How fucking retarded are you climate deniers?

>Sun is on it's minimum circle and the earth still increasing temps.
>We take the oil/ biomass energy what was sealed underground for millions of years
>Where will the energy go? it will stay in the atmosphere
>muh humans are not doing anything wrong
>all the volcano eruptions in 1 year that's like 1-2% of what we produce in 1 year.

Do you understand how fucked we are? no, lets talk about something meaningless like Kavanaugh, races, and muh degeneracy

Humans don't even know they are facing extinction. The earth will be free from this degeneracy and millions of years from lets hope some other species is not stupid as humans... oh shit i forget, there will not be any life on this planet for very long time because of all the destruction humanity already done. Let's not talk about all the nuclear reactors when they lose power.

Attached: CO2 550my Extinction Chart from Ward.jpg (1200x787, 405K)

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Gee user why doesn't the co2 levels match up with rising and falling temperature. Dare I say it unrelated and rising co2 doesn't cause an increase in temperatures?

Attached: 1522424938705.gif (980x643, 42K)

Burn all climate change deniers at the stake!

Attached: rdh.png (1343x597, 488K)


At one point there was 10x the C02 we have now. Wher did it go?

If we can add it to the atmosphere we can take it out. Plants literally eat that shit you could build an algae skyscrape and suck tonnes of that shit out of the air, and also reflect more sunlight back out to space with water vapour in the atmosphere.

This is just typical lefty fear mongering.

>co2 is the cause of global warming
Looks like water is way worse of a greenhouse gas. We better just start shipping all our water to the sun so we can survive.

Attached: 1536466128315.png (595x600, 151K)


I hope climate change is real, it will force the cards to be reshuffled, sounds like an ideal scenario to get ethnocentrism going

Worst case scenario we'll get some places flooded, it's not going to end the world

>the artic will be ice free in a decade
Great predictions from early 2000s.

Attached: 1536468776184.jpg (640x365, 67K)

Why would big business lie to us? If they say everything is ok, I would tend to believe them