So now Kavanaugh is a child molester?
So now Kavanaugh is a child molester?
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Yes that is why he doesn't' want an FBI investigation. Flake is the only non-pedo in the entire US senate btw.
It’s not hard to see, really. He molested a 15 year old girl (Ford) when he was 17 and now “coaches” 15 year olds. It’s clear he has a thing for 15 year olds and I wouldn’t doubt he’s touched Inappropriately every single one of them
Girls sports is a waste of time anyway.
Probably not, but he's certainly not a role model. There are better candidates for coaches. And justices.
I love how to the Jew, a normal white guy being a girl’s basketball coach is weird and creepy, but they see nothing wrong with a homosexual tranny reading books to children.
There are? Too bad you can't name a single one.
except for volleyball of course
So tiresome.
Author is a Jew as well.
Reminder to accuse every Democrat Senator of being a pedophile and demand they ask the FBI to investigate themselves