Why has it always been the jews that everyone has hated since forever? Why do they always manage to have a reputation as greedy swindlers and fraudsters wherever they have lived?
Why the jews?
Because they're greedy swindlers and fraudsters.
gas yourself kikque
It’s genetic thing. They are just high IQ with gyspy mentality.
>Why has it always been the jews that everyone has hated since forever?
Because they need goyim slaves and do everything in their power to get it.
>Why do they always manage to have a reputation as greedy swindlers and fraudsters wherever they have lived?
Because they are
What is "usury"?
Nice digits.
No, they actually don't. Whites have higher IQs on average than them, and have a higher amount of "geniuses" (140 IQ and above) than exist members of their entire race. It is solely due to nepotism and corruption of the systems created by naive Westerners/Whites, as well as other races.
>Why do they always manage to have a reputation as greedy swindlers and fraudsters wherever they have lived?
Maybe because they behave as greedy swindlers and fraudsters wherever they live
>What is a millennia-long monopoly on usurious moneylending
Because of antisemetism. There is literally NO other reason. Just like disgusting racists dislike blacks today because of their skin color. There is no other reason.
Because they lived in closed communities within nations and refused to take the religion of the nation they lived in, forever seperating themselves from the people. Also the jews killed jesus thing didn't help
What he said was >They are hated because they're greedy swindlers and fraudsters.
Not >They're inferior
>skin color
thanks made me laugh
Surprisedly came from you.
Why? He's not claiming any wrong doing, he's accusing us of Xenophobia.
In-groups & out-groups.
Imagine you're part of a German Christian minority living in a 97% Muslim Turkey or Pakistan. You are keenly aware that your in-group are vulnerable. You silently resent the large out-group for making you feel like this, and because their norms and way of life dominates culture in the country, rather than yours.
You consider it in your self-interest to:
1) Look out for your fellow members of the German in-group.
2) Change the demographics of the country to make your in-group less vulnerable.
3) Erode the dominant culture and norms.
4) Generally push Social Liberalism.
The majority out-group would resent you for this once they discover you are doing it. This is Jewish history in a nutshell.
>Also the jews killed jesus thing didn't help
didn't even happen, the Flavian's and Josephus for created the Jesus myth to replace the messianic Talmudic Pharisaical life that everyone was accustomed to for millennia's
>1) Look out for your fellow members of the German in-group.
>2) Change the demographics of the country to make your in-group less vulnerable.
>3) Erode the dominant culture and norms.
>4) Generally push Social Liberalism.
Holy shit that pattern also fits blacks, hispanics, Turks etc. in Western countries nowadays
Not even close. The Talmud is the reason why jews are hated as a reflexive response for their attitudes and treatment of non-jews. The Talmud is the dirty secret of Judaism which authorizes their mental enfermity and human rights abuses again all other people of the world. Anti-semitism is simply defense against Jewish oppression.
Love how there is no response to the truth.
Behavior is genetic.
Kikes gonna be kike.
Niggers gonna nig
Whitey gonna whitey
Aliens put them in charge to keep the planet mining Gold.
Well, dubbs
Ask the jews why they act like jews.
That's right , they are an Exogroup with everything this entails, so are gypsies btw and they behave like kikes EXACTLY.
Because they are. How else would a people as weak and spineless as Jews collectively be able to survive for thousands of years while being so dispersed?
If you think Jesus didn’t exist, you’re a dumbass. Maybe he was given pagan qualities and symbolism, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t real.
you wot m8 ?
judaism is the one ethnic group that i've never seen hated in my life . jewish people are objectively the most moral and virtuous people in every society .
And Wolgadeutsche in the USSR
What treatment? If anyone is mistreated it's the jews. Did you see any jews killing goyim freely in their communities like the talmud permits? Or did we see massive persecution of jews in every country they were in?