Well, Jow Forums ?

Well, Jow Forums ?

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We have to be assholes or civilization itself will die

According to lefties if I want to keep my money,have freedom of speech of economic freedom im an asshole so that statement is very open to interpretation.

fuck off we're full

Jews can start
Niggers next
Muslims after that
Then you'll see that whities weren't the problem all along

I totaly can see that.

>alliens show up
>Live in peace and destroy your wepons homo sapiens
>we do
> they invade and decimate the unarmed humans

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Wow the teenage girl who drew this must have red pilled as fuck.

or the 30 years old so᠌ybo᠌y

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fucking ayyys just say this because they genocided all their subraces during the medieval stage, they dont even remeber what an ayyyynigers sounds like

Is this loss?

They're the same thing

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Define that statement in a way that isn't full of subjective bullshit. Like, can I protect myself or my children and not be considered an asshole? Or do I have to bend over and take whatever bullshit of the week up my ass or I'm an asshole?

If wanting to deport all non whites makes me an asshole, I disavow this shitty comic.

>only the least racist people are the problem
Fuckin whitey

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So these are made by a fat bald man.

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Wasn't this guy from Jow Forums? I remember some soiboi doxed himself once


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This makes me actually angry, its so fucking retarded. Doing all that made him a stronger and more fit person, mentally and physically, and then some dumbass poo-poos it for banal temporary pleasures that only serve to demean him, reduce his life expectancy and quality of life and pass the bill onto society.

The original said "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW"

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"if it is not positive, i don't want to hear it"

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I disagree

Cuck Dad Comics

this has to be satire

To be fair that comment isn't very helpful, it tells you flatly that the person doesn't like it without anything else. Is it the genre? The technique? The message? What about it makes him hate it? However its incumbent on the artist to just sort that kind of comment into 'not helpful' rather than be retarded in response and the best solution is to just ignore it.

It's human nature to be violent assholes for the most part


The problem with that, is only the assholes stop being assholes.
That leaves the rest of to get kicked in the teeth by the people who remain assholes.

Little does that kid know the only thing two dads are good for is double stuffing him.

This is the type of thing that motivates you to become Hitler

this is pretty degenerate

Are these the ultimate "just be yourself" comics?
And what's with the sexual innuendos of the kid "turning on" his grandpa light saber?


no, it's 2018.

What the heck

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With food?

>"Ohh yeah...."

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Such is the price of being tolerant for diversity.

Oh for fuck sake I want to murder that fat onions kike.

Not everyone is following this captain obvious advice because some people profit off of killing others and using propaganda to justify their actions.

Ike Eisenhower warned us about those sorts of people on his way out of office, but we didn't listen.


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yeah but isn't it better to just live like a complete fucking slob and shit on people who work hard to have control over their body and be esthetically pleasing ?

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>wtf i love recently promoted vice admirals doing nothing but acting pompous and getting people exploded before some leia-sanctioned deus ex machina makes them a sacrificial hero now

so am i supposed to be hyped seeing hero of my childhood being turned into sociopathis hobo?

he's actually a far right agitator

Impossible, odds are stacked against us.

You only need one person for there to be violence, but you need a minimum of two for peace.

i am just really angry over this one
his wife doesnt love him, since she just picks up random fuckbois at bars
he doesnt love his wife, he lets his wife do that to him, and he fucks the bois too
he doesnt love his child, he doesnt even want to take care of it

is this what onions does to people?

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dobson alter ego?

Pretty much this.
I genuinely believe it's the lefties being picks. People just want to be left alone, not be blamed for all of society's ills, etc.
Leftists however, refuse to just leave people alone. It isn't enough to agree to disagree, they MUST have their way and anyone they perceive as being in their way, they will shit on.
This is why I've become impatient and hateful toward them. I never asked for anything beyond a right to live my life, but they refuse, fucking refuse to let us have that.

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My edit. I'm proud of myself.

