Is this accurate?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why don't you ask Putin?

>takes your land away, cause they lost farm lands in the split.

Old new russia needs to go a notch back

Yes, what most Western "conservatives" don't realize is that "Western values" is just degenerate liberalism

He probably wouldn't even talk to me.

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o no why

Big Papa is too busy doing things.

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You forgot to add the label somewhere on the map indicating "Russians are Niggers".


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Putin said that our previous unelected government was full of imbeciles, well, he's right.
Based Putin

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>sea of the aborted fetuses
That one hurt

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Oh go away, sea of the pissing Germans. Our Jews fully assimilated and based af.

Is there any different with your new government? Sorry I just don't know shit about your new gov. Will they be frens with us?

Sorry :((( let's hug and say "no homo".

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russian in 2018

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orthodox church in it's core is ANTI JEWISH and true Russian is part of holy church in his hearth. fuck this based jew thing there is no such thing, we all see past those lies. future is looking bright for Russia, you will now grow churches and be friend with them but when people have woke and love their own people and are brothers in believe on Jesus Christ they will throw those demons to gulag.

What did he mean by this.

Attached: vhtsheh.jpg (528x352, 22K)

>Will they be frens with us?
I hope so. The new gov pro-Putin, but is under constant attack by media and judges, just like Trump.

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le gay -.-



Not that guy, but there are plenty of Jews that actually helped Russia. Still, there were ones that destroyed it. In my mind I do believe there can be such a 'righteous Jew', even if he is few and far between.

Yay! As a token of our future friendship I sent this two vids your way. For mutual cultural enrichment.
Have fun fren!

Irish whiskey is better than American but that’s not saying much. Anyone with half a brain knows Scotch is best.

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Le based poor krokodil HIV alliance

>Jews that actually helped Russia
That is true. They're all from Soviet oldschool and actually love our people dearly. Such Jew was Jan Frenkel who wrote beautiful songs about our people.

No. Fuck of proxy khokhol.

>Blumpfh literally supports this

Attached: drumph-literally-hitler.jpg (497x499, 65K)

B-but-but. You'll pay for that insult, sudar'! I challenge you to a duel. Yeah. Hell yeah. Hell fucking yeah!

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He's a funny guy.

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You can't. Because you live at Kiev and i am from Samara.

Where's the lie?

>B-but Putin is the saviour of white race, he is also anti-zionist. He hates Israel!

It's a call for help.

No, it's you who live in Kiev and I'm from Samara! You won't fool anyone, proxy khohol. I'll smell your salo breath everywhere.

Oh another russo-zionist western politician in power. I am very ''surprised''.

Well it is right about UK

UK has the fakest conservatives in the world
They make the entire right wing look weak

Why should he care about some wh*te race? We Russian are all black people.

Attached: Black Russians.jpg (919x590, 144K)


Artic imperialist.

I can get behind that one

Is he in trouble? How can we help him?

I'm glag you see it that way, Drama Queens.

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ayo hol up
>strums balalaika
so watchu sayin is
>squats at a bus stop while chewing sunflower seeds
we wuz soviets and sheeeit?

>Only reason Iran, isreal greatest enemy exist s
>B-but Muh meme crop official meeting with religious leaders def proves he's a kike puppet!

Go lick your wife's bull creampie, hansi

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Ha-ha! Stupid wh*te people.

Hey it's a good thing, without abortion your country will get flooded with nonwhites.

>is he in trouble
>how can we help him
it's too late

replace "Drama Queens" with "The only righteous slavs"

>Irish whiskey is better than American but that’s not saying much
Whiskey is one of the few things that people are willing to admit Americans do well, so I have no idea what you're going on about.

I don't know. Wanna buy Escape from Tarkov? It's a good game.

Attached: Nikita2.jpg (256x256, 23K)

Nah, Drama Queens suits you perfect.

why did you move crimea?

Russians are NOT PoC, Russians are literally Hitler just like the orange cheeto in chief.

