Euroweek Thread: Part Two

EU-funded Euroweek, hundreds of camps dotted around Poland where every single Polish high school in the land sends their girls for enrichment trips with dark-skinned men.
They receive a fake certificate at the end of it.

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White women are the one who will destroy Poland, screencap this, it will happens and it's starting

You went at this for 6 hours straight the other day. Do you not have a job outside of this cuckposting of your interracial fantasies under the guise of exposing these places?

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Why am I seeing kids not even 10 being held by brown shit skins who look 30?

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It must really be embarassing to shout and boast as le poland and end up like this. Next up is greece or something.

le based poland*

Yet the Canada price bashing threads are perfectly fine. Hypocrites

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Meme flags strike again.

>triggered diaspora slavnigger


Leave a 1 star rating and some redpills for parents to see on the euroweek google review page

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Based Ge*manics talking shit.

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>muh meme flag
What happened to muh jews?

I do not differentiate between niggers and slavniggers.

They're both welfare leeches and economic parasites, and they must be driven back into the sea.

Ok krautnigger, but now its time to get fucked in the ass by Ahmud, your local kebab owner.

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I thought Polish guys went around fucking up shitskins. Do they not know this is happening? Somebody needs to let Poles know what's happening to their little girls so nigger and Arab blood starts flowing in the streets

I don't bottom.

give me the rundown

Poland's love of all things toilet related continues

I fuckin hate them so much

How hard is is for men in Germany to find a girlfriend with all that contention from refugee men?

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You fell for the memes. In UK polacks are the most docile happy wagecucks followed by romanians (not the gypsy ones).

I find it hilarious and the thought of Poland getting BLACKED is invigorating and delicious.

I unironically hope it's my taxes that are funding this.

Fuck me. Not this thread again.

You're already funding the same for your country. Damn you really love interracial. You don't have to throw money at shitskins to have them fuck your wife, Hans.

Spring will be full of mixed nigger/arab + polish babies. Just like during the old Otoman times.

Polacks deserve this thread daily for being so low in the google trends for MGTOW while this is happening.

>Ok krautnigger, but now its time to get fucked in the ass by Ahmud, your local kebab owner.

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I don't have a wife, vagina is gross.

You don't have a wife even though you like vagina.

I win.


>autistic reddit spacing

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Friendly nigger bump for Poland :3

>Moooooooom, I'm being confronted with SPACING, and it triggered me so much I've soiled my pants, and it's just not faaaaaaaaair
>waaaaaah, waaaaaah


Yall are drawing a lot of conclusions from some social media selfies and need to realize that this is the white weakness

You are ruled by fear and it makes you kill yourselves for jews

Women will be attracted to confidence

Who's more confident? The guy smugly taking a selfie with polish girls or the angry pale nerds of the world fapping to porn and screaming at the memes they obsess over?

Also stop fucking spamming this thread or I will report you next time OP. Jesus christ, 100 times is enough

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I meant Poles in Poland

Reddit? The place where Fat Donny hangs around?


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Springtime 2019 mutt babies due

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Shartident Trump, the BRAP-in-Chief.

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Do cherry picked images like this get you hard?

Do they trigger the whiteboys?

Do you find yourself clever or funny?

Even a bot could do more interesting autotasks...

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>Healthy Tomaz Abdul Khan, born May 12th 2019 weighing a healthy 10 pounds 3 ounces

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Sauce please, that is fucking terrifying for when SHTF

Is this surprising to anyone?

He's tall and not afraid of talking to her

lmao, they're both autists and no, it's not fine. Ignore, don't bump and they would go away. But no, you can't stop yourself from responding

I've seen that this post tirggered you m8

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I've seen this thread like 5 times on the front page

It's going to be considered spam if OP does this bullshit once or twice more

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Mariusz, why Polish parents send daughters to get fucked by Ahmed in a camp? What gives?

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>where every single Polish high school in the land sends their girls for enrichment trips with dark-skinned men
Not only the girls, it looks like.

>implying there is a difference.

How would I know? Why are people in the West supporting commies?

>mfw my daughter is now a coalburner

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A lot of muzzies give rundowns to Ge*manics, you wouldnt want one
