In the country our white ancestors settled, built, fought, and died for. Incredible
Where's your spirit, white man?
In the country our white ancestors settled, built, fought, and died for. Incredible
Where's your spirit, white man?
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Lol mutt
I’m so sick of that hand clap meme...
Only cares about skin color and sex. Yeah that couldn't possibly be a problem.
>literal who blue check marks are saying whities are bad
where the fuck u been?
Scared of females clapping back? I would be too if I were a white male
what the fuck is happening to this country
>on twitter
Well she's right, it's "have" to be. It just "should" be because shitskins and women are proven to be infinitely more incompetent and dangerous to society.
What do you expect?
Apparently fully equal rights and status isn't enough. Would the shirt off my back help? Maybe I could give you everything my parents and grandparents spent their worthless lives toiling for?
Which one is it?
YOU !!! HAVE !!! TO !!! GO !!! BACK
Just fucking deport them already
It isnt.
I like how it makes it clear these are subhuman chips who need to make retarded animal noises to maintain their train of thought from one word to the next.
Degeneracy running wild. Just let it happen so god will come back and destroy the world.
katie is the white girl
i think the asian is the "man"
>old white men
That is pretty anti-semitic of her.
God isn't coming back. He expects YOU to do the destroying.
I can picture her clapping her hands between each word, powerful
That clap emote shit is so damn obnoxious.
You want this scam artist pedo to be there passing envelopes at every meeting in secret?
The Bible says otherwise.
It doesn't have to be.
But it is.
Because they are the most qualified.
Is that supposed to represent the nigger clap?
Yes. Our government could instead be like that of Detroit, Baltimore, and East St. Louis.
Has to look at this twice to see the issue beyond the interacial asepct, the dyke looks so much like a basedboy.
Being an Ameri-clap is part of the culture.
the fact niggers do this in real life and on Twitter is so frustrating. if you have to clap after each word, or even each sentence, for people to listen, just assume whatever you are saying is wrong and dumb.
whereever niggers are, they must also be a slave to the beat
Could you imagine what kind of third world banana republic it would turn into overnight if shitskins and roasties were in charge?
Why isn’t there a clap after men?
And yet she probably worships white Chad cock.
So edgy and original, this will be a good thread
It's one thing for niggers to get uppity, they've been here a long time and have relatively small numbers. But it greatly concerns me when spics start getting uppity. There aren't too many states that aren't completely inundated with these disgusting brown roaches. If they decided to rise up, it would be hard to quell, especially with lib egging them on.
It's so funny when the children say that they what to ruin the government
No, sweetie
If you want order and progress, white men have to be at the helm
Not women
Definitely not non-whites
White men with experience
>old white men should run the world
Never seen a black man do that shit. It's only loud obnoxious black women who do it.
Twitter will allow this racist shit all day but won’t allow Alex Jones to sell some water filters with a little conspiracy theory thrown in??
eventually the left will get back in and open the flood gates to these creaturas
>tfw woes was banned again
don't have to
but is better to
Yes. That's what we're fighting against, stupid.
whiteboi btfo
>what is a malthusian collapse
enjoy billions of niggers starving to death
>women have had voting rights for about 1% of recorded history.
>they were just given these rights by men without fighting any wars.
Should probably end this experiment it's getting out of control.
i want to just move to a different planet and restart a white civilization there.
It went down the drain with the fluoridated water
From that pic I can smell the rotten taco scent the standard spic gives off all the way in Australia
Huurrrrrr i take the bible literally in between sucking cocks and posting about Dems are the real racists. Signed, a christcuck blob
senators couldn't ask any real questions from a rape accuser because they were old white men
this is the reality we live now.
only Graham cut through the bullshit
All i have to say is
If only there were other countries in the world browns could live in
>our country doesn’t have to contain shitskins and jews
imagine if you faggots woke up
When reading this shit are you supposed to pause after every word?
Youre supposed to clap like a child throwing a temper tantrum.
not gonna happen wh*toid
Ill make sure it does.
Um, yeah it absolutely will happen.
All memefags are Jew, btw.
Oh, master... have mercy... I shall do anything for your forgiveness. Please, I am not worthy.
The government is elected - people's choice - candidates.
>If no non-white candidates run, no non-white candidates win
>If no non-white candidates are more qualified and because of it get no votes, no non-white candidates win
>If no women run, no women win
>If no women are more qualified or have greater merits, no women win
The people vote in the candidates that run, if a non-white and/or woman runs based on just the parameters of being either and not merits, they don't win without ignorance of the voters
Hey kids. Would you like to try some. Mass Murder™
>subhuman spics
>not white in america
*glowing intensifies*
Why do we tolerate niggers when they pull shit like apartheid. If whites cant be in africa then kill all the niggers in america and europe.
Running out of places to run. Gunny gunny gunna gun.
>In the country our white ancestors settled, built, fought, and died for. Incredible
>Where's your spirit, white man?
>Where's your spirit, white man?
In my win 308 and mini 14, we are not all cucks here.
Anyone who claps between words should be shot dead.
Look how the non whites talk when they aren’t being managed by their Jew Masters.
The anti-white scourge never sleeps