Why exactly are the famous psychologists all jewish? Erikson, Frankl, Freud etc. Is there a connection that I am missing?
Self promotion
They're only Jewish because Jews are smart.
Freud's theory was idiotic but he was legitimately a brilliant person.
Erikson is good with solid science-backed theory.
I don't think Frankl is even a psychologist... wasn't he a holocaust victim that wrote advice on how he was able to survive the concentration camps?
>wasn't he a holocaust victim?
Yes he was
No doubt they are intelligent but are their theories not harmful to society? I find it hard to look at them with an open mind since they are Jewish
Because psychology is a degenrate form of self discovery. It's the materialistic version of connecting to the soul, like atheistic religion.
What do you suggest instead of psychology then?
BecUse to understamd the perpetual lies imposed by the bourgeois upon the proletariat wage slaves who they lord over as they exrract usury rent from the poor slum ghettos and prepare for another shoah of a theatre of globalist war and holohoax.
Simplified from all that babylon ron on pedantic rhetoric. Compare this unequivocal answer. Man must become a certain degree masonic or circumsized jew to comprehend how the talmud pharisee uses tricery of the night to weave deception and sow unfaithful fruit upon mankind as children of the sun are targeted by the pedo luna tic luciferians who have crystal ball vision in castle rock glass towers of sorcerers souled out satanic scripts. The dark verses of old before the etwrnal anno domini covenant. Ashes to cashes. Dust to dlust. Wordplay for fun but cryptic for wisdom. The celestial source code to the king dome of an arch I tech. Not divine nines but thirteen primes. The slyforged wheel and men of steel.
No idea.
Everyone has their own theory.
Exact answer?
Don't know.
Jew have high verbal intelligence.
High verbal intelligence means you are good at bullshitting people.
That plus ethnic nepotism.
The element of unrefined logic forces the critical thinking aspect psychology dominates for kikery of the unholy psyop campaign. Aka yuris revenge of a HM 2. A real enders war waged in the digital cyberspace for your minds as shills like peterson and pawns like tsion ben juden are leading men of lost faith astray and into darkness. Humanity hangs in the balance like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. Ol faithful. Truth is blinding. Justice frightning. The youth pay for the sins of gen X. Mark my words on the spot or sign on the dot.
Jews are swindlers and con men.
I'll leave it to you to make judgements beyond that simple, precise statement of truth.
that's why everyone shits on german psychologist nowadays like Freud and and Jung
fake sciences like psychology and sociology are essentially controlled by pilpul
If you are good at psychology, you are good at manipulation and lies.
There are many much more interesting psychological discoveries by non-Jews. Jews are overrepresented in the upper American society and that's where most of the psychologly research takes place. It doesn't mean anything
psychology student here AMA
How can perception psychology be real if our eyes aren't real ?
r u ju?
What do you think about this thread? Is it true that if one is good at psych., one is a good liar?
Famous being the key word.
Jewish media publicizes jewish intellectuals in a positive way. That's literally it.
Like Einstein.
It does seem logical but I think there is more to it
>Is it true that if one is good at psych., one is a good liar?
No, most people don't know shit about psychology at college.
are eyes are very real and pyshical
no but catholic so close enough
Ye I know, asking just in case
it is a useful trait for psychologists but most are actually not that smart
Lacan was French Catholic.
Deleuze was French.
two pretty important exceptions.
As for Freud, I think he was trying to help. Up until the end he would not cooperate with the US gov't or big business. The people that took up the mantle after him are really to blame for psychoanalysis's bad rap and misuse.
Philosophy by starting with the Greeks.
Granted, I can't tell you how to achieve the maximum effect. That's a personal journey.
>materialistic version of connecting to the soul.
how much brain mapping are we going to need to do to prove that there is no soul. Every time I hear someone give me their opinion on what exactly the soul is, it's always some vague thing that can usually be explained with neurotransmitters. Soulfags just need to learn like, basic high school level neurology.