How Will We Deal With Treasonous White Women?

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Sexist hag.

>How Will We Deal With Treasonous White Women?
We don't have to do anything, it's a self-correcting problem over a long enough period of time.

wtf is a sinecure?

She has a good point though.. Kavanaugh was enraged.. not because of false accusations against him, but because psychopaths like him have extremely strong and unsubmitting wills and will try to destroy anyone who goes against their will. His rage is a sign of his evil.

>be accused of literally being part of a rape gang
>can’t be angry
His emotions have proven to me that he is innocent of all this slander. Guilty intelligent people aren’t angry, they’re rehearsed and collected.


The Jews operate on a sinusoidal 7 year boom-bust market cycle. Kavanaugh is the cure.

a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit

Kavanaugh is not supposed to be angry. Angry people are guilty. Look at niggers.


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>I am just exhausted
Sounds like we're already on the right track if they're weakening this early in the war. Keep up the pressure.

Stop giving them attention first off.

Aren’t people. People get angry when they are slandered on an international level and their family receives death threats for it.

Projection ain’t just a river in Egypt

These women are going to feel so silly in 5 years. They will be divorced. And tattooed. And shaved. And dyed. And pierced.

Thats some good bullshit. I like the technique.

Make up some bullshit, present it authoritavely as fact,

And human cognition will accept it as a truism even though retardedly false.


Yep. Just keep moving

A woman would never be accused of rape.
And even if she was a woman just has to play dukb to get sympathy, a man must defend himself or die.

Women do not see the world the way a man does. When anger hits a mans voice men can discern violence vs indignation.

A woman only hears violence.

Kavenaugh was indignant. And this is the reason why men and women cannot effectively communicate. Women and men percieve the same event radically differently.

I think every man watching only understood 1/100th of what he was going through and they are even more mad. His composure was consistant with the torment he was going through. It's called being a real God fearing human

if he was a psychopath he would have repeated his actions if they were true.
Turns out you're the schizophrenic with multiple personality disorders and a botched circumcision which left you with a two inch dick

All traitors die. Even keeping them as chained up breeding stock is a terrible idea. Treason is in their blood.

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Morning Motivation

>dog groomer
that is Trumps line.

Hopefully a nigger will soon kick her down a flight of metal steps.

I remember Serena Williams doing that like a few weeks ago and people sucked her dick for it.

Trade them to a Muslim country. I would recommend Iran but they would treat her too nicely for PR purposes.

nooses are unisex


The only way to deal with noisy women is to ignore them. They never say anything worth listening to, and as long as they're too busy bitching on twitter and writing blogs they can't fuck up any actual work.
They'll hit thirty five, realise their mistakes, and an hero

>have entire life destroyed

I’m more concerned with treasonous white men.

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beat the stupid out of them in this case it may even be worth it joining up with islam temporally

to be legal 13 loops for a man 7 for a women


Describes the value of her opinion perfectly.


They've never seen angry white men.

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Kamala Harris acts like this at literally every committee meeting I've ever seen her speak at.

>Kavanaugh acts stoic
"wow such an emotionless monster. he has zero remorse for the lives he has ruined."

>Kavanaugh acts angry or sad
"Wow what a reckless entitled jerk. He's just mad he got caught."

Notice what is missing from both these scenarios? Any fucking iota of objectivity. If one single fucking person on the left commented on the evidence in a way that caste doubt instead of these shitty pleas to emotion maybe I would take this a little more seriously

Women are emotional messes constantly.

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You need to submit goyim. Strength of will is for rapists and racists.

this statement reaks so fowlly of entitlement it makes me want to puke. who the fuck is so oblivious to think this genuinely? no wonder it seems the quality of women has gone down, it fucking has! what a degenerate shill, probably just finished sucking the kikes dick for a few sheckels which is why she is even posting this obviously partisan garbage. tdotr cant come fast enough