What did people aged 18-26 do before the internet?

What was life really like before the internet took off? I remember I used to always be outside as a kid and was never sad or depressed. Of course this has to with your age ae everything is new to you. However I still think life used to be much better even for older people, that’s why I’m trying to cut down my internet usage a lot (I’m 24 now).

However I don’t really know what to do with my time right now other than read and workout. I do feel much better mentally though, my mind is clearer, no brain fog, generally a happier feeling.

Can older anons share their stories? I think society really went downhill after Youtube and Facebook were introduced.

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Fuck off zoomer

Shoot pool, hike, go out with the boys. Work on the house, car, do some chores.
Go use that pent up energy from not cranking it 2x/day to porn to get laid. Pick up hobbies, hustle some money through side jobs.

Spirograph , sex, hangout in parking lots, work on cars, cb and ham radio, go to the beach, lake, river.

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read books, draw, paint, make music.bicycle rides, pubs with friends.
I hardly even bother socialising these days.

Drink beer and rape 15 yo girls

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That's where you're wrong, kiddo

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We used to have paintball games in the middle of my small midwestern town, shoot fireworks at each other, drink out in fields, just anything to entertain us, lan parties

My g g generation last to live like that.
We cruised in cars, had beach parties, did bar crawls. Played game consoles. Occasionally got laid. The usual.

Play football

They learned shit. That doesn't happen anymore.

exploring on bike
airsoft in the woods
sports 2 hours every day
occasional LAN at rich friends house

Now I just sit here.

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That's bullshit, most drug dealers sell to pay for their own supply.
It's also at a seminar , how is he supposed to walk to the stage with fucking goggles on? Hmmmm?

kek - you got me.

>show up at friends house uninvited
please stop youre bringing back memories of...happiness

What did people aged 18-26 do before the internet?

we spent a large part of each day not knowing the answers to questions we had or if things we heard were true.

they used to call it wondering. smartphones stopped it in the younger generation.


>Show up at a friend's house uninvited

I always did this, played football everyday on the street and pavement with friends, just showed up with a ball and asked his parents if he was home. Was always fun

as kids, ride bikes, play backyard sports, build forts, fish, shoot bb guns and .22, paintball. all kinds of stuff. rowboat turned upside down in the lake like a submarine.

Went outside.

we used to play outside.

Sad how things have changed like that, with the internet my local town has lost its sense of community. People used to come out on the streets once a week and eat meals together and share home grown food and converse with their neighbors. The internet is both empowering and destroying our society simultaneously and soon those times will be forgotten.

I believe it's natural for men to stick to a pretty strict routine which, from an external perspective, may seem boring and constricting but is very nourishing and fulfilling once you follow it.

For example, this summer I dedicated two hours a night to walk to the nearby park to sit and read. I went through several books in that time, and genuinely enjoyed myself even though my instincts told me to just stay in my flat and jerk off and watch humorous videos on youtube.

It isn't natural or productive to simply follow your emotions and instincts and to keep chasing different pursuits and avenues of fulfilment. You should IMO decide what you are good at and dedicate as much time as possible to developing your skill in that area and make it financially profitable if you can. Men should be the calm, stoic, emotionally sufficient bedrock of society. Women desire this IMO, and don't generally seek men who are as indecisive, easily distracted and fun-centric as they are.

Before the internet kids just sat indoors and played sega or Nintendo all day.

Also facebook is just a less colourful version of myspace.

Fuck yeah Spirograph.

But wondering about things developed a genuine curiosity in some people, who visited libraries or *gasp* asked other people to discover facts etc. How many facts does the average person retain while speed-reading 200 webpages / well-edited videos per day? I'd say not very much.

Lets see...I'd be lying if I were to say it was amazing but it definitely wasn't awful. Really the only highlight was popculture.

Television was the prime highlight of every kids childhood. Every day afterschool I would rush home just to catch Toonami on. Anime on TV was a big deal. CartoonCartoon Fridays was also the shit. We had things like KidsWB for saturdays so we'd wake up early to watch Yugioh and Pokemon.

Aside from that, video games were actually good back then. We'd play outside without the fear of "the boogeyman" although after 2005 I started noticing a quick change in all of that. Less kids were going outside. More gated communities being built like clockwork.

Uhmm.....no kid had a computer for themselves so if you had "internet access" at home you were considered a prophet. If you had a flip phone with a camera the girls would be sucking your dick (no not really, but camera phones were like the Iphone back then).

By 2007 everything started going to shit and by 2011 it got to the point of no return.

When you have to pay more than three bills a month you'll wish you can just sit around and jerk it all day. Even when I was living in an apartment the only down time I had was in the evening for maybe 3 hours.
Live in a house now, between work, cooking meals, meal prepping lunches, chores, family time, my hobbies, internet is the last thing I dabble in. Video games are a rarity now as well.
But in today's world cell phones make it much easier, I haven't actually sat down at my computer in a month, my old gaming rig just collects dust.