How fucking retarded are you climate deniers?

>Sun is on it's minimum circle and the earth still increasing temps.
>We take the oil/ biomass energy what was sealed underground for millions of years
>Where will the energy go? it will stay in the atmosphere
>muh humans are not doing anything wrong
>all the volcano eruptions in 1 year that's like 1-2% of what we produce in 1 year.

Do you understand how fucked we are? no, lets talk about something meaningless like Kavanaugh, races, and muh degeneracy

Humans don't even know they are facing extinction. The earth will be free from this degeneracy and millions of years from lets hope some other species is not stupid as humans... oh shit i forget, there will not be any life on this planet for very long time because of all the destruction humanity already done. Let's not talk about all the nuclear reactors when they lose power.

Attached: CO2 550my Extinction Chart from Ward.jpg (1200x787, 405K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Gee user why doesn't the co2 levels match up with rising and falling temperature. Dare I say it unrelated and rising co2 doesn't cause an increase in temperatures?

Attached: 1522424938705.gif (980x643, 42K)

Burn all climate change deniers at the stake!

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At one point there was 10x the C02 we have now. Wher did it go?

If we can add it to the atmosphere we can take it out. Plants literally eat that shit you could build an algae skyscrape and suck tonnes of that shit out of the air, and also reflect more sunlight back out to space with water vapour in the atmosphere.

This is just typical lefty fear mongering.

>co2 is the cause of global warming
Looks like water is way worse of a greenhouse gas. We better just start shipping all our water to the sun so we can survive.

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I hope climate change is real, it will force the cards to be reshuffled, sounds like an ideal scenario to get ethnocentrism going

Worst case scenario we'll get some places flooded, it's not going to end the world

>the artic will be ice free in a decade
Great predictions from early 2000s.

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Why would big business lie to us? If they say everything is ok, I would tend to believe them

Oh I see it was just a Europoor shill thread. My bad I thought there were actual people who believed in global warming. Guess they ran out of memes to prove their point during the ban.

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>millions of years
*tens to hundreds of thousands of years

Also your own picture proves you incorrect. If global warming is real, CO2 levels should be peaking, not at the lowest in recorded history.

Who left the air conditioners and Toyotas running 350k years ago?

>>Sun is on it's minimum circle and the earth still increasing temps.

wait for volcano eruptions newfag

What do you mean? the Co2 is right on the mark with the temperature, they match up perfectly, is this a joke?

We didn't listen.

The cycle of carbon it's all natural

Attached: kringloop.jpg (600x375, 50K)

>climate deniers

I think we've reached peak ridiculousness of the terms you shitheads use.

Are you implying that big business would pay shills to post absolute bullshit here? You're fucking crazy

Yeah except the absolute wrong way round dick head.

Why were Chevron and Republicans so evil during the Jurassic?

Like we can get all the retarded shitskins to stop burning tires to cook whatever they can kill, endangered or not, in shitholes all over the world

Cool graph bra, now tell me where you got that data from millions of years ago.

Race is a major factor in climate change. Overpopulation causes an increase in pollution. Nobody wants to bring that up though. Might offend the lemmings.

Population is the real problem. And let's not forget the fact that we've already reached peak oil and OPEC basically exists only to dole out oil in such a way to hide that fact.. hold onto your plastics, they'll be worth their weight in gold in 15 years. Also ice cores aeem to suggest if the Earth gets too hot it enters a feedback loop kicking it into an ice age.

The are not collecting accurate temperature measurements, for example discarding low temperature readings unless they are sustained over a short time period, and then they massage the already fake data. Independent analysis found temperatures were actually falling

oh no no no no

>Do you understand how fucked we are?
Then I guess it is a complete waste of time to give a shit.
Thanks for the pep talk!

literally a socialist scam

Attached: 1528462885096.png (592x401, 64K)

you should learn about orbital mechanics because i'm damn sure you are so limited in that field that these charts blow your mind, but they shouldn't



11:40 faggot

Gravity is a lie. You want to know the trick to traveling through space really fast? You come to a universal stop. And let the universe come to you. The universe is already moving god knows how fast. So if you can stop moving then the universe will fly by you.

funny how lefties nowaday can talk about climate change and bringing niggers and shitskins to europe to save europes economie because natives are not having kids nowadays. how can they argue about pollution while supporting the biggest antifactor what overpopulation is. why does the left need an exponential growth of population and climate change crisis solutions at the same time while both are connected?

Climate Change is a gigantic fear-mongering PSYop for economic and ideological purposes, a giant scam per say. I used to be a huge supporter of ecology for many years until i realized the many inconsistencies within it's narrative

Very problematic picture go-i mean user


Shut the fuck up idiot

Its not fucking climate changetou all claimed you fucks were specifically called it global warming due to human made c02 stop trying to turn this around.

Gravity is not fully explained because we were told that the universe cannot conduct electricity.
The opposite is true, it can conduct and it's electromagnetic energy that holds everything together. Gravity is just the result of a lot of mass being in the same place.

more like.

i don't care. we have much worst problemes to solve. longer summer doesn't sound that bad after all.

