Race mixing is ba-

Race mixing is ba-

Attached: Race Mixing.png (681x630, 197K)

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Kys you desperate nigger

Being taller and smarter than one parent doesn’t mean it’s a good thing

I'm only 5'7 and I have autism because my mom had to go and fuck a nigger!

Her husband is taking the photo

im sure a half nigger would be smarter than a full nigger

*smarter than the shitskin parent



Yeah, it probably doesn‘t work when it is done with a chimp.

But why are Brazilians on average smaller and less intelligent than Europeans?

I bet the study is something like "inbreeding causes children to be more sick/with defects" which obviously means you should breed as far from your own race as possible.

Anonymous sources say some experts believe that studies find...



>this just ends up being a study where they collected data from hapas and used a nog and white woman as a picture to make it seem like mixing with niggers is ok

According to another study, the best person to marry for genetic health is a distant cousin.

kek sick batnz

>microagressions against short and intellectually- inhibited people
how bigoted!

Nothing wrong with a black man and white women racemuxing, as a fellow white man I believe we could use a little diversity not great just seeing the same race all the time

Sauce pls. I heard this mentioned before and looked for a sauce but couldn't find it.

Is there a study that explains latin americans?

Just dont tell anyone the step after is to breed with a parent line again :^)

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What a crock of fucking shit. This cunt needs to be fucking hanged. These kikes try to push these studies that literally say nothing about "white women getting BLACKED lead to taller, smarter children". It's just "hey, if you don't fuck your sister, your kids are going to end up more healthy". Fuck these cunts.

The article:

The study:


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Sorry, user.

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oh look! its sage time!

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"A study by kike industries sponsored by get the fuck back in the oven Ltd."

Sure that they are smarter since the violent nigger father left the couple as soon as he learned that his wife was pregnant

White women race mix the least so I can see why they push this garbage more aggressively towards them.

This should be it


No one can explain them user..

My first thought. A complete fucked up way to say "breeding up" for negroes. Probably written by a jew, from a study by a jew

Lol bullshit. Hybrid vigor has been debunked many, many times.

based self hating jew

They are never mentioned because it disturbs the narrative.

>stop hiding behind meme flags you filthy kike.

this is getting easy

He might be an Muslim Arab not a Jew. Israel is getting ISLAMED.COM as well.

Smarter than what? their black parent? not much of an achievement
also the dutch are the tallest people in the world and there is not much race mixing going on here


fuck off with you (((psydo-science))) kike.

S _ _ _

taller than the white mother, smarter than the black father, yes thats what an average is.

Of course mixing anything with a nigger results in better children than full on nigger kids.

You know that not every jew is religious right? We're just jews by ancestry.
Doesn't mean we give a shitabout the uberjewz who try and break the world.

Recap.. jew ancestry and religious jews is a different thing

Save pic related for the next time this thread is made. We've been having this thread for two years now.

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>Half a nigger is taller and smarter than a full nigger.
No shit

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Taller and smarter than who? The average black persons IQ is fairly low. So not hard to be smarter.

>be half human/half spic
>tfw can't rationally have kids ever
>have kids with white girl
>kids comes out dumb and gross because he'll be 1/4 spic at best
>have kid with non-human girl
>kid comes out dumb and gross but with at least 1/4 human genes he'll have just enough intelligence to be disgusted with his blood and lot in life

Mixed girls are sexy

You gotta keep the bloodline pure

Attached: pure-bloodline.jpg (900x900, 149K)

What about the Dutch? They're the tallest people in the world
It could say race mix with the Dutch to get Aryan super high intelligence talk children but I had to be black ffs

dats tru. look how we iz inteligent and sheeeeeit

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jesus fucking christ, a study is actually published that compares people based on race but only because it pushes an antiracist idea
if you ever need to prove the double standard to anybody just show them this

The study is legit, my dude, but it literally only means that as long as your fucking parents/grandparents weren't siblings, you're going to end up better than someone who's inbred. Trust the fucking kikes to take a legitimate study that has "diverse+genetic+background" in it and twist it as "BLACKED white woman give birth to healthier, smarter children!" so they can push their shit.


"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."

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thats zika dumbass

>all the low IQ manlets ITT

archetypal NPCs

Literally fake news

You missed the joke

>mom's IQ: 105
>mom's height: 5'9"
>black father's IQ: 82
>black father's height: 5'3"
>mixed son's IQ: 83
>mixed son's height: 5'3"1/4

>a good jew is a dead jew.


Shalom rabbi, so since shabbat is over, you’re back to shitposting, right?



And who are those (((scientists))) who made this wonderful (((study)))?

Watch, it involves asians.

based and saved

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I'm white but am only 5'6 :(

Shabbat is still going on for 7 hours m8

Every. Fucking. Time.

What does that meme mean?

>(((study))) finds
Every time

Not anyone who mixes with a nigger. Maybe if an Anglo race mixes with a Med

....taller and smarter.... than regular niggers? No shit

It means lurk moar

nuff' said...

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Maybe for chinkoid standards

Liger are also bigger than tigers and lions but their fertility is shit.

Hybrid vigor

I would if it wasn't jpg'd to hell

It is bad,look at the most mixed Country Brazil.
They are everywhere and nowhere mentally speaking.
In this world you need a strong mind and a healthy body.
Mixed race kids are psychotic and schizo

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Even in that picture I'd be willing to bet at least half come from the niggers in this country.

My jewdar is going off.

Seeing how brazenly they twist things like this makes me distrust everything "science" says these days. I feel like I need to do thousands of hours of research into something just to make sure I'm not being kiked. Yeah, mixed race babies are an upgrade from one parent, but a big downgrade from the other. The data is pretty categorical on this. There needs to be laws against this sort of deception in the media.

When you have a nigger IQ of 65, and your mongrel offspring has an IQ of 70.

Attached: how u do dis.jpg (756x960, 72K)

>smarter than the darkest parent
No shit

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But they're also taller than the white parent so the (((study))) is true.

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It's not bantz. It's truth. It averages out

and taller than the roastie single mom

I'm only 5'8" but my brain seems fine, my mom didn't get BLACKED.

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are you the descendant of a GI rape baby or something


Still replying to meme flags you faggots! It only encourages more bait threads!
