"unfortunate victim"

"unfortunate victim"
Video of 'attempted lynching' in lawless Paris suburb shocks France.

France showing the love!

Attached: unfortunate victim.jpg (306x435, 15K)

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I'm happy I was able to visit Paris 10 years ago when all the darkies did is try to sell you shit

"they are too young to know what they were doing"
"in their culture violence against other cultures is acceptable, so they are innocent"
"he wasn't a victim, him being white is proof enough of him being guilty"

judge rebecca noseberg nose what is best for europe

stay lazy and selfish, i'm sure things will solve themselves by magic

French people are passionate and violent. Their revolution speaks to that.

>arabs killing arabs

and nothing of value was lost

I saw the video, it's totally a shitskin getting lynched and there are whites lynching, so who gives a fuck?

>arabs killing arabs
hope so, source?

Because this is a sign of decay. Until it's a group that's 100% white lynching only nonwhites, you might as well be Brazil.

It's gangs settling scores.
Nothing whatsoever will happen because judges in France are predominantly women, and jails are already full anyway.
They'll get some nominal conviction and be released.

Look at their clothes

Paris is no longer a French city

Reminder that when people really start to ignore traffic laws then you're in an area of heavy decay.

Why does this shock France? This is perfectly normal in France.

And they voted for it, especially Parisians, so I don't feel sorry either.

>Be me
>Take bus
>Nigger enters the bus
>Some eastern european (ukrainian or romanian perhaps)yells at the nigger
>"Get out of this bus you shitty nigger"
>Nigger tries to touch him
>"Don't fucking touch me or I'll smash your head against this bar you negro bastard
>Get out of this fucking bus now you african
>starts talking in his own language
>Bus reaches a school
>His friends tell him to leave the nigger alone,this eastern european guy wanted to punch him
>On the way out I heard him saying "I didn't punch the nigger because I already have problems with the laws,otherwise he would have been fucking dead"
This madlad was 1.80m tall probably and muscular, they were discussing about fighting sports (So he probably practiced boxing or kickboxing)and he wasn't even 18years old,are all eastern europeans this based?
No one helped him,apart from his friends,why is Tuscany so cucked?Anyway he got mad at the nigger because he didn't pay the ticket

This, boy probably stole something, lucky they didn't cut off his hands.

>he didn't pay the ticket



Tutti quelli del bus sono stati zitti,anche io a dire il vero...questa è la cosa che mi fa rabbia

Funny how it shocks every time and never angers. So long as the people in power are dickless boomers who just respond to this by "putting in place programs to help the needy" this will continue to happen, and yet it'll surprise them every time.
That's all you ever hear from them. "This is very shocking, and it made me very upset! It needs to stop! >:c"

Attached: upset politician.png (493x392, 9K)

It didnt happen and if it did that Eastern Euro sounds like a loser, why harass a random guy

99% of people are angry,but they don't have a leader to follow.
Most people truly are NPCs,not joking here,they lack willpower,intelligence,integrity,strength and courage to act against european genocide,they are waiting for a leader.

L'africano non aveva convalidato il biglietto,ed questo ragazzo si è incazzato come una bestia,figurati che ci son volute tre persone per fermarlo e farlo scendere (erano i suoi amici),questo ragazzo qua avrà avuto si e no 16-17 anni,forse 18 al massimo.
Quando l'africano ha fatto per toccarlo,questo ragazzo quì era già pronto a sferrargli un pugno,ti ripeto:sono stati i suoi amici a fermarlo.
È facile chiamarlo perdente,ma stava facendo la cosa giusta,ha più palle di te che stai tutto il giorno su Jow Forums.


>The images – which involve mainly white youths in their early teens –
Most were black what the heck Dailymail ur supposed to be a right leaning shitrag

Many thanks for this video,very emotionally uplifting

because it's savage and intolerant and goes against western rule of law sweaty

we have our cucks too but yeah we really hate shitskins, plenty of dealings with the gypsies for decades

>inb4 but u r gypsy lolol

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i hope all french faggots die,good jobs arabs and niggers

Yeah but they’re doing the killing on French land, not in the Middle East. If they’re going to fight, they should do it in their home country. They shouldn’t even be in Europe.

that faggot should leave too

except your people beat and steal old people

if anything, will you have to choose one over the other.

a nice example of this is our americans of european ancestry having to choose between a latino or black.

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i don't want any of them

What's the problem to freely beat someone in Paris? Is it considered rude?