How do you justify being a Christian in 2018?
Why have you not returned to your various pre-Cristian beliefs and religions?
More importantly what does Christianity offer than you can't or wouldn't have anyway.
How do you justify being a Christian in 2018?
Why have you not returned to your various pre-Cristian beliefs and religions?
More importantly what does Christianity offer than you can't or wouldn't have anyway.
Im a muslim. Christians are filthy pigs.
>How do you justify being a Christian in 2018?
The testimony of the Apostles and philosophers.
>Why have you not returned to your various pre-Cristian beliefs and religions?
Christianity is prefigured in a number of pre-Christian beliefs or religions, like Judaism or various Greek philosophical schools. I would never return to either of these because they are inferior.
>More importantly what does Christianity offer than you can't or wouldn't have anyway.
Salvation and a foundation.
I dont. But I know Christian ideals are a great way to raise a family. Christianinty is just put in place to keep people in line and not be degenerate retards huffing glue and snorting xanax only to die at the age of 23 because they're clinically braindead.
>Why do you follow christianity?
i dont follow christianity, i follow christ
>How do you justify being a Christian in 2018?
i dont need to justify anything
>Why have you not returned to your various pre-Cristian beliefs and religions?
becuase they were wrong and shitty
>More importantly what does Christianity offer than you can't or wouldn't have anyway.
my beloved lord jesus christ, forgiveness of all my sins, eternal life etc
>More importantly what does Christianity offer than you can't or wouldn't have anyway.
A method for communicating with less inventive people who have the same ideals as me.
Reality is absurd and I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing here, who you people 'really' are, or where we're going. "It would be a good and wholesome idea to form a steadfast bond with a loyal female and have children that we raise with the express purpose of preparing them for a happy life in a society that's complicated beyond comprehension. Once the family is established, certain things that needlessly complicate this process (adultery, murder, greed for money) should be avoided."
Would I think that anyway, or did God put it in my head through his preachers? Maybe the preachers themselves are part of a chain, where this idea was passed down from some very human originators who just had a collective psychotic episode that happened to produce an effective strategy. It doesn't really matter, because I know where I "didn't" get it from. I didn't get it from schooling, I didn't get it from politicians, and I didn't get it from fedora-tipping youtubers that jack off to their own hypothetical IQ scores. The ideas they push run counter to these things I know are right. Free fucking, free subversion, free money.
>Christianity is prefigured in a number of pre-Christian beliefs or religions, like Judaism or various Greek philosophical schools. I would never return to either of these because they are inferior.
So it's safe to say that it's a bastard religion since so much of it is adopted from unrelated?
What happens to people who die and never hear of Christ? or people that are born in places where Christianity isn't the dominant religion?
Because it’s true
Why do you ask stupid questions?
Oh right, flag
Because it’s true and Paganism is for faggots