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Of course this psychotic bitch is from Toronto. Literally the cesspool of the world. Literally the most culturally devoid, SJW brainwashed pussified place I've ever been too.

Meh, living healthy won't save you or add more years to your life, living like a total fucking ham planet or constantly high shit bag will definitely fucking kill you faster though, but just not being massively obese and/or a substance abuser is pretty much all you need to crack in the triple digits provided cancer, suicide, or what not doesn't just up end all your shit for whatever reason.

That said, you really, really, really, really don't want to live past 80. I mean it. I have never met anyone who has lived past 80 and felt great about doing so, all their friends and their spouse is dead, their kids hate them for being drains on their inheritance or personal funds for upkeep and care, and they are miserable and angry pretty much constantly.

>put mooing mobs of mindlessly altruistic dopamine fiends in charge
>the global spread of human misery and conflict increases immeasurably because they'd all rather defy common sense than potentially look like an asshole for refusing to walk on a floor made of eggshells

Nice try, xeno scum.

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>it's okay for women to hit men

It's from a Toronto author so I highly doubt it. People there really are this absurd.

Holy fucking crap

Wonderful. Thanks for this creation.

Wow that’s kinda sad when you think about it
For thousands of years the greatest art, architecture, music, fashion, poetry, etc., has all been a consequence of men trying to woo women by show themselves worthy of one another
It brought greater exploration of character as both sides- especially the men- had to prove themselves and led to people seeing who a person “really is” by their power to create and characterize feeling through something

But PC culture throws it all away so women can’t form relationships and just go for chad or Tyrone
Damn sjws

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For some reason the dad reminds me of Louis C.K. and I thought he was going to tell the kid to have her watch you masturbate.

it's okay, no one liked him anyway

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So courtship is creepy now? Okay.
What exactly isn't creepy for these people?
Raising your wife's son?

We should be assholes to aliens instead!

i just want to point out that this is 100% a real comic and not a photoshop lunarbaboon.com/comics/morning.html
yes it angered me so i literally went and checked

the only food he ever gets

>literally is an asshole to people who look different because that happened to take more effort than putting on a dress
This guy's actually insane.

The joke is that the son looks like the random person, the cucked kike father has met his wife's bull last night and is okay with him taking over lmao.

so much*

Nah, my grandfather lived till 94.
He still drove, he walked fine, his brain was still functioning fine.
He had a bunch of kids and grandkids, he married a girl 15 years younger than him so she was still around too.
They always ate home cooked meals or only ate out at actual restaurants where the food is prepared on site.
He eventually got liver cancer and it killed him in maybe a month or two.
We're all doomed to die, but if he isn't proof that eating healthy and having a big loving family doesn't keep you young and healthy, then I don't know what is.
I could only hope to have half as good a life as he had.

I tried :)

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I am a White American Male and my entire life I have been told I am responsible for all of the world's problems and I am a rapist. Even though, I have never raped anyone, owned slaves or anything evil. So, FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS I am conditioned to be an asshole.

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Welcome to the FEEL train

>Good choice
>That dress fits nicely
That sounds even more patronising, it's like saying to a person in a wheelchair "hey cool chair, you really rock it!"

is this gonna be the next racewar johnny?


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Drinking wine, eating fish (maybe smoking) and doing physical labor makes you live to 120, a 50-100% increase over regular npcs
>they are miserable and angry pretty much constantly
i already am

>accept people for who you are
But this is the exact opposite function of society. Additionally, not accepting a person's delusions is not being an asshole.

What the fuck?? Well this is a real cuck comic. I thought it were edited especially because there no link at the bottom.

Also if you live healthy you won't become a vegetable after 60, most people who live extremely long do so with perfect agency, anything that would cripple you kills you basically instantly at that point instead of decades of suffering

>Let's all be nice and tolerant and love each other
>"Well I'm not comfortable with/don't like X"
>Fuck you fucking asshole I'm gonna draw a comic where I kill you and then a bunch of people applaud me
every time