purges these freaks, but he seems more interested in regime change in Iran and Syria.
Maybe the plan is to get the media and democrats and deep state to ruin their public image to ease the transition into a junta.
I know it would be a 1000X worse under Hilary, but I was really hoping the social environment wouldnt become what it is.
I hope Trump isnt betting theres any reason or restraint to these people, they will burn down everything rather than lose power

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If he wants to become America's Augustus and lead us into a Golden Age from the likes of which America has never seen before I would be all for it. Republics are the most corrupt form of government anyway. Time for an empire.

He can do that? Better question is, does he feel up to it?

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But the commies user. Western nations need to bundle together like a massive benevolent faggot and kill commies.

30% would also support martial law and right wing death squads.

I have the biggest boner right now.

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>huge quake destroying cali
>this is somehow bad

I'd be polishing every single round of ammunition I own. Gotta make sure it's smooth as a baby's bottom for guaranteed functionality. I might even buff them and rub a little oil on the casings with a cloth. Then I'd probably go to the range and see who else is double checking their scope zero. We'd probably have lots to talk about.

This. When did Trump become anti-Trump? What the fuck kind of questions are they asking?

in case of a national emergency or something? sure, i'm down for a Trump Dynasty.

they laughed. but we werent joking

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I wouldn't. The salt would be so much better if he postponed the 2024 election instead, after winning 2020.

this is what will happen, it is foretold, state of emergency declared and war, kek wills it, God wills it, Jow Forums wills it

soon soon soon

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With arms.

No just to see the reaction of libtards

2020 is better though because even if it is unvoted extended time we all know he would get a total of 8 years any way. Even normies know this by now. Extend 2024 and I don't know how many normies would stay on.... but that is such a long way out politically speaking.

Relax. This kind of change was never meant to happen overnight or without conflict.

Good. The collapse of American democracy will be the fall of the Jewish Confederacy of America.

Once the US erupts into civil war, expect Chinese naval carriers heading to the West Coast securing Western ports. Followed by attempts at nuclear devastation except the Chinese would have prepared for it.

The faster America collapses the better for the world. The collapse of the United States will be the final trigger into the East Asian age.

Well good for liberals that the Constitution stipulates presidential elections are done every 4 years and Trump has no control over it.

I'd support him shooting everyone in congress and annihilating the judicial branch while declaring himself leader for life.
Just saying.


you mean that thing they try to make us live up to like atheists making bible arguments?

I’ve been saying this for years and no one will listen. We’re already at the end stages of our version of the Roman Republic becoming the Roman Empire. The founding fathers based this nation on Rome for a reason. History repeats itself. The Kennedys were the Gracchi Brothers, Trump is Julius Caesar. He will be made President indefinitely, killed, followed by a brief civil war.

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They have one, dumbfuck.

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Cali is largely misrepresented. If you look at the 2016 election results by county it's mostly a red state. I will never, ever visit Cali, but I also know that there are plenty of normal people there who would suffer.

You constitution fags are so naive it hurts.
Tell me this: How can the constitution defend you when it can't even defend itself?
Fucking clowns.

Fucking jew media and their implications and fake news.

>Picture of trump angry
>What if Trump decides to declare he's emperor?
>Republican voters for it

Apparently you can just make up shit, and pose stupid questions to imply the person said it or thinks it. Let me try that too.

>CNN CEO looking down
>What if the FBI decides to launch an investigation to determine thousands of child porn images on CNN CEO's computer?
>Over 96% of democrats like CNN a new pol showed.

>Chinese naval carriers
good luck with that one, pinko faggot.

The point of reflection for elected officials here is "half of R voters trust a reality TV star more than they trust us."

>The age of the eternal Chink hotdog fest

Sausage parties never last long. Sure we will have to fight off a race and nation of wizards. But those wizards have been tightly controlled and limited in the information they can seek. Overspecialize and you breed in weakness.

The NPC trait of “doing whatever the state of media says” is pointed out by Hitler in Mein Kampf as his reason for not hating leftist Germans during the time after WWI

The San Andreas goes under the pozzed parts of the state.

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>We’re already at the end stages of our version of the Roman Republic
Pretty much. We'll have a populist leader sweep in and take control eventually. If we're lucky it will be a conservative.
I'm not sure if Trump has the balls. He may end up being more like Crassus.

And the Democrats will give that to Trump on a silver platter with a failed coup.

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In fact, I'm going to start creating absolutely absurd and slanderous pictures just like the left does. Taking stupid questions and throwing them with pictures.

