Are school uniforms good?

Are school uniforms a good thing to have in public schools?

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Wrong question: public school shouldn't exist

I agree with you on that one, however I doubt they will be removed anytime soon. In the meantime, would having school uniforms be an aid or a detriment to those schools?

That's a very polite answer to my unhelpful meme reply

To answer seriously, yes uniforms are clearly a benefit when added to schools. Lower income schools require it for the added order, and even public districts without a uniform require one when kids are sent to "the annex" for misbehavior.

Uniforms would be a good start for sure.
I also think it would be good to have boys and girls schools.
The way society has left boys behind in our modern co-ed schools is shameful.


Yes we have school uniforms here in Australia and they are great.

>Went to an all boys school with uniforms
>People think I'm sophisticated because there weren't STI outbreaks at my school

Being European has its upsides, the schools here and in the US are a disaster.

yes, for two reasons

1. girls/women can’t stop being fucking whores. they’re dressing increasingly sluttier and sluttier.

2. poor kids obviously, a uniform helps equal things out if just a tiny bit for the less fortunate kids

This. They should be gender neutral too. Everybody in pants.

Absolutely. It prevents bourgeois kids from flaunting their wealth with expensive clothes.

Also this.

I not doing your speech 101 paper

Lets you identify truants, criminals and lost children. The one downside is "oh no I have to pay for a pair of clothes for my child"

Implying school uniforms on girls aren't hot as fuck. When they lift their skirts up over their knees to let us see their beautiful thighs it's just HNNGG

It's ironic. The uniform is expensive but trendy clothes are even more expensive. Americans don't even realize they'd save money by instituting school uniforms.
I'd also like to add that a uniform gives a student a sense of professionalism and intent. For example, it's been proven you can boost a person's sense of confidence just by putting them in a nice suit.

>be me in highschool more than a decade ago
>every single thot in training shows their cleavage and ass
>christian neighbor girl's boobs got big so she turned from a "so quirky" nerdy girl into a giant slut overnight and now is obese and owns a pitbull out in some shit-tier plains state lol
>dumb sluts allowed to wear whatever they want so they always pick the sluttiest thing possible

People fetishize school uniforms, but American society would suck a lot less if everyone had to wear one.

Yes. It produces conformity. Breaks social flaunting of wealth. I know I’m the US at least it might collar the nigger population in schools if they were mandated to wear a school uniform that includes shoes. No gang colors, no Nike’s or Jordan’s or what have you. The fact that it’s a collard shirt and tie tends to make people feel like they look nice might increase performance and decrease slacking. But only if it’s 100% enforced at all times. No jewelry either. Rings, necklaces Ectect.

I’d support it. I’d also support corporal punishment in schools too.

fuck off budget mexico

... And schools aren't good either

Schools are fine. The only thing a parent need add to the curriculum are 2 extra history lessons.
"White people invented emancipation" and "The Holocaust is a lie".
I'm perfectly content to let the state teach my kid how to multiply fractions and use an Oxford comma.

Public education is a fucking JOKE. Its why everyone thinks communism is cool. The FED owns it

School uniforms are good for muh dick

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No, pants for the boys and long skirts for girls

only if the girls and boys have to wear the same trousers.
in most of the schools in town, the girls dress sluttier than many adult women

I understand my mother's concerns that the absence of school uniforms may cause poorer kids to be picked on for their potentially shitty clothes, however I think that students should be free to express themselves through their clothing.

Spoken like someone who hasn't had the misfortune of being exposed to highschooler's "genuine expressions"

School uniforms lower the incidence of heart attacks in men by ensuring we get a minor cardio workout twice a day.

I went to highschool in Australia and did my last 2 years in southern Californian highschool.

I vote uniforms every time. Poor kids were picked on none stop and the nig nogs took the chance express themselves as niggers.

Yes. Excessive individualism produces this sort of thing

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>No, pants for the boys
that comma is doing a lot of work there

If some kids want to dress like freaks, so be it.

Well there you go. Perhaps I should reconsider.

>however I think that students should be free to express themselves through their clothing.

Yeah I know, wouldn't the world be interesting if we all dressed the same?

A recipe for doggy style. Pants for everyone!

Mostly everyone looks like normal teenagers, what's your beef here?


Fucking normies get off by board

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Schools are good.
Government schools are bad.

I'm all in favour of individualism, in ways that matter.

The notion that clothing fashion allows individual expression is a farce, and everyone who buys clothes knows this, because they bought everything they own off a rack with hundreds of copies.

All fashion allows is for people to passively display a veneer of personality, school uniforms do away with that nonsense.

Exactly. It pushes people to express themselves in more meaningful ways instead of through consumerism. It frees your mind. One less thing to worry about.

Despite clothing being mostly mass produced, there is a massive amount of variety and how you put together outfits does say something about your personality. That is if you're not just blindly wearing what everyone else wears.

it's correct isn't it? or well idk not that english is my first language

>there is a massive amount of variety and how you put together outfits does say something about your personality

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It's correct. I'm just fucking with you

I'm not a woman, just a fag. Sorry to disappoint.

Yes and no. Like anything under the sun there is room for some form of abuse. The only correct answer is close parental supervision.
Not at the lower grades. Parents should take a very active role in how they want their children to think and act and not leave it up to some faceless government paid employee(For example socialist cunt) Hard work and self reliance should be core values. It goes without saying that being good people is a must but they should also work on wisdom. We can't just let large portions of the population sit around and do nothing just because they are on welfare or some other kind of government assistance.

Maybe children should decide for themselves what values they hold.

All schools, private or public, should be forced by law to have uniforms.

>Maybe children should decide
Let me stop you there.


Why? So the big sate and their friends in mass media can brainwash them? No thanks. They can have an opinion if and only when they impress me with hard results. ProTip: socialists of every stripe and caliber need not apply. You've had your chances and ruined everything you've touched.

Maybe abbos should decide for themselves what values they hold


>The one downside is "oh no I have to pay for a pair of clothes for my child"
You have to do that anyway you deadbeat

Expressing yourself via consumerism

It's good when you're a kid but secondary schools shouldn't even waste money on the desks, let alone uniforms.


No, you should seek out a non-ideological education for your child.

If they want.

If you made the clothes would it be any different?

Making an argument for

Uniforms make it impossible to tell students apart.


No, I'm aware that almost no one does this. But because of that, isn't it valid to express yourself with clothing other people made because of the difficulties of making it yourself, without it being labelled 'consumerism'?

>you should seek
You should seek to step off and educate your own. Why in God's name did we ever trust big government to begin with?

Im for uniforms where everybody wears something different

Yeah. I think school uniforms are good

Maybe in asia.