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I don't really play FPS games anymore but that looks like a good game. I didn't know Russia made games but that's cool.

You know I am right

Russians wish they were as righteous and just as Poles

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>it's too late
I hate to lose soldiers under my command. May he rest in sea of pissing Germans. He was a good man.

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Ha Donny Moscow indeed. You show those damn Russians.

lol ireland is the best on this map

>Tfw you will NEVER raise your modest Jewish family on a small grain farm in the JAO

>israel isn't on the map even though they'd have to zoom out just a little
hmmmmmm really tickles my balls and penis

Tell his wife he died fighting till the very end.

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Absolutely BASED. EU unequivocally BTFO.

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The left really can’t meme, jesus

What is Putin trying to conserve, the Soviet Union?

Based and redpilled

Artic imperialists sounds like a compliment.
Thanks based putin

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The Russian
>be a paleoconservative assplugger with no education or training
>also somehow pretend to be a post-revolutionary Marxist
>support everything of the opposite a traditional leftist would support
>transform half Europe into a wasteland of poverty since 882 A.D.
>be a dumb as shit, drunk as shit, diseased as shit russkie

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>russia has the highest rate of Abortion in Europe
>call others "baby killers"

haha ok

what an absolutely abhorrent post
Western values are related to the rule of law, constitutionalism, separation of powers and civil liberties. They have nothing to do with recent social liberalism / progressivism

100% accurate and based except Finland, it should be "They have potential if under Russian supervision"

>orthodox church in it's core is ANTI JEWISH
all Christendom is

>trade with russia
>make 11 billions on russian exports
>sanctions happen
>now it's reduced to barely 5 billions
>jobs are lost
>new gov: these sanctions are clealy damaging us


In the Baltics and Poland the Fictional Russian Threat (tm) is the only national identity and purpose that they have, without it they are like cows floating in the middle of space...lost and without any idea on what to do.

Modern western values hate democracy separation of power, and anything else like it.

Modern western values are all about streamlining and consolidating power to keep out fascists, avoiding hate speech, and letting consenting adults do whatever the fuck they want, unless it's a man trying to get out of child support.

>union of incestual homosexuals
unironically accurate

don't be dumb
the kind of social liberalism we have today is very new
western values had already existed for centuries

nonsense. Those sanctions are harmful to the italian economy. Salvini is absolutely right.

>"modern western values"
you're talking about postmodernism, or neomarxism

>western values had already existed for centuries
millenia, actually. look at how old Greek city states and the Roman Republic were structured. the rebirth of their values was what fueled the Renaissance

also remember that with the same sanctions you cherish we pay the gibs for eastern europe
we give you gibs, we pay interests on debt, we're forced to take immigrants while you get free money at no interests and no niggers

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>Got gas?
Da tavarish Putin.

>whiskey sucks

Only one that made me smile. Every single one of these maps is shit otherwise and reminds me why British people aren't funny.

Hot. Post moar

>lady gaga ocean

I don't know how it is in the netherlands but in america the left isn't marxist. Marxism is specifically a system in which people who produce useful things- the proletariat- rules society as the political and economic elite, because they are the ones that produce the things everyone uses to survive.

In the USA the left in America is composed of parasites who demand that producers/taxpayers (farmers, workers, middle class people) hand over what they produce to a non-productive class of people in the public service economy.

Effectively the American left is a strange kind of post-Marxism where they kept the bloated state but removed power from the producers.

Never thought we had something in common with Iceland. Cool.

Is it
>Sauna Perverts
>Sauna & Perverts

Both are correct though.

>Odessa region is old meme Russia
In your wet dreams, Ivan.

Yes, stay out of our Arctic!
And hurray for Russia for beeing a real country!


cute story

also AIDS and crime

Putin is like a godfather of a mafia familly who took over the power in the state. Who cares what he thinks. We should put a high wall on russian border and let them brew in their dreams of empire until Russians themselves see their tzar is fucking them without lube.