>being blackpilled >not relishing in the anger and hate that you feel towards people, while knowing that everything will turn around with hard work, dedication, rope and half of the planets population hanging
Haha faggots the democrats outsmarted you retards yet again. All it took was one Soros employee paired with a carefully ethnically chosen "sexual assault victim" and a lot of shrieking and Flake folded like a little bitch boy for us. He would've handed us the nuclear codes if he had them! Sad!
We didn't even have to use any of our media pressure (oops, our bad on that women's March Twitter post!) You literally just handed us the game when you had already won you morons.
Kavanaugh's gone. Trump will be gone by next May. Your party is finished. No woman will ever vote Republican again and we'll always have beta bux supporting us. And we write the history books so you'll all go down in history as sad, worthless Nazis on the wrong side of herstory. Have a nice day :)
I appreciate these, but you run the risk of someone not and reporting it. Idea: >Maybe at post 100, check them at once. It can help jump-start conversation, too, having a wall of easy to parse posts that hit lucky numbers.
>tfw haven't payed attention to the entire Kavanaugh thing so i'm not mad or blackpilled sorry anons i've been trying to fix myself since August so i can't relate to the feels going on /ptg/ anymore
Hi,David Lee Roth here. So,you're probably wondering why I'm here.Well,I wanted to bring something to your attention that's of an urgent matter.
You might be asking,come on Dave,what are you talking about?
Well,anonymous,I'm talking about a yankee rose.
Here,let me explain. First of all,let me ask you something:
Are you ready for the new sensation? Well, here's the shot heard 'round the world All you back room boys salute when her flag unfurls Well, guess who's back in circulation Now, I don't know what you may have heard But what I need right now's the original good time girl
She's a vision from coast to coast (coast to coast) Sea to shining sea (sea to shining sea) Hey sister, you're the perfect host (care to toast)
Show me your bright lights And your city lights, all right I'm talkin' 'bout the Yankee Rose, yeah Your bright lights And your city lights, all right I'm talkin' 'bout it
When she walks, watch, the sparks will fly Firecrackin' on the fourth of July No sad songs tonight, somethin's in the air Yeah, the feeling getcha, wow
A real state of independence So pretty when her rockets glare Still prove it any night that her flag's still there
She's a vision from coast to coast (coast to coast) Sea to shining sea (sea to shining sea) Hey sister, you're the perfect host (make a toast)
Show me your bright lights and your City lights, all right I'm talkin' 'bout the Yankee Rose, yeah Bright lights in your City lights, all right I'm in love with the Yankee Rose
Ah, she's beautiful, alright Mmm, nothin' like her in the whole world Yeah
She's right on time I'm on the case Pick up the phone No time to waste She got the beat And here's a little bit comin' your way, wow
Aah, raise 'em up there, let's see who salutes, baby Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Little bit, little bit, little bit higher Here's the national anthem, here I wanna get a little bit a' apple pie, man
Bright lights, city lights Bright lights, city lights Bright lights, city lights
Assuming the FBI investigation ends quickly and there aren’t further delays you haven’t missed much if he’s confirmed.
A lot of people are bringing up the radicalization of Thomas after his confirmation, which I don’t disagree with. If Kavanaugh is on the bench he will not forget the fury he was put through.
Anthony Reed
>reported >faced trial this means the difference are cases where it was dismissed due to false accusation
The same place where they get their "future global warming victims" and their "future victims of non-State run healthcare". The only way you get them to start saying deaths never happened is when you start posting the Communist bodycount
Liam Hernandez
Parker Roberts
My mistake then. Keep those words in reserve for when you go to sleep. Criminal
So now that Ford is being believed without a shred of evidence, can everyone start believing Broaddrick when she has overwhelming evidence? Or does she not fit the narrative?
Um no sweaty she was a known liar and Bill Clinton would never do such a thing. We have to let due process take its course. Bill never got enraged like Kavanaugh did during his hearing. That's because Kavanaugh is guilty and doth protests too much.
Juanita broadrick is 1990s news, its too late for her. It's just an R talking point she'll never see bill clinton in a court of law. Its more useful to push the keith ellison narrative because that can get rid of a democrat muslim.
Joshua Carter
There won't be any backing to women who accuse Clinton of raping. They have just too much power. Trump was forced to reopen FBI background check into grope allegation in a drunk teenage party 36 years ago BUT he won't force FBI to reinvestigate the allegations against Clintons.
Jeremiah Fisher
You can either be lewd, or you can be on the front page.
To (((them))) a legal migrant is anyone that votes democrat after jumping the fence or floating in a container into the country. Documentation and procedure not needed. Ofcourse you have to feed your walking +1 vote some scraps to keep them going. Then again, a from the grave vote never stopped (((them))).
>1990s This is true. And yet Kavanaughs "case" is equally as old, and yet it's relevant. Another funny (((coincidence))) of one being OKAY and the other one being too old, not relevant because it's too old and so on. >Keith Ellison Or that. My point is, it's funny how the "believe all women without question" works. If people in your country do not spot the absolute hypocrisy, then I don't know what will make them see.
Everybody who pays any attention to politics knows exactly how this kind of mudslinging works, at least since clarence thomas if not before. Nobody cares, its just American political theater. Nobody changed their mind after yesterday's hearing, either. It's just a show.
Okay, so I'm in California, and I registered to vote online and I'm getting my shit delivered so I can vote by mail. I didn't want to select my party as Republican because I was legit afraid of getting blacklisted with this government like that thing with the IRS and Republicans. Did I make the right move? Is safety worth losing the ability to vote in primaries? Also, I'm 22, if that mattress.
Angel Hall
Was Broaddrick's accusation investigated by the FBI? was she allowed to testify to senators? Did CNN cover the accusation non-stop for a week? If not, then cut the both sides crap. >doubting victims of sexual assault Ok, just find a hooker that accuses these 2 fucks for a quick buck. Fucking grandstanding.