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cool pic, you can see the curvature of the water surface.

If he doesn't no one else will be able to fast enough to stop a splintering of power.

Lmfao fucking based


Trump is already becoming deified by his supporters. He’s also becoming more popular over time. Compare his support in 2016 to now. The paradigm has been shifted.

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Amused but also disappointed.

An Axis of Autocrats is building up across Russia, China, and the global South, and when strong voices for liberal democracy are needed more than they have been at any point in the last 30 years the 'leader of the free world' is in retreat.

It's sad, but at least it will hurt Americans most of all.

The backstory on how China got this ship is a really good read, check it out when you have a chance, user.

t. Vancouver chink

Liberal Democracy is a failed system, the results have not been positive since it became the way of the west since 1945. Did you think it would last forever?

dude what is that?

>the results have not been positive
I think that apart from a few quibbles it has been extremely positive, and this is reflected in figures for living standards and general wellbeing.

Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Sikh and Destroy my fren

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i can honestly say i don't give a fuck either way, our democracy is a complete and utter farse.

Help me out, user, I'm having trouble thinking of something the Chinese invented in the last 1000 years they didn't steal from somewhere else.

The rich can always pay one half of the poor to kill the other half

>Living standards are better
Most will never own their own homes, most are heavily in debt or live in poverty, what planet do you live one?

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>Most will never own their own homes, most are heavily in debt or live in poverty, what planet do you live one?
First world problems.

These are great, make more

Ave Nex Alea

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Rich Australians can always pay poor Australians to kill emus and be expected to lose.

>If there was an "insurrection" of "communist", using the warpowers act and the militia to "restore the republic" indefinately

>this is what /ptg/tards actually believe

Don't even need to pay anyone, just spew enough shit over the mass media and they'll do it FOR FREE and with a song in their hearts.

Will he be memed into reality?

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I say fuck yes. Monarchy here we come. Finally.

Look at
Yes, he will be.

Nice digits

Ho!y shit, someone actually knows this?

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Shit. Subway didnt go out of business when jared got caught talking about raping kids. Its werid. Theres still subways in my city but chick fil a is too anti gay. Theres no anti gay chick filma in my city. But pedophile subways are a okay.


Because I'm autistic recluse

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So you are an internationalist? How does turning the first world into the 3rd world solve their problems and ours? You may briefly better their living standards, but in the end it will fail, and you will have no where to run to when it does.

>So you are an internationalist?
Pretty much, though I'm not a radical about it.

>How does turning the first world into the 3rd world solve their problems and ours?
I don't think it does, which is why I would strongly suggest you not do it.

If the left wants Alinsky tactics, give it to them. Every prominent candidate, politician and person in power they have should be hit with multiple accusations.

It's not like we've never memed something into reality before...

that would perhaps be the greatest payback if Kavanaugh doesn't go through and the Dems cheat at midterms

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First world problems are the only problems that matter

This does feel like the end of the Republic. Washington isn't working anymore because one side can't accept losing an election. I hope Trump will step up, but if he can't or wont, someone will.

That position is not compatible with a belief in universal rights and values.

now you're getting it

may as well postpone it for another 4 years.

It's precisely because Trumpets have a view contrary to democracy that we have to take back the House and the Senate from these fascists.

>Implying the (((media))) would say word fucking one about allegations against a member of the tribe

I never voted in my life and I'm about ready to start killing tyrants on both sides. Your government has zero legitimacy.

Doesn't have to be media, just needs to be any form of influential position. Lawyers, interns, non-public figures. Eventually, they would run out of tribe members.

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legitimacy in the huge, hippy, the-world-is-bigger-than-politics way or in your eyes.
because, technically, the government is VERY legitimate by any historical standards.

Why was this poll even done? Just to scare liberals?

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In the manner where the majority of the people don't vote and don't consent and soon will start killing tyrants.

Cringey. You won’t touch any tyrants. Look through human history, they’re not always bad.

Wrong. I intend to kill them and take their wealth.

You want to really affect change?
Make missing posters of these people's wives.
Make them of their kids.
Put pictures of their loved ones on memes.

They don't care about fucking with Barron, but GOP can't fight back?


Even more cringey. I hope this is bait, for your own sake.

he has the win in his pockets. You can postpone 2024, lol. ANyway, by 2024 I guess he will be pretty tired of this stinky swamp and won't want to continue anyway

Of course. I can already see the Huff Post, Slate and Salon headlines. Everything the left accuses Fox news of doing, they do themselves.
