Wtf is this shit?

Wtf is this shit?

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What's wrong with an FBI investigation anyway? If he's innocent then there's nothing to hide.

Roy Moore might not have been ideal but the yearbook was a criminal fraud and it went unprosecuted

>fbi isnt completely in pocket of dems

>If he's innocent then there's nothing to hide.
the exact attitude expected of a britcuck, this is the only opinion they allow you to have without a loicense

Yer lawyer tell you that Ahmed?

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America on the verge to collapse over 40 yo rape allegations.

Now the second precedent for naked, crass lawfare at the highest level. In fact, a man who writes a blog called "Lawfare" move than heavily implied that the burden of proof should be on the accused.

Cocaine Mitch has the votes

American Spring

nothing wrong with it, the point is democrats arent acting in good faith and nobody seems to want to call them out on their bullshit

there wasnt even a rape

>tfw he's my senator
>tfw called his office
>tfw I encouraged them to tell cocaine mitch to keep the pressure on
>tfw they laughed
The age of the shell is over.
The time to snap is now!

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The problem with the fbi investigation is that its a clear tactic to delay the confirmation further. It is very likely a disingenuous move, perpetuated by the supposed party of sympathy & morality.
That is the problem.

It's bullshit either way.

Under rule of law, he has nothing to prove. He is innocent until actual proof is presented.

But in the court of public opinion, if he doesn't play (((their))) game then he's guilty for not adequately defending himself.

How can anyone live in such an environment?

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I don't think we will make it through the winter. I've never seen the right and left so pissed. The fuck white people rhetoric has spiked this week. I think we are one event away from it happening.

Right-wingers being pissed is good, it means they'll vote. Republicans will get 51-57 senate seats and 221-230 House seats if only they turn out to vote and turn out their liberal reps and senators. Democrats have made a miscalculation and Trump didn't even have to goad them into it.

Notice Trump has been quiet for the past week? The stock market is just about to exceed where it was in January, by November we'll be above 27,000. Trump is rallying, meeting with Kim, negotiating trade and saying very very little in general. He's letting the Democrats destroy themselves and building up the image that he's getting things done.

I'm really interested in what Trump will say tonight in WV. The base needs a direction to channel their anger. I almost hope he would call for a march on Washington.

>trump agrees to new fbi probe

If Trump didn't agree to the probe, Kavanaugh's nomination was finished. That was all on Flake.

Kav already got through the SJC vote. The debate time of 30 hours has already started and will continue through the weekend, ending on Monday. After that McConnell will have the cloture vote. The FBI probe will finish on next friday, when the final vote is supposed to occur.

Will probably say something like "if joe flakes on Kav, vote him out". Trump is going there to rattle Manchin to force him to vote Yes on Kavanaugh.

not really its a way to get this done and over with, since the democrats keep fucking filibustering.

We all should pay attention to victims of the targeted individual program because it's real.