Why do they say stuff like this?


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But then do this?

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Not surprised. I don't understand why white people are Democrats though. Mentally ill bunch.

because he's not white

Did she get shot?

Not yet but hopefully

Travel into the mind of a leftist by looking at the memes that get popular over there.

You can't tell women that white men basically rule the earth and have supernatural privilege powers and then not expect this to happen.

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shes white

t. American

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I don't understand how so many white people are still screaming diversity is our strength when every poc is in full on race war mode

They want to destroy the idea of a white man
But they love what the white man actually is, and would be raped and beheaded in a world without them.

It's having your cake and eating it too. It's an oxytocin deficiency.

Picture is dumb because Pocahontas didn't share that view.

>I don't understand how so many (((white))) people are still screaming diversity is our strength

Kids are dumb shits.

because they're old news that is desperately grasping for attention and another attempt at a cause that no one supported in the first place

Because it makes you cry like a bitch and post on a fucking cesspool like Jow Forums so you can circlejerk with other members of unfuckable hatenerds.
Cry about it.

because you fucks don't make use of your coveted right to have guns when it matters

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over-drinking > oven-dodging

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dont stop her

she's redpilling every white skin person.

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The time she took to say this is time she could've spent studying for her Holocaust class.

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Why are they describing a man in his 50s as a "boy"?

They say this because they want to kill white people. They believe whites are keeping them down, and their lives will be perfect without them.

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>Why do they say stuff like this?

I'm starting to think that they actually want us to kill them all.

Sorry goblina, no one is going to drive to florida and give you hate cock no matter how much you shitpost.

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>white men basically rule the earth and have supernatural privilege powers and then not expect this to happen.

Sounds like something Hitler said about Jews, to be quite honest, family. Are Democrats actually Nazis? I think they are. We should remind them.

This is the first iteration of the ameri* goblino meme that actually made me kek.

They're actually just Mexicans.

Mexicans are everywhere, and they look like le 56% face.

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No but she still bully others

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Emma, are you?

but they won't be able to feed themselves or keep the electricity going without us, and just forget about ever flying in an airplane again let alone have GPS or weather satellites keep working,etc

have they thought this through?

all women crave BWC

In the long run this is why

a) allowing women to vote


b) the immigration they vote for

Will desotry the liberty once known in western civilization. People like Amma have turned me from a pretty average conservative and even liebral on some social matters into a full on 1488er. Letting women vote was a huge error and we must cancel it.

Oh fuck off. The only threads on Jow Forums that are not complete cancer these days are threads which discuss news or other internet-disseminated events. You can usually tell when it's really Jow Forums and not some two bit journalist farming clicks, because Jow Forums archives news pages and takes screenshots to deny them clicks. Jow Forums has always been basically a newsgroup, beginning back in /n/. In fact, some of us used it as that because we were banished from usenet, and you can say what you want on Jow Forums. You're shitty image basically asks Jow Forums to stop being Jow Forums because they might see us acting like Jow Forums. Well newsflash faggot: this isn't exactly a sekrit club, and we're not going to tell you where our new sekrit clubs really are.

No because they are too ignorant to understand reality. I'm trying to understand why we ever tolerated them.

This is what their CIA/CNN handlers tell them to say. Goblina and Hogg are just actors playing a role.
You notice they had their two TV stars picked out within 24 hours of the Parkland shooting? Continually give them air time and write articles on their vapid political opinions. Especially Hogg, he will be doing anti-gun rallies ten years from now, just like the Sandy Hookers. It is his career now

lel checked
i once got a permaban or poasting that

It's nice to hear that every single mod isn't a newfag faggot. I know that there are still a few oldfag mods, but it seems like they starting to give up or something. I'd permaban every ameri* poster if I could.

Because pretty white boy who agrees with everything you say is a pretty good gig for any young woman in the age of >female empowerment

Although she has a strong probability of being childless at 30, but #childfreelife, right?

My God, I'm ugly but that creature is truly fucking hideous

you should finally kys instead of putting it off. no one actually cares about u

>America deserves

She is not even real american.How is some she-spic allowed to tell what americans deserve?

>implying I have any desire to be cared about.
>implying that have few desires that make me recognizably human
>implying I have not become cluster of disembodied memes on the internet bent on the destruction of kikery in all of its iterations
>implying anyone cares what you have to say on Jow Forums if you can't use something approximating proper english
>implying you know a single thing about me
>implying your not only a phonefaggot, but also a regular faggot

I hope you die in the most horrific manner possible, as soon as possible. I heard burning to death is pretty bad. I hope you slowly die in a fire, you fucking faggot.

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>Why do they say stuff like this?
Because it's true?

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dios mio la creatura es real

Why does the media promote racists like this? Why can they just be openly racist against whites?

I think you mean they resent the fact that white men are what made the west what it is, and while they enjoy privileges of living comfortably in the west, they also want to rebel against daddy because they're fucking adolescents who never got past that phase in their life. Leftists and all of their policies are basically rebellious teenager contrarian who opposes everything their parents stand for.

