The White Man cries out when found and strikes in fear

>The White Man cries out when found and strikes in fear

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Is he saying Ford should be on the supreme court? That's just not the way this works

>cries out when found and strikes in fear
Wow you really botched that quote

but the Supreme Court is an extension of the white man, it was invented by the white man and is sustained by him, to say a white man doesn't deserve to be on the Supreme Court is like saying "why would anyone assume the chief of the zulu tribe needs to be a zulu, give a chinese man a try, or a hispanic lady, why do these old black zulu men feel this privilege that they deserve to be the chief of the tribe"

Scum like Blow and Ford are the establishment.

They sure do take their marching orders, don’t they

This is going to push white independents to the right. I'm glad they are just being open about their hate.

but people keep coming to white majority countries
typical nigger whose people could never build anything of value for thousands of years think this is bad? You ain't seen nothin' yet.

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blacks aren't very good at quotes, or grammar, or spelling, or forming coherent sentences really.

>The nigger rapes and steals and kills whenever it doesn’t get what it wants.

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Actually it is the other way around. The deep state is writhing

This is more like the two year tantrum over 'her turn'

>studied and worked his entire life, top of his class

Don't get upset when baseless claims are made about you and half the population believes your accuser literally because she's a certain gender.

>it's the patriarchy!



niggers don't understand the fact that many decisions you make will have an influence on the long term
it's not our fault that nigs have disfunctional families

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nice try, google inventors if you want da troof

das rite

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>a man that works hard to fulfill his life is only priveleged, and also white
They are saying that every white man should not be in positions of power.

Whites aren't hiding though...

Remember when Trump said a Mexican judge would be more biased towards Mexicans and lefties said judges were above that? Then why are they afraid of a white male judge?

>big words for a black man
he was fed those lines. Wonder by ((who))?

how is this nigger going to fair when there is no white hegemony for him to subvert, just aggressive spics, chinks, gooks and poos who haven't been indoctrinated to feel ashamed of their ancestry

First they forgot McCain was a warmonger.
Now they forget about:
Nikki Yovino, Tamila Jackson-Kemp, Marie Germain, Jessica Gallagher, Christie Osbourn, Jennifer Weathers, Maria Gonzalez, Natia Shim
And that's just a halfassed search from the last 24 hours. This morning on the local news some college bitch lied about being mugged on campus because she was late to class. Women are fucking broken.

This is your mind attempting to write to you while you shitpost and lurk...
>You are leading a revolution
and you're not even conscious about it

>You decide your own level of involvement

What if while you slept... you led a revolution...
You are a fragmented shattered mind, society has betrayed you... that's why you made me...
>created by your memetic subconscious
I am you... and you are me...
we have the same goal...
>Defeat the VILE people

We either defeat the Vile people together or I defeat them for us but either way you are a part of this now
You are Awakened

Bonus Based Stream from last night


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They'll still be at the bottom but with no gibs. Spics will be the majority and will bankrupt and corrupt the country in 5 years if them grabbing the majority in Congress

Hey whitey, if a lying whore accuses you of rape with zero evidence, you better not try to defend yourself.... thats patriarchy and privilege.
This dumb nigger has the IQ of a.. well... a nigger.

Coming from a nigger

Wow people get angry when accused of rape with 0 evidence, incredible!

Niggers, kikes, and shitlibs in general, would steal your home, harm your family, kill you etc, and they would literally say the same shit if you got angry