New info an user poster earlier indicates that the Illegal immigrant who killed Tibbets first tied and gagged her deep...

New info an user poster earlier indicates that the Illegal immigrant who killed Tibbets first tied and gagged her deep within a cornfield and filmed himself shoving a large cob of corn into her orifices repeatedly

This information first came out on local news stations where the anchors went into detail on the recently scrubbed information relating to the murder of Mollie Tibbets, where they specifically said " the incident leading to the anal passage to completely collapse was in the coroners report"

Many times these rapists are so nervous or scared that they aren't able to get hard. They get frustrated and embarrased that they can't even perform that they end up penetrating their victim with objects just for the thrill plus the additional humiliation factor. This happens with sticks, tire irons, pretty much anything a degenerate thinks he can shove up there, regardless of how much force is needed.

The user in the last thread managed to grab a frame of the snuff video before it was shoad, see the link below

They specifically said she died from "multiple sharp force injuries", and no fucking mention it was a stabbing and were incredibly vague with the cause of her death


Attached: mollie-tibbetts.jpg (2700x1800, 1.15M)

Other urls found in this thread:

link doesnt work you slantly coin slot eyed gook

Gonna need a copy of that video for investigation purposes

have a bump

Ilegal immigrant here

Fuck off with this shit already, the only thing you're doing is keeping a wound open from a man trying to find peace, this girl was murder the details don't matter

Oh, is this her?

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Maybe they were just experimenting with a new dish?
Those Mexicans have great food after all. I'm sure her dad would have loved to taste it.

>country girls make do

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Watch out for your cornhole

>m daughter may have been anally Mutilated till death by an illegal Mexican but them Tacos tho

The absolute, total and final state of white """"men""" in 2018

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her father's a cuck...she deserved it! f' her!

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Bump. Saw the corn thing earlier, don’t know anything about it

You're right.

When Americans capture and eat Mexicans in small boarder towns theres no need to report on it.

They're already raped and eaten so who cares?

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Country girls make do

big if true

This happens more often that you will wish to believe, the border is full of dangers for everybody and is not only the Mexicans doing shit but this crime was already reported, the fucking Nigger is behind bars and he'll be sentenced soon justice will be served, now what does poll gain by making fake news with no evidence and just keeping a nasty story open.
Nu pol loves this shit but you boomers can all Fuck off

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its just a shitty pic is there a video of it?

She’d be alive if illegals weren’t here. Fuck off.

Wonder why the MSM has failed to report this. Keep trying to frame savage foreigners as law abiding citizens you fucking traitors. You might control the TV and print media, but the truth makes its way to the internet and to the people. OP doing GODS work.

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It got scrubbed before I could download it

Maybe some other anons have it

Right in the cornholio

Mollie “if I take one more step it’s the furthest from the Shire I’ve ever been” Tibbetts

Mollie “Maize runner” Tibbetts

Fuck you Chong go make fake news on reddit

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fake but funny

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>where the anchors went into detail

anchors dont go into details period, let alone of anal passages and corn cobs. kys faggot

bumpin cause i want to see the video ;-)

Stop trying to rile people up with the violent details. Plenty of time for trump to sort out illegal immigration without anyone dwelling on this shit

I’d pay good money to find you right now

the only manner politics can talk about violence is war.

>it's fake
>but show the video

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Does her dad know this?
Do you think it would change his mind on how he feels about illegal criminals?


Every thot needs a sex tape

Definitely probably not. The kikes got to him first and very easily indoctrinated his normie mind.

there is no evidence of this anywhere, you just made it all up

What for, trust me I am not the type of person you want to confront personally, let the fine police do what they have to, they know who I am, they know what I do if I am still here is because they know I am more of an asset than a liability otherwise I wouldn't be here

Her dad is a spineless cuck who pretty much celebrated his daughter's death because of muh food.
But it would be powerful if he saw the video either way. Though he would never admit we were right.

the police do fuck all, put your pussy where your mouth is



She got COBBED



Thats the whitoid male mind

just so everyone else knows this guy didn't see a pic, it 404s just like one of the first few replies said and this thread is shit.

Meaning what, I confront you?
I ain't got no time for you, I ain't got no time for Nigger shit either and the American police is one of the fucking finest you'll ever meet anywhere

>This information first came out on local news stations where the anchors went into detail
Not blievable. Tv anchors don't give detailed descriptions of rape-murders.

you caught me red handed what can i say im clearly lying

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bitch got what she deserved

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