>be Serb
>help Turks with the siege of Constantinople, battle of Nicopolis, battle of Karanovasa, battle of Rovine...
>serve as Ottoman auxiliary troops for 500 years
>still LARP as based and redpilled kebab removers
Why do S*rbs do this?
Be Serb
show flag
Kys nigger.
Sorry lad, your entire nation has been reduced to a Bosnian war propaganda video meme. Nobody gives a shit about what happened to Serbs besides that.
All eastern europeans fought with and against the Ottomans over hundreds of years
I was born a S*rb, but now that I got redpilled about my "people" I don't consider myself a Serb anymore. I am a white nationalist and will die for people who are actually white. The only way to accomplish that is tearing my nation apart from the inside.
Brace yourselves, gents. I know how to do it and are well on my way. In 50 years tops, there will be no Serbia. Screencap this.
nice vpn
Who cares about some balkan nigger countries?
What is White in Serbia? In America Albanians are White, so are Arabs, Turks, and Somalis
Nice try Magyar shitter
There's no such a thing as a white Serbian. Even Turks are considered white there.
This. Yugoslav niggers BTFO.
Pusite mi kurac, debilcine retardirane. Ucite jebenu istoriju i shvaticete da je Srbija umrla sa Nemanjicima, vi nemate veze sa njima, imate 0% njihovih gena, izmisljena ste nacija, kao i Siptari i Madjari, samo nosite ime drzave koja je nekada postojala. Kao kad bi Dubrovcani nazvali sebe Mlecanima, bukvalno.
Wanna save the white race and not let the kikes win? Then don't fall for the Jew tricks and imaginary countries like Serbia.
>tfw Wallachia under Vlad returns impalement to the Ottomans, witnessed and learned in Ottoman captivity as a boy, to the Ottomans so as to scare away invading armies
So why don't you kys, Turkroach?
Vlad learned what "implement" meant from Mehmet II in bed. Such was the Sultans divine member's power that it turned one brother into a monster and the other a saint.
Fuck off, memeflag. I have a plan to make the world a better place. 50 years, I tell you. Maybe even earlier. The plan is already in motion.
>not 'crashing this country with no survivors'
I'm not trolling faggot, I'm dead serious.
Let me give you a clue: watch out for the blue sign.
report the memeflag muzzie
serbs are based and kosovo is serbia
>serbs are based
I was born a Serb and I can tell you don't know shit about Serbia or Serbs.
you are as serb as i'm korean
go back to the cave muslo scum
does the water ever get cold in Portugal? can you still swim there?
> I was born a S*rb, but now that I got redpilled about my "people" I don't consider myself a Serb anymore.
Explain? What caused you to think this?
So you became disillusioned with the idea of serbian nationalism and realized that your "nation" is just a mish mash of different peoples and races who speak a similar language and profess the same identity but thats it.
I realized that the we are the exact opposite of the ancient Serbia, to which we claim cultural and genetic connection.
> ancient Serbia
You guys are literally only 800 years old. 1000 at most.
Nonetheless, that's an interesting perspective you have. Because I look at Romanians and I see a similar thing. Serbs too. Different looking people. Some more brown/turkish, others more nordic, some look more balkan east euro looking.
Also how do you feel about white bosnians, croats and albanians? Has your new view changed how you view them?
I hate their mudslime guts. I fight for Europe, unlike other S*rbs.
I'd rather side with mooslims than with catholic child fucking dogs,any day
I'm sure your janissary ancestors are proud of you, Bogdane.
No wonder everyone in the world see Turks as homos.
You just proved that again,without knowing anything of history.
Radu wasn't Vlad.