Great argument, cut-dick retard

Well it changes. The planets have gravity. Then the black hole in the center of the galaxy has gravity. And the galaxy itself has gravity. Everything is moving really fucking fast though so if you came to a universal stop youd travel much faster. But that means fighting gravity. You need some anti gravity device. And it would probably open a black hole.

WTF i love carbon taxes now

Why not have an oxygen tax? Only racist misogynistic white republicans would be against that!

You fucking brianlets nobody cares about taxes and that will do nothing. We need to completely change the system of this meaningless consumerism faggot.

Still shilling for the global warming hoax. Disgusting, you and your kind have doomed millions into an early death.

Kill yourself and that will reduce your carbon footprint and we can live free lives without your climate change dictatorship.

Attached: Typical Schlomo.jpg (344x417, 16K)

What I love about this whole thing is how the NPC's can't into scale whatsoever, they see big numbers and piss their pants, like 400 pmm is a huge number and completely miss the MILLION part. Not only that but the fact that CO2 has a logarithmic effect on atmospheric warming, not linear, there is only so much interaction possible with co2 molecules in our atmosphere, the whole chicken little climate hoax is derived from positive feedback's from water vapor that just do not fucking exist is reality, it's a scam, a fraud, a hoax and a huge opportunity for (((them))) to tax the very air we breathe.

>Humans don't even know they are facing extinction.
I wish it were happening faster. Early next week would be optimal.

It's the other way around. Temperature rises, vegetation grows, rejects CO2.

yes, but the strength of gravity is inversely proportional to distance so even with SagA* being at the center of the Milky Way isn't "strong" enough to hold the galaxy together. Electromagnetism is the answer and why Tesla was hung up about the universe being seen as only energy, frequency and vibration, there is no matter.

Other way around, it's pretty clear on the graph. Temperature increase= Vegetation grows, rejecting more CO2. Temperature decreases = vegetation still here, takes some time to shrink.

Climate denial manual

>Step 1: Quote a blog, that quoted a blog, that quoted another blog that completely twisted and misrepresented some data.

>Step 2: Repeat enough times to make all the Climate Scientists kill themselves

it seems all these climate change denial news sources are just trickledown factonomics Edit: By this I mean that multiple sources, often climate change deniers, are getting their ideas from people who got their ideas from others who misunderstood a piece of data which superficially seems to support their climate change denial but in reality is a mere exception. Potholer referred to it as a game of telephone in one of his recent videos, since the message gets distorted over each source, and since the principle claim was misunderstood by the first blogger, the "facts" get more and more incorrect.

The ice sheets may not be getting thicker, but it seems that the skulls of climate change deniers are.

Are you a shill or do you do this for free?

At one point there was 10x the C02 we have now. Where did it go?

Did you ever try to find out the answer or do you just assume that there isn't one? Because this has been studied for decades.

99.5% of metabolism in soil is not understood at this time but (((they))) know exactly the co2 level 500million years ago

>At one point there was 10x the C02 we have now. Where did it go?

Do you understand CO2 decrease with time? 4000 CO2 no animals was alive. that's 500 million years ago. how long did it took from 4000 to 200. depends but the 3500+ co2 in air lasted for 300 million years!! It's was a trigger effect, if we get this we will definitively be dead. From 4000 to 200 it took around 50 million years

I can put fraudulent data into excel too user

Eco-fascsim is the real redpill.

replicators are the final answer

>yes goyim, buy a little 1100 cc cuckmobile and live in a tiny "green" appartment. You are saving the world!
>never mind Chang and Pajeet shitting up the earth more than the entire western world, you're not a racist are you?
Go pay your carbon tax, faggot

>humans facing extinction
Yeah, nah. I don't give a fuck. I can only hope. Sounds like you shouldn't care either, with the points you made in your post. We need a cleansing. Don't worry the super elite may make it, they will be drinking blood and fucking babies in the massive underground cities until the end of time.

The question was posed by the Canadian I was responding to, not by me.

imagine being plastered across the billions of pieces of flotsam along the way

Jow Forums believes in climate change now because their braindead daddy said its real so he could use it as an excuse to destroy the environment.

Attached: Screenshot_20180929-100758_Chrome.jpg (1080x1406, 411K)

>it's all natural
>Animals eat plants, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and into water
>human population and farm raised animal increased at an alarming rate in the last hundred years
So you admit that we are accelerating the change in climate?

>do you understand CO2 decreases in time?
The half life of carbon dioxide is about 27 years. That isn't fast enough for it to "decrease" at the rate you propose.

I'm glad you agree that we should nuke China and India to save the planet. After all getting rid of their gigantic populations will buy the rest of the world centuries of safe climate.

Proof? Show us the polls you conducted before and now to reach that conclusion regarding Jow Forums's majority beliefs towards climate change

Globall warming LOL

ice cores you dumbass

Explain to me why humanity deserves to exist.

