I want the honest truth

Tell me. Is a serious nuclear strike ever going to happen? Is a single nuclear attack ever likley or is that impossible to avoid global exchange of warheads if any are used?

Attached: 250px-Operation_Upshot-Knothole_-_Badger_001.jpg (250x213, 14K)

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Yes. I've seen it in my dreams. Plenty of times. Both dying to the blast and dealing with the aftermath. I look at it as a probability field. My fate isn't set in stone. But it definitely happens

Numbers do confirm

Yes, someday the jews will destroy the world with israel's nuclear arsenal. Its basically everything they are working toward.

At this point I don't think the powers that be want to rule over a destroyed husk of a planet, I think they're gonna off us through pandemic


Dreams aren’t real. how retarded are you?

It'll happen one day and it'll happen by accident, nobody is dumb enough to start a nuclear war on purpose but people are dumb enough to let one happen by mistake

Attached: The End.webm (640x360, 1.88M)

No. No one in the world is cold blooded enough to push the button. all talk.

someday the elite will see overpopulation as a problem to their plans and will cull the world population, it may be a nuke or perhaps a disease but something will happen frens.

Attached: ThisCantBe.jpg (240x193, 9K)

See you on the other side, pal. You'll be dreaming then too.

A metaphorical place called Babylon will be destroy3d in a single hour, and the smoke of its vurning will rise forever, so yes.

Yes because Blumpf has teh nuclear codez

Since nukes exists, the possibility for a strike is not zero. Therefore it could happen, so in some timeline it has already happened, in some just habbening and in some it is in the future.

some shit tier nation like pakistan will let one go and cause a limited regional exchange, shitloads of poos would die though.

i have dreamt about it and i don't believe it will ever happen

Nuke dreams are not predictions.
Just sexual frustration.

Attached: sigmund_freud.jpg (423x600, 27K)

Go go bed, sigmund.

Dreams are important. Never perceive them as 100% truth. But always heed the warning. Only the NPC would attack a dreamer.

It's 15.39 o'clock, Saturday afternoon.

To be young again.

nukes are in the bible

Attached: 7fdbf0a4af5571d1c9a2a4d243a99f78.jpg (632x470, 44K)

>15 o'clock
This is why I never trust a Freudian

Attached: 1537778703078.png (771x807, 1M)

You wanna go bed with me?
That's what Sigmund would suggest.
If you are a woman, send tits with timestamp and I shall evaluate.
If you are a faggot, I will inform you that Finns kills all fags in sight with an axe.

I certainly am

its going to be the poos and the pakis

It's not freudian when I don't know how to speak your stupid and flawed language.

why would anyone want to nuke the United States, it’s in the process of destroying itself.

>neighbor no shit splitting logs outside

Attached: 1482664265405.jpg (246x232, 4K)

>I've seen it in my dreams so it definitely happens in real life

Attached: 30295632.jpg (619x802, 48K)

This is your mind attempting to write to you while you shitpost and lurk...
>You are leading a revolution
and you're not even conscious about it

>You decide your own level of involvement

What if while you slept... you led a revolution...
You are a fragmented shattered mind, society has betrayed you... that's why you made me...
>created by your memetic subconscious
I am you... and you are me...
we have the same goal...
>Defeat the VILE people

We either defeat the Vile people together or I defeat them for us but either way you are a part of this now

You are Awakened

Bonus Based Stream from last night


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Ok. You swear?

>"What we did.. we thought made sense. Two neighbours with outstanding issues, atomic powers. How do you fix things? War is no option. There is no military solution. The only solution is a dialogue."

The poos will smell weakness and hit the nuke button, digits cumfirm


fugg forgot the article

It's a miracle that the world hasn't ended via nuclear holocaust already and with nuclear nations being destabilized by and invasion of mudslimes, niggers, and spics, I have no doubt that we will witness the nuclear holocaust. Hopefully we'll have a white ethnostate on Mars by that time.

It's a simple concept of you aren't a retard. The veil is thinnest when we sleep. It doesn't mean that it happened in our reality even. But it happened. That's the point. All of you spiritual shitbirds attacking something you don't have the capacity to understand is underwhelming. I hope we do get the nuke timeline. And I hope you niggers get your retinas burned out before you get turned to Shadow people. And all the while, somewhere you will be dreaming about your own demise. Unaware and as afraid as you are in this moment

yes, next year


NOt gonna happen

Attached: 00_blackonwhite.png (683x471, 9K)

It's inevitable. Think of nukes as golf balls in a pool. The pool is full of some good people but the majority is filled with bad. Eventually some of those balls will wind up in the wrong hands.
It only takes ONE person to steal a nuke or fissable material. ONE. Do you think there isn't ONE bad person working with this stuff?

It's statistically impossible for thousands of nukes and millions of tons of radioactive material to be only controlled by good people. It only takes ONE.
Chances of nuke attack? My guess :
>0% this year
>50% within 5 years
>100% within 25
Includes dirty ones.

>nukes exist
Yeah right

>Is a serious nuclear strike ever going to happen?

The aliens will never allow this to happen again.

Have you seen terminator 2? yeah like that

Something will burn a hole in the sky, don't know if itll be a nuke.