It's over: 70% of Spanish women under 35 are childless

The destruction of our society has been completed.

Data includes all women so it's skewed by immigrants, the rate among natives might be 75% or even higher.

Spain has had a lower birth rate than Japan for decades.

Attached: spain population projection.jpg (960x720, 133K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_experiment.html

Fuck Juan Carlos, it's all his fault.

Good, fuck you muslim rape babies.

This is good for the human species, only Chads should be allowed to procreate.
Economy and society be damned.

Attached: ajitpai.png (771x690, 269K)

So why aren't you dumb retarded euro spics hiring mexicans who have tons of families and work instead of accepting nigger refugees?
Fucking dumb forever

Attached: download1.png (225x225, 23K)

You're going to need more immigrants

Open up those borders Carlos, you're going to need immigrants to replace your aging population and pay for pensions. We can send you some Mexicans if you want.

old news's_experiment.html

lol losers

Why do they think that's a legitimate strategy? Low IQ populations strain the economy. They're better off selecting high IQ immigrants. Maybe get some asians in.

We're riced but we're doing it right. Select from higher IQ places.