If you actually looked at it closely brainlet, youd see CO2 increase lages temp by about 800 years, and temp starts to fall from the peak while Co2 remains high.
>what is correlation not causation?

We deny that its a human made climate change and your chart proves it

I highly doubt you even understand your own chart fucktard

Attached: wat.jpg (323x322, 29K)

>How fucking retarded are you climate deniers?

Weather stations at runways. Lol.

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fucking this.

it's about all of you waking up and your ice
melting, ie your souls thawing out and you
all finally get to make a choice, stay in the
womb, or get out. global warming is just
a fancy way for them to say global sodomy
as sodomy means burning. if they cannot
keep sodomizing you, their world will grow
cold, that's what happens when you lose
power. as they lose power, everyone else
stops getting sodomized and keep their
power, their heat grows, melts their ice
(no more mr nice or ice guy) and the whole
house of control comes tumbling down.

that's what they're scared of and that's what
global warming is. all of you melting out of
your ice due to the fire that is on its way.
higher consciousness.

there are to many undesirables on earth
who stand in the way of this change, which
will add even more heat :-)

Two climate deniers equal of IQ below 80, doesn't understand the timescale of what 100 years vs million years.

>but muh humans doesn't do anything bad. we can't be the problem it's natural.

read the fucking text in my thread you fucking useless waste of air and produce more brainfarts into air heating the environment.

>dinosaurs caused climate change
gj understanding your own chart fucktard

No one ever denied the climate changes you fucking retard, the argument has been over the cause, and the left keeps insisting this is all man's fault, and the rest of us say it's a natural cycle that we can't do shit about other than personally prepare for harsher weather and food shortages.

Attached: this one graph utterly BTFOs the anthropogenic global warming theory.jpg (500x182, 63K)

Are you really that retarded? Fucking shit, im out of here, either dumb or just trolling

>either dumb or just trolling
Why not both?

looks like atmospheric co2 cycling is a natural thing to me based off of your chart, but what do i know about reading charts. maybe prehistoric life burned fossil fuels and caused their own extinctions?

Climate change exists. We are not causing it. Good talk.
Instead of arguing about carbon tax and destroying business over something you're to fuckjng stupid to grasp, I'd start asking your friends in coastal cities to move. Maybe ask a congressman for some money to build a seawall. Or invest in hydroponics maybe? Because it's going to happen, no matter how much business you kill.

>doesn't understand the timescale of what 100 years vs million years

Prooven again, you dont understand your own chart. The destiny is at least 1 million years ahead.

>but muh humans doesn't do anything bad. we can't be the problem it's natural.

I never said that we dont polute the environment, but its only a tiny percentage of what nature itself does to the climate.

You dont even understand how fucking much a vulcane can put out

How fucking retarded can you deniers be!! it's like talking to fucking apes!!

Do you understand for just 120 years ago it was 280ppm you Mongolian faggots. Do you understand it takes normal 1000's of years just to increase 10ppm. we're increasing the speed never seen before faggots

I'm fairly sure that there were far more animals in the past than now, considering how many species we've also exterminated through history.

>Oh no, humans did it also 270 million years back

You are just a huge brainlet

Attached: Unbenannt.png (530x247, 138K)

Climate denier is a cool buzzword bro, but i'll tell you what's the deal about the climate infidels you hate.
They (including scientists) were already called deniers when they were sceptical about the human hand in sustaining the CO2 release into the air because there's unfathomable amounts of it in the ocean getting released.
Since then our apocalypse went from "global warming" to "climate change".
The problem with your cult is that it has brought the world nothing but superficial laws and regulations to "protect the environment" based on nothing but a (intentionally politicised) scientific ARGUMENT.
In the end, all that ever happened because of this climate spook is states and corporations having to spend staggering sums of money to play along (much to the liking of dr. goldberg) while also being a historically invaluable tool to discredit your political opponent. I've seen press hit jobs on Trump based on his climate stance alone in germany.
The climate spook is not scientific, it is a political instrument established by the left.

So you really should not be calling us CO2 Nazis retarded while using the very buzzwords that the perpetrators of this monumental scam want you to use.

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please kys waste of oxygen

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You just post some graphs you dont even understand, go back to plebbit faggot

Serious question. Do you think we are the sole cause or are there many contributing factors?

One of the biggest reasons to oppose globalization is for the sake of the environment. All countries that fail to meet environmental standards and CO2 targets should have blanket tariffs on their exports. Companies should be incentivised (through taxes and tariffs) to produce goods locally where possible. In my experience most libshits think consumerism is more important and oppose such policies.

I fuck your mother till you give me a good argument with facts other than that ill enjoy your slut mother. peace

He thinks that yes, that what I want him to understand. I dont think he even reads my post.

Fucking NPCs

Look at that

Attached: 1374655401286.jpg (800x800, 134K)

>120 years ago
Ohhhh, big man with big numbers.
Nigger doesn't know about the Black Mat lol.