>Why can they just be openly racist against whites?

That's our white privilege, duh

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>don't get shot
>your opinion on the judiciary is now relevant somehow
Burger politics everyone.

Same way you guys hate woman but also want trad wheat field families

Need more context.

someone who has not visited his mandatory Holocaust classes


Not him, but you should seriously kill yourself.

I told you this was next. Everyone has already forgotten about the rape claims, and are talking about anger and drinking problems.

I dont understand why the media prints this stuff or why people listen to her. Having your high school shot up does not qualify you to select the Supreme Court.

Shitskin needs to be raped by the KKK.

that's rich coming from a bully who pretty much has a hand in making that lunatic start shooting.

They're genuinely brain damaged. I saw Colbert shill this joke too.

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Would you mind explaining what it is about my posts that make you think I should kill myself? I don't really care because I'm not going to kill myself or change my style or go away. I'm just mildly curious. I suspect that you fags are newfag outsiders that would feel more comfortable using a platform with less free speech, such as reddit. That way scary thoughtcriminals such as myself can't scare you anymore.

Just let them speak. They are so tone deaf. They have no fucking clue how many redpills they have dispensed over this Kavanaugh bullshit.

goblina didnt even get shot yet claims to be a survivor... at least they didnt pull out forehead boy for this

Mental Illness. Everything about the Left boils down to Mental Illness.

Shitty titties

I hope you almost die in a fire, get saved by fireman and then get raped to death by niggers in the hospital

Hey, I'm not those guys but you should probably kys.

kill your self already. U know u want to

>america deserves better

In a country where you take a kid's opinion seriously and make it into national news, no, it doesn't shut the fuck up

Damn, grow that hair out, lose 15lbs and she'd be smoking, with a lit bag of dog shit over her face.

what's the media's justification for making us hear her opinions on this subject?

she's at least loosely connected to gun control as a Parkland """survivor"""

You do not understand the message because you do not understand where the current narritive originated or why.

Understand these things and it will become clear.

im curious if you understand the ramifcations of your actions?

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lol same

yes, at worst my phone gets banned from pol again for being mean to another user. at best that Fag kills himself and I won’t have to see his gay posts anymore

Thanks Kanye, very helpful

Because of privilged girls have nothing better to do.

Wow, no wonder Nick went nuts. Imagine an entire building full of these assholes and putting up with them day after day.

>be at a swimming pool
>someoneon on the other side of the pool drowns
>buidl my whole character around being a survivor of drowning
>never even got wet

We need to talk about your flair.

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His only crime was leaving survivors.

this unironically. the whole thing is incredibly fucking cynical and stupid.

The kikes are really on a roll this week...

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if u went to reddit you could keep track of how much attention u have gotten in the form of karma. check it out nigger kike

What an absolute racist cunt. I despise this piece of shit. Profiting from the death of her classmates.


oh wow I really must have pissed you guise off. Ban me faggot, see if I care.

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unironically fucking disgusting

I’m just trying to help. u clearly want to suicide but are afraid to do it. im here for you friend. remember to live stream it

It's like "toxic masculinity" is to destroy the concept of masculinity.

They do it shitloads more with white men, though. They're all privileged, apparently, even if they're dirt fucking poor. Black guys peddle that shit too, but if they had half a brain, they'd fucking stop - because "toxic masculinity" is coming for them too. Civilization was built by men.

Notice not many black dudes wearing "I believe women" shirts? Coz they're not as cucked as liberal white dudes have been. That's partly because they had "victim status" and haven't been brainwashed into self-loathing, but it's also because they work different.

A lot of black guys were watching Kav-Man get reamed this past month, and they might be nodding along with the Democrat pussy women complaining about it, but they're thinking, "Shit, he's not even accused of raping." See how blacks treat their women - they're a lot more aggressive in their relationships. That goes both ways a bit - they fight back - and that's why white women with blacks end up dead. They don't understand it, and then they pull that spiteful passive-agressive bitchy bullshit. (It's also why white dudes with black women are totally whipped).

Anyway, point is: watch for black dudes voting GOP this election. Dems are branding themselves as the Wymmin's party.

>remember to live stream it

Okay, you finally convinced me to do it. It's gonna be epic though. I heard some Russian kid offed himself with a chainsaw. I wanna be like him when I go out. I'm going to build a custom metal stand to hold two chainsaws upward in V, then swan dive onto them from a picnic table, aiming for my neck. If I do it right and don't fuck it up, I should be able to decapitate myself with the chainsaws. Metal as fuck. I'll be a legend forever. If you want to check it out, search for 'lolita' at imagefap.com.

I can't wait until they sell next gen penis enlargement pills because I want her to slobber on my 14 inch cock that's covered in ornate Nazi tattoos

how do I get to imagefap? my parental controls have it blocked, and my lemonparty search browser doesn’t bring it up