Why does this image trigger so many people on both sides of the political aisle?

Why does this image trigger so many people on both sides of the political aisle?

Attached: the_ladies_man_640_01.jpg (450x600, 42K)

It doesnt

Does it? Looks innocuous to me.

Bc the chink menace has flown under the radar for too long


Left wingers hate WMAF because they can't stand to see white men happy (of course they cover this up with muh fetishization and muh yellow fever).

White wingers hate WMAF because they hate race-traitors.

Truly, to be a white male in an interracial relationship with an asian women is to be among the most discriminated pairings on the planet, subject to the scorn of all the weak white men who could never get such a powerful, yellow pussy and the hatred of the brown hordes who wish they could harness the power of the aryan penis.

what ever makes you feel your weird fetishes are justified jonathan

Why is he standing like a fag?

I'm fucking pissed anyone would wear a brand on themselves so proudly

Looks like he's standing next to a panther.