They are persecuting muslims so they can flee to the west, while they hinduize their society. Also many hindus & christian hindus are working here and send their remittances back home == economic drain for our countries. Also many sikhs are crossing the US border and constructing sikh temples there, replacing us altogether. Indian men may marry white women but not contrary.
>Indian men may marry white women
No woman will marry an indian man, the old and ugly will prefer niggers to indians.
Also: you have to go back
Agreed. Indians should stop going to western countries
Jobs should be outsourced to superior Indian programmers. We shouldn't have to travel thousands of miles to meat eating barbarian western countries. The jobs should come here
Ma che caz* dici? Ho visto un sacco di donne bianche fidanzate o sposate con dei poos. Il motivo perché siamo disoccupati e costretti a laurearci ê proprio perché questi stronzi vengono a rimpiazzarci dal basso. E poi perché should I go back?
We should not invest in your shitty country, so you won't become a superpower. Stay mad in your faeces you traitor!
>Hinduism === Religion of cow piss and faeces
I agree with you Pajeet. Stop with the Indian population diarrhea all over the world, if you are so excellent programmers, the jobs will come to you in your own fucking country, no need to make everyone hate you with immigration.
I don't care if you are born here, if you are a poo, you have to go back.
Mi hai rotto i coglioni adesso, io sono mezzo toscano da parte di madre e mezzo padano da parte di padre e sono di Genova. NON SONO UN POO!!!
What did he mean by this?
You are a 12 years old newfag or the infamous "Paolo Dorati" that I remember posting here from the last elections.